Aussie Cricket
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
The underarm incident was a boring, overblown non event 40 years ago.
How people still feel the need to wank on about it to this day is completely beyond me.
Genuine question. How old were you when it happened?
And it's always good to remind Aussies of their shameful acts.
Look, it was a bit of a fluffybunny thing to do but the Chappells are no Brad Haddins
@barbarian said in Aussie Cricket:
I've always been a bit perplexed by underarm. It still resonates so strongly, and yet what Australia did was entirely legal at the time. It seems to be the 80s equivalent to Sandpapergate, and yet they are completely different situations with only one actually outside the rules of the game.
I don't agree with the decision to bowl underarm, but still to be talking about it 40 years later?
Give us a break, will you? We're reminded of body line every Ashes series, FFS!
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
The underarm incident was a boring, overblown non event 40 years ago.
How people still feel the need to wank on about it to this day is completely beyond me.
Genuine question. How old were you when it happened?
And it's always good to remind Aussies of their shameful acts.
Look, it was a bit of a fluffybunny thing to do but the Chappells are no Brad Haddins
Brad Haddin comes across as a choir boy compared to the Chappells. Which demonstrates just how seriously the underarm was taken.
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
The underarm incident was a boring, overblown non event 40 years ago.
How people still feel the need to wank on about it to this day is completely beyond me.
Genuine question. How old were you when it happened?
And it's always good to remind Aussies of their shameful acts.
Look, it was a bit of a fluffybunny thing to do but the Chappells are no Brad Haddins
Brad Haddin comes across as a choir boy compared to the Chappells. Which demonstrates just how seriously the underarm was taken.
No he doesn’t. He’s universally loathed whereas Greg Chappell is a legend who did something dumb once
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
The underarm incident was a boring, overblown non event 40 years ago.
How people still feel the need to wank on about it to this day is completely beyond me.
Genuine question. How old were you when it happened?
And it's always good to remind Aussies of their shameful acts.
Look, it was a bit of a fluffybunny thing to do but the Chappells are no Brad Haddins
Brad Haddin comes across as a choir boy compared to the Chappells. Which demonstrates just how seriously the underarm was taken.
No he doesn’t. He’s universally loathed whereas Greg Chappell is a legend who did something dumb once
Which of these turds looks more appealing?
Unlike most posters I was an adult when the underarm incident took place, albeit living on the other side of the world.
I too was incensed (& amused) at the time, but I do think the whole thing gets rolled out way too often.
the Snedden catch was far more rage inducing but has been largely forgotten.
Aussie cricketers cheat, Aussie umpires are fluffybunnies. the sun rises in the east. Move on.
I look at it as a coming of age for NZ cricket and a fantastic outcome for us. So rattled were the Aussies that they had to come up with this venal act. All the smug condescension from Australian cricket died that day. A great result for us. Bowl a legal delivery and we lose. Even if we win it's forgotten in a few years. Show as piggy said that the colour of the jersey reflects your inner fortitude. Priceless.
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
@MN5 said in Aussie Cricket:
The underarm incident was a boring, overblown non event 40 years ago.
How people still feel the need to wank on about it to this day is completely beyond me.
Genuine question. How old were you when it happened?
And it's always good to remind Aussies of their shameful acts.
Look, it was a bit of a fluffybunny thing to do but the Chappells are no Brad Haddins
Brad Haddin comes across as a choir boy compared to the Chappells. Which demonstrates just how seriously the underarm was taken.
No he doesn’t. He’s universally loathed whereas Greg Chappell is a legend who did something dumb once
So serious
@Bovidae said in Aussie Cricket:
And poor old Bruce Edgar gets completely forgotten being unbeaten on 102 at the non-strikers end.
Not completely. IIRC it was a rather slow 102 that lead to us needing a six of the last ball...
Given that he opened and it was the last ball, and he was on 102, his strike rate wasn't great.
@Snowy mentioned before but in 1992 I was in a flat in dunners coincidentally watching a replay with Lance Cairns, ( he was waiting for a 22 year old Christopher to come back after a night out and our flat was the rendezvous- never saw chris and lance left after an hour😄).
His summarion of all the drama and the game was, "we'd have won but for Edgar's glacial innings"Ps. I don't think he said glacial but you get the point🙂
Cricket Australia is clown world again.
Steve Smith not allowed to play for sixers in final because rules are rules.
Sixers captain Moises Henriques says the ruling defies CA's desire for the BBL to feature the best Australian players.
"You have got a former Australian captain, one of the best players in the world," Henriques told reporters on Friday. "You have got IPL teams who pay multi-million dollars just to have this guy as part of their franchise. Advertising, bums on seats, eyes on TV's - I mean, you do the math.
"And we're saying no because of a rule that is two weeks old in some Covid bubble hub. To me, I don't get it. We're in the top two without him ... so I have got absolute belief in our domestic talent and local talent to do the job. I think it's sad for cricket, that's all."
Henriques understood "how those mistakes were made initially two weeks ago" when drawing up the replacement player rules.
@nta said in Aussie Cricket:
@siam said in Aussie Cricket:
We're in the top two without him
Which is a good point.
The rules are shit, but are you displacing a guy who helped get you into the top 2 for Steve Smith? I reckon opinion would be divided.
Jeez mate, it's not under 12s with a participation trophy.
Every squad has used many players
Although in oz now who knows.
I'm pretty sure if it was Kane in the Super Smash the team ethos would take precedent.
Although in NZ now who knows
where's that GOM thread (stomp stomp stomp)