THe worst ever HB Tipping Team result two weeks ago was surpassed last week with an even worse drubbing against the same opposition. However they may have fallen into our trap of being the only team still in the running to win two NPC Team Tipping Trophies after the demise of Minor Premiers Wairarapa-Bush in a big upset after the very late Southland penalty turn what was looking like a narrow win of Harbour-Auckland into a narrow loss for them. We have the Minor Premiership Wooden Spoon safely tucked away and now only have to find a way to lose to Northland to annex the Real Wooden Spoon. Things are looking quite promising on that score with jus usual chain dragging me being the only one to tip so far
EDIT As I write this @stockcar86 has just fronted. That is a good indication that, like me, he too is getting in early to ensure he can get to McLean Park early to get his pick of what is expected to be a large number of unoccupied seats given the not so friendly weather conditions here today.
Just waiting to see if the likes of @Paj @delicatessen @Stargazer and @BorderJB can get their tips in in time for all games to count. It would be a shame to make it obviously something devious was afoot if we fronted four tippers short to ensure we win The Spoon, especially so when we have had not much trouble getting toppled each week with enough counting scorers anyway!
Naturally a HB 17+ margin is expected but you will not be voodoo pinned if you opt for just a home 9 - 16. Interesting a late surge (well two tippers anyway) have opted for Ta$man as the lowest scorers for the round. Disappointingly neither of those are members of the HB Tipping Team!
TSF Tipping
TSF Tipping
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