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  • 0 Votes
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    Fuck predictive text. Just fuck it.

  • Beer thread

    0 Votes
    2k Posts

    @RoninWC said in Beer thread:

    @nzzp said in Beer thread:

    @MN5 said in Beer thread:

    Are the criticisms of your brew actually valid or are the judges just being colossal beer piston wristed gibbons ?

    some have very very good palates.

    Personal view: I thinkg etting off the trub is overrated. I have been pressure fermenting and then serving straight from the fermzilla all rounder and the beer has been top tier. Mind you, it only lasts a few weeks - but getting off the trub hasn't been something that alarms me (or my beer nerding neighbour).

    Your setup looks mint though, it's a great hobby.

    I thought that maybe the judges and professionals were over-egging the whole thing too but honestly, I did a side by side comparison of my first brew moved off the trub with the last using the old method and I could tell the difference right away and importantly, so could friends who never knew I'd changed the method.

    I find the taste is cleaner and it allows the hops to really shine. However, by changing that last hop addition at a lower temperature and for a shorter period of time also adds to that a great deal.

    Also, forgot to add that I do a soft cold crash before moving the beer off the yeast trub to make sure that as much of the yeast and non-haze material drops out of the beer.

    I know it's wanky but I honestly believe my beer is noticably better for doing this.

    Great info. I'm going to try this for my next 20L batch. Should be an easy thing to do

  • Grumpy Old Man

    9 Votes
    3k Posts


    Yes, the bullshit-ometer is constantly registering high.

  • Memes

    3 Votes
    10k Posts


  • Movie review thread...

    0 Votes
    19k Posts

    @canefan said in Movie review thread...:

    After watching Axel F I decided to watch the three original films. After the freshness of the first film, the second was okay but followed the same formula as the first. BHC3 was an abomination and it's no wonder it took them 30 odd years before anyone would let Eddie Murphy make a fourth. I did spot a cameo by George Lucas though, which did nothing to salvage the wreck

    I’m not sure why they thought it would be a good idea to set the whole thing in a theme park.

  • Bad/Lame Jokes

    4 Votes
    597 Posts


  • 1 Votes
    8k Posts

    Crumbs, who knew Maynard from Tool had such a tender side to him

  • Awesome stuff you see on the internet

    1 Votes
    12k Posts

    @mikedogz said in Awesome stuff you see on the internet:

    Faster than most people going forward.

    That's BULLSHIT!
    He was early off the mark.
    My record stands.

  • Crowdstrike outage

    1 Votes
    37 Posts


    CrowdStrike: Company that caused global techno meltdown offers partners $10 vouchers to say sorry - and they don't work CrowdStrike: Company that caused global techno meltdown offers partners $10 vouchers to say sorry - and they don't work

    The company behind the world's worst IT outage has given gift cards to its teammates and partners to apologise and thank them for the extra work during last week's meltdown.

  • RIP 2024

    5 Votes
    200 Posts

    @Catogrande said in RIP 2024:


    Even cooler story 😀

    I’m trying to think if I can incorporate any dragons into it….

    Mayall toured until pretty recently. Legendary stuff. Hats off to the man for doing what he loved for so long

  • 0 Votes
    9k Posts

    My issue with this is the wording of the headline, it lead me to believe the tourist bit the horse

  • TV Serieseseses

    0 Votes
    13k Posts

    @Bones said in TV Serieseseses:

    @pakman parakalo That’s all Greek to me!

  • Star Wars VII ****contains spoilers****

    0 Votes
    5k Posts

    Finished the Acolyte,


    the things i liked out number the things i disliked

    there is some rough acting (most of the jedi).....but Manny Jacinto was a very good bad guy and i liked his motive of just wanting to be what he is, a dark side user....but because the jedi say he cant exist then he has to push back

    there is obviously going to be more, the teaser of Darth Plagueis suggests even if he believes it he is being played

    some cool fights scenes but also slightly convoluted plot i felt

    i was hoping for a completely unconnected starwars story but it clear they just cant step away from connections to the originals

  • Favourite Comedians

    2 Votes
    764 Posts
  • Stupid shit you see on the internet

    0 Votes
    2k Posts

    @Machpants said in Stupid shit you see on the internet:

    Filming someone whilst they boil to death isn't tragic, it's sick.

    I haven't read the whole article, did she intentionally film him dying? If not, I'd be inclined to say it's fairly tragic. Otherwise there's a whole lot of sick fucks filming plane crashes at airshows.

  • Twitter

    0 Votes
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  • Happiness Scale

    3 Votes
    1k Posts

    @canefan said in Happiness Scale:

    @booboo said in Happiness Scale:

    @canefan said in Happiness Scale:

    @booboo said in Happiness Scale:



    There's something comforting about open fire

    Incredibly still night with single figure temps. Great night to chill while burning stuff😀

    Just need some strong spirits

    Quiet Shiraz does the job 😀

  • Tech Questions

    0 Votes
    331 Posts

    @Nepia said in Tech Questions:

    @Dan54 said in Tech Questions:

    Ok people, probably not tech in your opinions, but myself and wife are heading Europe and UK for 6 weeks in Sept, just trying to work out ideas for phones while we away. I know some say roaming, but carrier (Skinny)doesn't do roaming in UK or a lot of Europe. I just think it probably fairly important to be able to be contacted etc in case, and maybe we would want to post a few things on facebook etc. So any and all suggestions would be appreciated, and as I not tech savvy if it simple would be great.

    I've never used them but a mate of mine uses travel sims with data from this company, not sure if they have a NZ branch but might do as web company:

    I have no idea if they're the best/cheapest etc so you might need to do some googling.

    esims are easy and should be used more, I use them about 4-5 times a year, Airalo, Holafly, all good. Just google esim and do comparisons for destination.

    Tip: depending on how long layover and multi-hop, consider the regional, global esim option, then you dont even need to do other activations at every stop

  • Science!

    12 Votes
    622 Posts
  • WWE Network

    0 Votes
    425 Posts
