NH club rugby
As I said mate, it’s not that I think it’s right but there is enough precedent to make it unsurprising. As I also said, the perception of his previous is not valid if not sanctioned.
@Machpants said in NH club rugby:
@Catogrande said in NH club rugby:
hat he’s not been sanctioned for over two years
To not get a red/red card threshold for over 2 years is gold standard? Nope, IMO he's got previous, time doesn't matter.
The problem isn't that he has form for this, it's that he hasn't been in front of the judiciary as he should to have developed a documented punished pattern of behaviour.
Jono Gibbes has been sacked by Clermont.
French right depth. In a paywalled article on rugby pass, about an ex Scottish prop coaching Le Havre, which is in the French sixth division
During his early days, Cusack was pleasantly surprised by the standard of Federale 2. Le Havre are a combination of full-time and semi-professional players and currently top their pool as they strive to climb a level.
Whoa! Full time players in the 6th divsion.
@Machpants said in NH club rugby:
French right depth. In a paywalled article on rugby pass, about an ex Scottish prop coaching Le Havre, which is in the French sixth division
During his early days, Cusack was pleasantly surprised by the standard of Federale 2. Le Havre are a combination of full-time and semi-professional players and currently top their pool as they strive to climb a level.
Whoa! Full time players in the 6th divsion.
Sounds about the same as the UK... well at least up until a few years ago anyway.
Well looks like this will be my last season of rugby 😞
@Bones said in NH club rugby:
Well looks like this will be my last season of rugby 😞
Yeah, no way you can bend down that far, you old cnut!
But it is the 'future' to take away one of the key parts so many people love about rugby, the physicality. Yet we still allow people to punch and kick each other in the head for some sports - just bizarre
@Machpants have to say I pretty well agree with you on how hard this will make it to defend if someone is passed ball within a metre of you and running in your direction, it will be almost impossible to bend down quickly enough without getting yourself into a very dangerous position.
@Dan54 said in NH club rugby:
@Machpants have to say I pretty well agree with you on how hard this will make it to defend if someone is passed ball within a metre of you and running in your direction, it will be almost impossible to bend down quickly enough without getting yourself into a very dangerous position.
Yeah considering more tacklers get concussed than talked players, I think it might make it worse
I'm starting to get real sick of these fluffybunnies. What did you think could happen in a collision game? "Oh the governing body didn't change the rules to tiddlywinks to protect me from my own decisions." Go fuck off.
@antipodean said in NH club rugby:
I'm starting to get real sick of these fluffybunnies. What did you think could happen in a collision game? "Oh the governing body didn't change the rules to tiddlywinks to protect me from my own decisions." Go fuck off.
Yep perhaps they can sue their parents for letting them play? Or their schoolteachers if they played at school? And how about lets all sue schools that didn't stop us playing bullrush etc during intervals. As you say the world is getting full of f***ing fluffiebunnies!
There will be law trials in NZ Community rugby this year that include a reduced tackle height. That follows a trial in selected grades, last year.
See my post in the Law trials and changes thread with the NZR media release (including the positive feedback they received).
@antipodean said in NH club rugby:
I'm starting to get real sick of these fluffybunnies. What did you think could happen in a collision game? "Oh the governing body didn't change the rules to tiddlywinks to protect me from my own decisions." Go fuck off.
goodbye club rugby
park football is never, ever going to be able to meet those standards
I fucking sick of these players not taking any level of responsibility. I never met a player that didn't want to stay on if it was at all possible. That didn't want to play next week.
@Stargazer yep, I am 99% sure the North Harbour 1st 15 comp was playing a reduced tackle height rule last year, anything sternum/chest to shoulders was a free kick.
Actually going to cause a lot of problems this change.
Have seen references to trials where the number of concussions has gone up, which makes sense when you think about heads being lowered to hips and knees more often.
Might reduce the ball carrier concussions and increase for the tackler.
Like boxing, and other contact sports, there is an element of risk. I’d rather they reduce the volume of contact by changing the training methods instead of ruining the actual games.