AB's v Wales
Feel free to set it up guys. I would (was actually trying) but my phone won't let me.
If we get two we'll delete one.
@jc I also thought there was a massive lift when Todd came on. Cane plays like a 7/6 anyway and Squire maybe is better at 8 (I thought LW was very quiet, slow for test rugby? and Squire was quiet in first half). Poor Pat T, could not get into it, but Sam Whitelock was magnificent, like Cane. And Naholo was great (like Ione). Strange we don't normally rely on our 2 wings so much especially considering how slow the ball was in the midfield (you can decide if that was the fault of 9 10 or 12).
NB Taylor was very good, again. OTA still worries me when he comes on, big tough unit be can be brainless at times.
But our 15 still worries me, not always well placed, some strange kicks and does not have the mass for dominant tackles. If he is going to be a 10, sub him on at 10. 15 won't prepare him for 10. -
Scotty B > Pat T -
Since when do we need fullbacks to make dominant tackles?
Compared to Dagg, McKenzie is a tackling genius.
WTF? Another one?
"That might be four cases we've had and all of them have been vaccinated," Hansen said. "I learnt something the other day about that – they combined the vaccines with the measles and it's not so effective. If you're between the ages of eight and 30 you're vulnerable so I'm just missing out."
More reason for concern:
Hansen also confirmed captain Kieran Read continued to battle the debilitating disc issue in his back which ruled him out of the Welsh test and confined him to a bed during the backend of the week.
@chester-draws said in AB's v Wales:
Since when do we need fullbacks to make dominant tackles?
Compared to Dagg, McKenzie is a tackling genius.
Never really given it much thought , but I would probably agree with that ,
Mckenzie despite his faults is a good defender , copy book tackles around the legs .
@stargazer said in AB's v Wales:
"That might be four cases we've had and all of them have been vaccinated," Hansen said. "I learnt something the other day about that – they combined the vaccines with the measles and it's not so effective. If you're between the ages of eight and 30 you're vulnerable so I'm just missing out."
That sounds a bit like the whole MMR vaccine thing that sprung up around 20 years ago that was found to be untrue, and in fact a dangerous view at the time that led to kids being left vulnerable to diseases that were previously very nearly eradicated
Sam Cane. Jesus.
Rieko Ioane. Wow.
Huge efforts all around, but the tactic of constantly returning possession must have been a strategy, which is fine it the kicks are contestable, but it was poorly executed and Wales did well by not really kicking to us at all. When they did, I though Dmac had his best game running back through traffic to link with our forwards, where there were also opportunities (none came off) for breaks as well. Much better and finally some positive signs.
I really like that new Wales 7, he looks the goods. Biggar also went really well I think, and they did well running men through the midfield then taking advantage of our men - although I think they also had about three examples of shepherding/our defenders being taken out, where the attacking player then ran exactly through that space. Fair enough to keep doing it though, because it wasn't being picked up on by the officials. Great try at the end of the first half too - looked a smidge forward, but probably flat enough to not be called back (I wouldn't want that called back for us). Bad read by Barrett I think helped them, but it was a beauty.
Of course, not as good as the 7 man scrum to Ioane move. That was really pretty.
Most of it has been said, but every time I think Patty T will have the game to show he has it in him, he doesn't show up. Made about three great tackles in the first 3 minutes then spent the rest of his time trying to keep up. He's really only a final 20 minutes player, where he can be used well.
(L) Whitelock played relatively well, but he doesn't have Read's speed to cover his game as well. He did OK with his time, but doesn't look like the answer to me. And, I think I'm starting to agree that Squire isn't the answer at 6. He makes tackles, but his lack of defensive impact is highlighted by every tackle made by Cane, who doesn't just make them, but makes them count. To be fair to him, much of his game is based around us having the ball, but I didn't see him putting his hand up to make those runs, and what carries he didi have were pretty ineffective. SBW did a better job coming in from 2nd 5 in taking on that role.
Overall, glad to have that game over, but we are very focused on looking for magic from Ioane. Without him today, how many of those tries would have been created or finished? That's my key problem - even ALB's try was only due to Ioane - because Barrett sure as fuck wasn't help, taking the ball literally flat footed with a straight up pass. He was as non-influential as I can remember today, so little contribution from 10, except for a few cracking cover tackles which only reinforce the view that he is a better international 15 than 10, right now. A number of work ons for him.
Aaron Smith had one of his poorer games and I think needs a break, and a fucking haircut.
