Rugby Matches

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  • Highlanders v Crusaders

    0 Votes
    249 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="antipodean" data-cid="579686" data-time="1463199487">
    <p>I had a shitty stream and a wife who wanted to know why I wasn't cooking the food I had previously promised. I don't recall stating that specific night.<br><br>
    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>I have been told a couple of times that I have selective amnesia. Maybe you suffer from the same thing?  :biggrin:</p>

  • Canes vs Sharks

    0 Votes
    101 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="hydro11" data-cid="579096" data-time="1463044542"><p>Doesn't sound like there was a whole lot to it, tbh..</p></blockquote>
    There usually isn't much too it in the eye of a fan....<br><br>
    Sounds like it was serious enough to warrant a game suspension to send a message to the rest of the group that this sort of behaviour won't go unpunished.

  • Crusaders v Reds

    0 Votes
    91 Posts

    I did watch Sydenham play university a couple of weeks back, can't recall if he was playing though sorry.<br><br>
    Will look out for the name in future

  • Chiefs vs Highlanders

    0 Votes
    326 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Nepia" data-cid="578340" data-time="1462777377">
    <p>Yeah, even with the TMO watching the replay he appeared to escape any sanction - although maybe the ref spoke to him off camera?</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Perhaps Pryor assumed and expected Weber to catch the ball?</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>I'll save you the trouble - Fuck Off Siam you twat!!  😉 🙂  :fishing:</p>

  • Kings v Blues

    0 Votes
    74 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Nepia" data-cid="578002" data-time="1462674578"><p>
    Another win to the Blues. Two more games against foreign teams which could see a few more points. <br><br>
    Their draw was a bit of a bummer really (they've already played all the NZ teams), if they had a similar draw to the Crusader's they might be sitting in a similar position. ;)</p></blockquote>
    And we'd all be talking about fern favourite Ihaia West 🙂

  • Brumbies vs Bulls

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Bit of that too

  • Chiefs v Sharks

    0 Votes
    86 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Bovidae" data-cid="576839" data-time="1462338167">
    <p>Weber is guilty of this a lot.  It shouldn't be an issue when passing to another midget.</p>
    <p>Wash your mouth out!</p>

  • Highlanders v Brumbies

    0 Votes
    117 Posts

    Yep, a good man always rises to the occasion. Or so I am told.

  • Canes vs Lions

    0 Votes
    78 Posts

    <p>Just watched this as well, great performance,  however I was hoping that the kicking stats had shown Barrett had shaken his yips but all the kicks he got were pretty easy shots. Hopefully it will at least give him some confidence. Fatialofa has been looking awesome, massive lug of a bloke, never really heard of him before the last couple of weeks. </p>

  • Blues v Rebels

    0 Votes
    55 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="booboo" data-cid="576009" data-time="1462019832"><p>
    I know.<br><br>
    Exactly my point.</p></blockquote> <br><br>
    just further to that I'm just some random on the internet.<br><br>
    Not an ex-All Black taunting other countries on the commentary.

  • Force v Bulls result

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="hurricane" data-cid="575877" data-time="1462001442">
    <p>I was going to tip the Force for an upset until I found out grant was missing. </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> :think:  For an upset what? Force fan base?</p>

  • Canes vs Chiefs

    0 Votes
    452 Posts

    <p>Ummm, either you guys are just watching the Canes v the Chiefs for the first time almost a week late, or you haven't realised the Chiefs v Sharks game thread is here . . . <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href=''></a></p>

  • Brumbies v Crusaders

    0 Votes
    96 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Stargazer" data-cid="574959" data-time="1461650178"><p>Yeah, but he did avoid a week because one of his weeks was a bye week. So, again, difference in requirements.</p></blockquote>
    No, Pocock got a two game ban, which lasted three weeks becouse of the bye.

