• 0 Votes
    17 Posts

    Juan Cruz Mallia, Sebastian Cancelliere, Matias Moroni, Jeronimo de la Fuente (c), Santiago Carreras, Domingo Miotti, Felipe Ezcurra, Tomas Lezana, Marcos Kremer, Francisco Gorrissen, Lucas Paulos, Guido Petti, Lucio Sordoni, Agustin Creevy, Mayco Vivas

    Reserves: Julian Montoya, Javier Diaz, Joel Sclavi, Matias Alemanno, Bautista Pedemonte, Gonzalo Bertranou, Joaquin Diaz Bonilla, Santiago Chocobares

  • Jaguares v Reds

    Rugby Matches
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  • 1 Votes
    128 Posts

    Well moving on from hot woman, or just a shoet break, finally watched the game.
    Huge improvement from last week, showed a little heart and commitment this game.
    Forward pack stood up and didn't get totally walked over.
    No 10 is still a problem, as we knew it would be, but JGB starts ever week over Smith now.
    I read Jordies kick was 1m short of the record at super level, was crazy when you see it cleared the posts by at least 10m. I know he has many detractors but I thought had a very good game.
    I thought Proctor was ok at 13, but you could see the spark Aso added, he just has the great combo with Laumape. But how about that soccer dive when Proctor scored, I know its a carryover from soccer there, but it is ridiculous. At least the weird ref called them out one time for "simulation"
    I think the Canes bench added a lot of spark, and scored the 2 late tries.
    I still can't see the Canes making if far, unless we can try Jordie at 10, whats the harm? But happy we played with some heart compared to last week.

  • Jaguares v Lions

    Rugby Matches
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    16 Posts

    @Crucial Yup!!

  • 0 Votes
    423 Posts

    @jegga said in SR Final: Crusaders v Jaguares:

    iet , was it something I said?

    You;re fine

    I've just finished replying to all the fan mail I received ๐ŸคŸ ๐ŸคŸ

    All in the name of openness and transparency

  • 1 Votes
    61 Posts

    So it will be fair, all good

  • 2 Votes
    358 Posts

    @MN5 said in QF 3: Jaguares v Chiefs:

    @Jaguares4real said in QF 3: Jaguares v Chiefs:

    @MN5 said in QF 3: Jaguares v Chiefs:

    @Jaguares4real said in QF 3: Jaguares v Chiefs:


    As you want to be wilfully obtuse/dense I'll break it down for you

    Fact that ARG are 10th in rankings is:

    A. Meaningless

    B. Linked to their lack of intensity for Test matches they consider friendlies

    There's been ALOT of changes to ARG in last 18 months

    Ledesma going from Jaguares HC to Pumas HC in 2018

    As well as Quesada now being the Jaguares HC in 2019

    Times are changing

    Pumas have woken up from their lethargy & incompetence at all levels of the game

    Says who ?

    I have a feeling the ABs would be mighty pissed off if they lost the number one ranking.

    Scotlands two victories both came in the last 18 months.

    ABs are a different animal They've been #1 for most of the Professional Era

    Pumas have no interest TBH in rankings You can play mickey mouse teams & pick up points

    **SCO victories whilst nice are ultimately meaningless long term

    RWC is the objective & as I've stated already Pumas were still getting their shit together**

    OK, well in that case hopefully all international matches between World Cups are called off. What's the point in them ?

    Pub quiz in Glasgow.. "And the final question to win the ยฃ200 is:
    Take Thats first album consisted of four words, the first two words were "Take That" so what was the second two words. . .?

    There was a long pause then a wee Glasgow man pipes up...

    Was it "Ya C@nt"...?! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • 0 Votes
    26 Posts

    @cgrant said in Waratahs vs Jaguares:

    Last February, I was alone tipping the Jaguares to win the SA conference and now, they are getting closer to make me right.

    A prophet is not without honor except in his own country among his own people.

    Sun Ra

  • 0 Votes
    126 Posts

    @Gunner said in Hurricanes vs Jaguares:

    I know itโ€™s the rules...but...
    I donโ€™t get why you can knock it back in the general field of play but as soon as you are in goal itโ€™s suddenly illegal?

    I know @Nepia and @Kirwan has replied but just to add a wee bit more explanation you can knock the ball back (or down ๐Ÿ™‚ ) anywhere, including in goal. You just can't deliberately throw or knock the ball dead or into touch with your hands.

  • 0 Votes
    50 Posts

    @Victor-Meldrew said in Highlanders v Jaguares:

    @Bones said in Highlanders v Jaguares:

    @Victor-Meldrew said in Highlanders v Jaguares:

    @sparky Looks a great prospect but early days for Josh Ioane (and don't forget he's playing outside of arguably the best 9 out there). But, yeah, well worth Hansen and co. getting him into the squad and having a good look at him in black.

    He's not exactly going to be playing outside Ruru if he makes the ABs...

    Fair point. But the same argument holds for Otere Black.

    He'd be a bloody legend! Get him in there!

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    The Ponies made something like 200 tackles last week so you'd expect them to be knackered, travel or no.

  • 0 Votes
    46 Posts

    @cgrant good point, almost like a Cane lite.

  • Jaguares vs Blues

    Moved Rugby Matches
    2 Votes
    192 Posts

    @Kirwan Totally agree that is why he needs to be included in the drill so that he isn't the one doing those pop passes.

  • Jaguares v Bulls

    Moved Rugby Matches
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    8 Posts

    Bulls handed out a thrashing last week, but don't like the rain?

  • 2 Votes
    14 Posts

    FYI The Blues have offered to give us some tickets to the Blues v Sunwolves game to give away!

  • Blues v Jaguares

    Moved Rugby Matches
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    305 Posts

    @nzzp Rieko in particular seems to be struggling, Blues are playing him out of form (and position)

  • 0 Votes
    33 Posts

    @pukunui said in Jaguares v Crusaders:

    Decent win in the end. Looking forward to seeing the injured guys coming back for the saders.

    Liking what i see from mataele, strong and elusive. Is he NZ eligible?

    He arrived in NZ in February 2015, so I think he should be eligible. The 3-year residency requirement still applies to him, not the 5-year.

  • 0 Votes
    43 Posts

    @canefan said in Jaguares v Hurricanes:

    I never saw the game but based on what I saw at ITM cup last year JGB is a journeyman at best so far. Didn't stand out at all and often inhibited our backline

    You must have been watching different games to me (are you thinking of NPC 2016) because JGB was very good last year. He was outstanding in the Canterbury thrashing. The one game where his std slipped a bit was the final. But overall he was a massive improvement on 2016 (he was only ok during this yr) and had a very good 2017 NPC season

  • 0 Votes
    22 Posts

    <p>All a bit helter-skelter there at the end.</p>

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    19 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Canes4life" data-cid="596258" data-time="1468387970"><p>Why would you risk losing top spot and instead of playing the Sharks who they smashed earlier this season, they risk playing a kiwi team like the Hurricanes/Crusaders who bet them comfortably during the regular season.<br><br>
    I hope they get smashed in Argentina for being too cocky at this stage of the season.</p></blockquote>
    I do think it's got anything to do with being "cocky". <br><br>
    Managing player welfare is extremely important and it would be hubris to not take these precautions when it's available to them. <br><br>
    I very much doubt that the Lions are looking beyond week one of the finals and doing their best to prepare for that game. This is a franchise that hasn't played finals since the Laurie Mains days....