Fitness Forum

448 Topics 28.4k Posts
  • JK vs BigRed

    0 Votes
    4k Posts

    Been a few weeks. Have run, have ridden, have golfed, have eaten heaps of shit food, have drunken plenty of piss. Have not been injured.

  • Bodybuilding.....

    8 Votes
    34 Posts

    Update. Hired a mate who is an online coach who I like his training philosophy. He's an ex international footy player and his wife's an ex international in another sport but has done the training under all the guys I like, knees over toes, Kelly starett etc.

    Got dexa today i decided to reset the goal as it would be even more unhealthy than bodybuilding already is to try and get to single figure body fat % by the start of August. Would probably need to lose 1-1.2kg a week and hope that 70% is far loss. Otherwise I would be in average stage shape.

    Reset the goal to under 100kg (115 ATM) this year, improve my movement patterns/touch my toes/improve aches and pains and body recomp. With the aim to benefit my basketball and life in general. Will allow for a slower cut and hopefully more muscle maintained.

    I don't want to commit to a comp later in the year as have baby #2 in sept so consistently to train hard will go out the window with sleep deprivation.

    Watch this space round 2.

  • Peleton

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @allblackfan2 said in Peleton:

    Looking to buy a stationary bike and wondering if any recommendations re make, models, basic requirements etc from Ferners who know about these things?

    do you have a bike at all?
    do you want to do programmes / virtual riding i.e. hook up to a computer?
    will more than one person be using it?

    I'd recommend at least a 'smart trainer' - programme controls the trainer e..g if you're riding a road course when it goes up a hill it makes it harder or in erg mode when doing a programme it controls the power you have to put in.

    riding on a 'dumb' stationary trainer will drive you insane very quickly.
    most basic option if you have a bike is a 'wheel on' smart trainer
    $250 plus bike plus monthly sub for whatever platform you use.

    from there you step up to a 'wheel off' direct drive trainer - more expensive but very quiet and a much nicer feel.

    if you don't have a bike and you want a stationery smart bike - they're up there in cost.

    Smart Bikes & Trainers Smart Bikes & Trainers

    We are the indoor bike trainer specialist in NZ. From on-wheel trainers to Smart bikes we have you covered. We live and breathe indoor bike trainers so can help you select the best trainer for your needs. Why buy from us? Knowledge, Service, and Aftersales care.  If for what ever reason you have an...

    I'd always struggle to buy one of those full bike setups as you can buy a bloody good 2nd hand bike plus trainer for less - then you've got a bike to use outside if you ever want to.

    but if you're say a couple then they're got as easily adjustable

    have a yarn to the dude who runs that site - they hire stuff as well - always a good option in case it doesn't 'take'!

  • MN5s muscle maintaining musings....

    3 Votes
    189 Posts

    I really need to update this thread more than I do…..

    Things still going strong and I’m hopefully training smart as well as hard. The garage gym is sorting most needs and I’m loving the improvements I’ve made with the skipping I’m doing 3 times a week. In typical MN5 fashion I did manage to overdo it and fuck up the ball of my foot a bit which required loads of Deep Heat and rest so I’m being careful and listening to my 47 year old body.

    I’m also making a few visits to the calisthenics/machine weight park down the road, the seated chess press and leg press are a really good supplement to Dips/plyometrics/chins etc. SO much easier on the joints than free weights and still a terrific workout. Chest press only goes to 80kg so I make sure I smash out quite a few reps as opposed to bursting at the eyeballs trying a 1rm.

    Rig is feeling decent but fuck me the recovery is tougher as you get older.

    Getting old is shit.

    But it is imperative to keep the body moving and functional and delay it as much as you can.

  • Building myself back up

    0 Votes
    1k Posts

    Going to try to keep a regular log as has been a bit helter skelter.
    2km Ski erg
    2km Ski erg
    Hopefully fit in a PM session as well. Pity pool still too farking 🥶

  • My Turn ... Running Down A Dream

    7 Votes
    291 Posts

    Completed the Selwyn Marathon today, my 41st marathon, in 3 hours 39 mins. Nothing amazing about my time and the course is quite a dreary one doing 2 laps around farmland in Lincoln, but it's still a marathon, and beats the usual training session on a Sunday haha.

    Next stop, Helsingborg, Sweden. Will be at the end of my 7 week European holiday, so my time there won't be pretty, but it's always exciting doing an overseas marathon so I'm not complaining.

  • Hubris

    0 Votes
    95 Posts

    @Duluth said in Hubris:

    @MN5 said in Hubris:

    Thank goodness I have a garage gym

    Just being nosey.. what's your setup? A rack, bench and free weights?

    Chin up bar, dip bench ( two wooden benches side by side ), punching bag, weights ( to add to chins/dips )…..barbell…..very basic but it does the job.