  • Highlanders v Sharks

    0 Votes
    145 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="cgrant" data-cid="574390" data-time="1461403973">
    <p>The loss of Edmunds is a big one. Without him, the Landers scrum looks weak. His absence is also felt in the loose. I rate him highly, more than Reggie Goodes who has a lot of fans in this forum.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>He can also play both sides too, so would have been a good choice for the 5th prop in the ABs. </p>

  • Blues v Sharks

    0 Votes
    210 Posts

    <p>Yeah im a sumo fan , I find his commentary good , and his one liners funny without being over the top , </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>I used to be a John Drake fan too , loved his dry humor </p>

  • Rebels v Hurricanes

    0 Votes
    127 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="hydro11" data-cid="573032" data-time="1460886537">
    <p>Yeah, I meant 4 teams. I remember ages ago there was a discussion about the turf at Westpac stadium. They reckon it wouldn't cope if there was to be an NRL team at Westpac - the turf would just be too heavily used.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>I wonder what the turf at Westpac looks like now then, after the Bulldogs v Warriors game from last night. Didn't watch that game ...</p>

  • Waratahs v Brumbies

    0 Votes
    39 Posts

    I guess that's part of the beauty of the game, not only can differing people play it, different people can take away a different perception.<br><br><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Crucial" data-cid="572918" data-time="1460841471"><p>The lack of impact from Skelton kind of shows just what a leveller and game for all sizes that Rugby Union is and what makes it so awesome.<br> <br>You can't just give a big dude the ball and expect rewards. You have to work together to give him the ball effectively</p></blockquote>True, but if I've got Mumm playing as a lock, I want my tight lock to do more than a metre per carry, or more tackles than there are halves. Particularly if he weighs ~140kg. For some reason our workrate has been poor this season and we're not imposing ourselves. Doesn't help that our execution has failed us too.

  • Dagg to start v Jaguares

    0 Votes
    109 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Cantab79" data-cid="572687" data-time="1460779278">
    <p>I'm very happy with the result, after being worried all week that this could have been a banana skin game for the Crusaders given the travel.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>In saying that, if I'm brutally honest I'm not sure if this game is a reflection on how good we were, or how poor the Jags were. I thought the Crusaders were wasteful again in attack, and squandered quite a few chances that a team like the Chiefs would have taken. The set piece was still good although not flawless. Mo'unga's goal kicking has not been brilliant, but I really like the way he is emerging as a no.10. I thought our best players were Todd,Dagg, Read and Crotty. I know Matt Todd has somewhat flown under the radar this year, what with all the focus being on Cane and Ardie Savea, but he is a seriously good player. His defense is world class, his workrate is phenomenal and his support play is a real feature. He also makes great decisions in attack, in terms of when to pass/offload, when to run and when to take the tackle. </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Yeah - I actually thought we would lose that game. In the end we won easily and perhaps the best performance of the season. Still much to work on, but we're playing with more intent than the past few seasons - some of which is a change in approach from the coaches, but quite a bit a different attitude from the senior players who are a bit less focused on their AB careers.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Dagg had an excellent game - really wound the clock back a few years and reinforces my belief hat he's not been 100% for the past couple of years. Showed a clean pair of heels to the Argies for his 2nd try and a long time since he's done that.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Mo'unga is going very well, except for the goal kicking. A solution needs to be found, because his current accuracy won't cut the mustard in the big games.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Agree on Todd - he can play!</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Interesting to see Taufua appearing in various form "selections" (Breakown/Herald). His big drawback is that he's about four inches short of being the desired height for an international blindside. Admittedly, paired with Read, you'd still have a better lineout than the Collins/So'oialo pairing, but I'm still inclined to agree with Nepia (gargles with listerine 🙂  ) that his best position might be seven.</p>

  • Canes vs Jags

    0 Votes
    177 Posts

    <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Nepia" data-cid="571995" data-time="1460547104"><p>
    Aren't you a Queenslander? Offer to change it to Pocock so we know you really mean it. ;)</p></blockquote>
    Oooooooooooohhhhh now you raised the stakes. For the record, despite living in Brisbane I hate Cooper with a passion and despite the media bullshit, not too many Reds fans shed a tear at his departure. I actually have a massive amount of respect for Pocock the professional athlete. It's the hypocrite sjw greenie tosser that I can't stand.<br><br>
    But I digress... to show how sure I am that (a fully fit) Cruden will be selected over Lima, I will change my Avatar to a picture of Cooper AND Pocock if I'm wrong. Fark I'll even throw Ben Afflick in with them.

  • Force v Crusaders

    0 Votes
    85 Posts

    <p>Only the second time in the last 20 years we've won 3 in a row on tour apparently.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Bloody good effort from a young team.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>It's so much better to watch this year, I was sick of the attitude of our senior ABs for the last 3 years.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>It looks like we are playing with a heap more passion this year. Saw Taufua kiss the crusaders logo on his jersey before running out onto the field, good stuff.</p>