Reckon that ball from Ioane to ALB was deliberate, not fortuitous, was it Cully did a bounce pass to Goldie in a BLedisloe....
Funny Barnes has had to tell the Welsh to pipe down a few times basically any ruck they are demanding a penalty for turnover, even when they havent even got hands on.
Thought the pen on Hames and ?? for obstruction was rough, they booth turned and ran back, they had to run a line, and the one straight to the ball was the same as the Welsh chaser, they had no other line to run unless they wanted to look like mouppets and run away from the ball.
Sam Cane, beast, Ioane, so much skill...
@mariner4life hope you feel filthy, lucky it was only a tenner...
Deliberate, but still only dependent on him being a bit special. He wasn’t helped in any way by his insides.
The obstruction penalty was a bit tough I thought, but I also think that Hames did adjust his line slightly (out) as Patty chased relatively straight back. That allowed the opportunity for it to be milked a bit, and that should be the lesson. Barrett had it covered and we had a great opportunity if they hadn’t been a bit too cute.
Worked though, didn't it? I don't necessarily agree with it, but I think they gave him the opportunity - especially (I just watched the replay again) as Hames raises his shoulder as he turns into the Wales player while Patty T shuts down the space chasing from the outside.
@taniwharugby said in AB's v Wales:
Reckon that ball from Ioane to ALB was deliberate, not fortuitous, was it Cully did a bounce pass to Goldie in a BLedisloe....
Funny Barnes has had to tell the Welsh to pipe down a few times basically any ruck they are demanding a penalty for turnover, even when they havent even got hands on.
Thought the pen on Hames and ?? for obstruction was rough, they booth turned and ran back, they had to run a line, and the one straight to the ball was the same as the Welsh chaser, they had no other line to run unless they wanted to look like mouppets and run away from the ball.
Sam Cane, beast, Ioane, so much skill...
@mariner4life hope you feel filthy, lucky it was only a tenner...
I thought if that was a penalty against hames , it should've been a penalty to naholo last week , looked to be a similar degree of intent , only mild but a hint of it there
@gt12 not the point though, if it didnt work he has given up metres through not playing to the whistle, just sets a poor example, just dont like the way so many players do this these days.
There was one ruck where the Welsh 9 put his hands on the ball, rolled it a little, took them off, on and turned the ball to a better position, off, then went and passed it.
Just had my weekly chuckle at my read through of the thread.
Some posters clearly watch a different game than I watch.
BB was average even when he got quick ball. He has his Knights that will defend him no matter what it seems. He was more static than Grant Fox used to be. Smith didn't have a great game either but can't blame him for all BB's woes.
SBW has the reverse effect, has a decent game and a 3rd of the thread is posters whinging about him. Lots of play actually revolves around him. D Mac seems to have turned a corner though with less complaints about him.
At least it appears everyone seemed to rank Sam Cane properly this week ;). What a machine. L Whitelock didn't stand out and Squire didn't really make any waves until the 2nd half. Todd added some decent impetus when coming on in the 2nd half.
@taniwharugby Hames' 3 penalties seem like he was having a tough one but for the first one we never saw a replay, the 2nd one he was penalised for a clear out that was happening every ruck, and his 3rd was the obstruction that even the Welsh commentators didn't have an issue with.
ALB was good after replacing a yet again injured Crotty. Is Crotty trying to take Ngatai's crown as most injury prone midfielder? That battle will be one to saviour next year.
Both Patty T and Barrett were average at lock. I'm surprised that I missed Romano so much. Although, maybe we're being a bit harsh on the locks, as the lineout functioned pretty well and that's one of their core roles. Whitelock had his usual good game, but, he didn't need to go for that ball that close to the line as an infringement was always going to be a yellow, that was a senior player dumb moment that Crockett was rightly strung up for and beaten with a sock full of soap last week. Maybe he thought it was his captains duty to stop a try, but he should have trusted his player's defence.
Ioane and Naholo were both great in attack. When he went through that gap it looked like the cover either side would have a shot but he just gassed away. Naholo's tries shouldn't be underrated as he had to work hard, even if he makes Sivi look like the most intense player we've ever seen in comparison.
Barnes was Barnes, some good some bad. At least our winning % with him now might be close to hitting 70%.
For Wales, AWJ just stood on the ABs side of the ruck for most of the first half. It was weird. Navidi had a good game with ball in hand. Amos was threatening with the ball. I wonder if D Mac will end his career looking jacked like Halfpenny?
Good to end the year on a win. I now need to find time to watch the Oz v Scottish People game.