    I had a bench to bench press but that broke years ago, never replaced it as dips are easier on my shoulders and in my opinion more effective

  • Iron-Voodoo

    9 Votes
    99 Posts

    @scribe said in Iron-Voodoo:

    @voodoo after about 5 years, I’m back in the pool. What a shock to the system! It’s a 50m outdoor pool; swimming on the weekend it was a balmy 3 degrees outside here in London. Luckily the water temp is 21 degrees. Finding it all v therapeutic and can see why I used to enjoy it so much. Got talking to a guy in my lane who had swum Lake Taupo (40 odd km) and Lake Geneva (70km). Insane but quite inspiring!

    Swimming in 3 degrees sounds horrific! Good work though!

  • TR vs the future

    0 Votes
    994 Posts

    so just had the scan, confirmed that it is an 'indirect' or inguinal hernia, at moment is just fatty tissue coming through, so I think that is wait for the Dr to send surgery recommendation through

  • Marginal gains

    4 Votes
    48 Posts

    Monday Weigh in.
    Weight 88.4kg (400 gram gain)
    Bodyfat 27%

    Got 4 runs in this week including one on the local hill. Weather was shit so happy that I still got out as its a total pain having to constantly dry the wet weather gear. Even managed another 25 minute 5k right on the nose. So that's progress

    Picked up my missed session and did my normal 4 Current Lifts are Squat 90kg but this is right on my limit now so sets of 2, BP 60kg surprised I got through this, OHP 37.5kg dropped down to single lifts and 10 sets. Deadlift 100Kg the only one I am still going strong on. May add one more exercise to my routine. Want to get good at pull ups so will target that area.

    Eating wasn't actually bad this week didn't get my 80% target but managed 4 out of 7 days. A lot of nervous snacking during the rugby and had one dinner out where I was probably not as strict as I could be. Some bad choices though around options too much bread which is a bit of a gateway drug for me. The truth is in the results though and to put on 400 grams needs to be a kick up the arse.

    Been up and down this week, surprisingly not as gutted about the rugby result as I thought I would be. Over the years have come to expect that the game is taken out of the players hands with TMO and you can't blame them they are not in control of that. Its not like someone has lost their shit and punched someone. They just get it wrong sometimes.

    A familiar pattern is starting to form though and I need to get on top of things again this week. May add a mid week update to try and keep me honest.

  • 0 Votes
    445 Posts

    Just a quick update (after the last one I spent about 6 months off with calf strain, then cuts on my foot that needed to heal)-have done regular zone 2 most of this year, about 2-3 hours a week, although lately at 5-8 hours. Doing hill sprints 1-2 times a week now.
    I just did a speed test yesterday of my old 150 steps circuit, 12 repeats in 21:26 which is faster than ever (used to be around 24 minutes)....I can really see the benefis of the slow zone 2 (try to be 105-115HB) combined with zone 4-5 (try to be above 155 to 173 near max). Sometimes I add in recovery to last week I did the 150 step place, max speed for 3 (about 5 minutes) with ~2 minutes rest to get HB to 120, 4-5 sets. Other times I do 1 max speed sprint, then rest, or just go all out for 20-25 minutes, and week by week trying to increase that up to 30 minutes. I also do some sprints at gym.

    unfortunately I have had to stop upper body stuff for almost 2 years due to 5-10% tear in shoulder tendon from painting or swimming. I had hoped it would be better. I will need to find time to get an op on it I think, currently trying various online exercises, sporadically.

    would love any ideas on healing a tendon by any means except op....!

    this workout shows my 5 minutes full speed, 2 minutes rest
    60792 - Copy.jpg

  • Hindu Press Ups and Hindu Squats

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    Seems like everyone refers to these exercises in different ways. First time I hear the name Hindu pushups and Hindu squats and I've been doing these for years.

  • AWL's octagon-shaped midlife crisis

    13 Votes
    11 Posts

    @aucklandwarlord awesome mate

  • Pushing Tin - Paekakboyz Training Log

    0 Votes
    2k Posts

    @Paekakboyz if you are looking for a big change, my company has some vacancies in Wellington 🙂

  • Fatbusting: Kirwan's log

    0 Votes
    1k Posts

    @JK said in Fatbusting: Kirwan's log:

    Sorry to hear re the ongoing issues but great to hear you are back at it mate!

    It does indeed suck to get old! Injuries and issues flare up so easily! And recovery takes ages!

    Well some of it was self inflicted. Me and my other brother re-created an old photo we had with our sons on our shoulders. My son is now at least six foot and pretty solid build. I pretended to smile in the photo, got him off and had pins and needles down my arms, so did something to my neck. Sigh.

    Our wives were super impressed. Good photo though.

  • "Iron Wolf"

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
  • Online Fitness Tips

    2 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Crucial said in Online Fitness Tips:

    Seems to be a few posts popping up (maybe a mod would combine) but here is a shameless plug for one that dishes out a lot of practical training advice in very short snippets and happens to be my offspring.

    Obviously these are done as promos for his programme work but give an idea on his overall approach.

    Nice deadlift form there !

  • "Wild Moose"

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @SBW1 This guy is one of my favourites, I like the way there are a variety of movement patterns. It makes training interesting and you are improving your skill level, this really appeals to me, plus it is fun.

  • HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

  • You know you're getting old when...

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Crucial ...there may be some truth in that