Foster, Robertson etc
@MiketheSnow said in Foster:
Skipping past many much anti Foster bullshit and posting a link to a podcast I listened to today ..
Might take a while to realise the relevance. I'll come back in the morning and if I have time will discuss further.
@Victor-Meldrew I'm pretty sure gets this.
But have a listen to the definition of insanity..
V interesting
Culture, grows quickly
A bastard to get rid of
Absolutely spot on, And you need to understand it before you can fix it.
I noticed the Allblacks have shoe horned in a test against Japan on October 29th at short notice before the EOYT tour starts proper.
First thing that came into my mind is they wanted to give the new coach another match to gain momentum.
The first thing that came into my mind was that there’s another first for Foster to his to his résumé
@MiketheSnow said in Foster:
I wonder what Gatland might be quietly doing ...
Please don't.
There's one coach with a worse record at the Chiefs than Fosterand that's our mate Wazza.He does know how to get limited teams to RWC SFs though 😉 Sorry @MiketheSnow
None taken
With all the talk of Robertson surely Gatland and Schmidt should be the next cabs off the rank?
Especially going in to a WC
Have you noticed how poorly the Chiefs have played under Gatland?
He seems to have had trouble adapting back into NZ rugby.He had no trouble coaching the best of NH to a drawn series with NZ and was within one kick of the same with SA.
Sayw what you want about his negative/conservative tactics; they work at test level. Strong set piece, strong defence, strong kicking game with a sprinkling of magic dust.
See I would actually be happy with parts of our current game plan - which is basically let’s throw it around and rely on our individual brilliance - if it also included these things whic Gatland might emphasise. Heck it might even be a game plan that ends up being quite successful
@Victor-Meldrew already started maybe, but the problem is, I bet things have got so shite in the shop window that everyone is questioning themselves, one another, not sure which way to turn...but the boss is a top guy, so no one quite knows why things are so poor, the older guys say we haven't changed much since the last boss was here, and he had a great record.
@taniwharugby said in Foster:
@Victor-Meldrew already started maybe, but the problem is, I bet things have got so shite in the shop window that everyone is questioning themselves, one another, not sure which way to turn...but the boss is a top guy, so no one quite knows why things are so poor, the older guys say we haven't changed much since the last boss was here, and he had a great record.
Possibly what's happening, but you'd hope they're further along than that. And, while I have little experience of culture in v. high-performance teams, I'd imagine they know of the problems or have identified what needs to change, but don't have the skills, the influence with NZR or the helicopter view to make things happen. Be interesting to know if there any new faces in the Leadership group or is it the same people who've been around for a while.
@Victor-Meldrew said in Foster:
@Victor-Meldrew I'm pretty sure gets this.
Sure do. Haven't done this sort of stuff for nearly a decade and didn't want to bore people on a Rugby forum - but thanks to @booboo I now will...
One of the biggest red flags in business for me was hearing: "We changed the manager/director as things were getting bad, the new bloke got off to a good start, but now seems to have lost momentum". Big indicator it was culture not process.
There's a number of ways to survey & measure culture and It'd be fascinating to see what the AB culture looked like in 2015, 2019 and now. My wild guess would be a fall off around internal focus, accepting change and developing adaptability. If there's a trend, I wouldn't be surprised if it had it's roots around 2016 with the departure of much of the leadership group
If that's the case, it could take some time to change and will need a lot more than just changing coaching staff to put right. Being an optimist, it's possible the process has already started.
I see parallels deeper than just within the team.
At the moment we're the French repeatedly charging up the hill (sticking with our style) because it's always worked, and Foster is Phillip bereft of ideas and not in control.
We've even taken a few swipes at our allies the Genovese (Aussies) on the way through.
It's our culture which has made us the most powerful force in eastern Europe (rugby) for 400 (120) years that's convinced us we just have to do what we've always done, only harder.
I think we have rebuild the culture right through the sport to rebuild our understanding of how we create the All Blacks.
The All Blacks have always organically been the best in the world because our system has always been the best in the world.
While this analogy is useful, you have to also consider other possibilities.
What if our troops are OK, but the general put in charge has been placed there because he has good connections, and his generalship is the actual problem?
The Romans didn't get wiped out at Carrhae because they had poor culture. Instead they had an idiot at the helm (Crassus) and inappropriate methods.
Another general, some different tactics and the Romans were good to go.
@taniwharugby said in Foster:
@BartMan we have them on the EOYT, so somehow, Fozzie or someone else needs to arrest this slide...
Scotland are eagerly waiting to hand us more firsts and more learnings....
@Victor-Meldrew said in Foster:
@Victor-Meldrew I'm pretty sure gets this.
Sure do. Haven't done this sort of stuff for nearly a decade and didn't want to bore people on a Rugby forum - but thanks to @booboo I now will...
One of the biggest red flags in business for me was hearing: "We changed the manager/director as things were getting bad, the new bloke got off to a good start, but now seems to have lost momentum". Big indicator it was culture not process.
There's a number of ways to survey & measure culture and It'd be fascinating to see what the AB culture looked like in 2015, 2019 and now. My wild guess would be a fall off around internal focus, accepting change and developing adaptability. If there's a trend, I wouldn't be surprised if it had it's roots around 2016 with the departure of much of the leadership group
If that's the case, it could take some time to change and will need a lot more than just changing coaching staff to put right. Being an optimist, it's possible the process has already started.
I see parallels deeper than just within the team.
At the moment we're the French repeatedly charging up the hill (sticking with our style) because it's always worked, and Foster is Phillip bereft of ideas and not in control.
We've even taken a few swipes at our allies the Genovese (Aussies) on the way through.
It's our culture which has made us the most powerful force in eastern Europe (rugby) for 400 (120) years that's convinced us we just have to do what we've always done, only harder.
I think we have rebuild the culture right through the sport to rebuild our understanding of how we create the All Blacks.
The All Blacks have always organically been the best in the world because our system has always been the best in the world.
Another analogy might be the Swiss mercenaries. Absolutely fùcking ruthless and the benchmark for an elite force back in the day. Then firearms and artillery come along and despite them bravely doing everything that made them so great they were simply overwhelmed by the world moving forward. They at least got the hint. How long until we do? I'd hate to think it would take an absolute bloody massacre, but I'm afraid it might.
@mariner4life did he really have a chance? He is the best thing that coached anything Waikato.
@taniwharugby said in Foster:
@BartMan we have them on the EOYT, so somehow, Fozzie or someone else needs to arrest this slide...
Slides are journeys. Roundabouts are learnings.
From surfer to super coach: Scott Robertson's rise to rugby stardom is a bit early to trod on someone's well-padded bones isn't it?
This post is deleted!
@Chester-Draws said in Foster:
While this analogy is useful, you have to also consider other possibilities.
What if our troops are OK, but the general put in charge has been placed there because he has good connections, and his generalship is the actual problem?
The Romans didn't get wiped out at Carrhae because they had poor culture. Instead they had an idiot at the helm (Crassus) and inappropriate methods.
Another general, some different tactics and the Romans were good to go.
I think that is a bit simplistic. You have to ask, if it was all down to one general (Philip), why the French didn't regain their military supremacy when he departed the scene.
Google tells me Carrhea precipitated a civil war in Rome (a big cultural upheaval) and it took them 16-ish years to eventually win a major battle against the Parthians so a few more changes other than tactics and leaders.
Same with Foster. There's a risk thinking he is the root cause of the problems when what needs to be fixed is maybe much deeper