Stadium of Canterbury
@kiwi_expat said in Stadium of Canterbury:
ah, the nostalgia...
I didn't like the refurbished Lancaster Park. I went to a test shortly after it opened and I felt too far away from the action. Also, even though it was a decent crowd, it seemed something was missing from the atmosphere. The whole stadium had a weird feel to me. I reckon it would have been a half arsed flop if it hadn't been damaged beyond repair.
@Crazy-Horse always thought the view, even from the top deck, was surprisingly good.
The thing i wasnt a huge fan of was how open it was, not as in a roof over the pitch....but even the stands were only partially covered, the bottom deck was almost completely uncovered, and the ends were just open to nothing, a bit of structure (like the current one has) at either end would have been good
It's bizarre how NZ just does not do stadiums without a whole lot of pussying around. Christchurch is going to end up with something very underwhelming I fear. Probably a cheap upgrade to the one at Addington knowing NZ.
@Crazy-Horse said in Stadium of Canterbury:
It's bizarre how NZ just does not do stadiums without a whole lot of pussying around. Christchurch is going to end up with something very underwhelming I fear. Probably a cheap upgrade to the one at Addington knowing NZ.
A very good point here is how times are changing, live sport doesn't have the draw it used to. Conversely there is the feel good factor
@Machpants said in Stadium of Canterbury:
@Crazy-Horse said in Stadium of Canterbury:
It's bizarre how NZ just does not do stadiums without a whole lot of pussying around. Christchurch is going to end up with something very underwhelming I fear. Probably a cheap upgrade to the one at Addington knowing NZ.
A very good point here is how times are changing, live sport doesn't have the draw it used to. Conversely there is the feel good factor
i think the other side of things is elsewhere in the world, outside NZ and Aus, countries might have one national stadium that is owned by local or central government....but otherwise theyre privately owned by the sporting organisation that uses them or by the club/team
kiwis also expect a lot..ballarat has over 100k population, so not much smaller than dunedin....ya dont see a 18k-30k covered stadium there
@Kiwiwomble I think Dunedin is a bit of an outlier - it was a bit of right-place right-time with the RWC and the stadium was relatively cheap.
Townsville which is a similar size to Dunedin had their stadium rebuilt for a similar cost.
Canberra is a similar size to Christchurch and they are pushing for a new stadium.
@Kiwiwomble said in Stadium of Canterbury:
kiwis also expect a lot..ballarat has over 100k population, so not much smaller than dunedin....ya dont see a 18k-30k covered stadium there
Yeah, the Otago region didn't need a stadium like the one they built. That was a silly amount of money for the region.
Yes, they needed to decommission Carisbrook and build a stadium within walking distance of where students live. But a roof was extravagant.Now Christchurch is feeling the need to compete with Dunedin. They have to have the best stadium in the South Island. There is some rationale to that too.. will Dunedin continue to get Test matches ahead of Christchurch etc?
Everything would be perfectly fine if Dunedin and Christchurch had just built stadiums like FMG Stadium in Hamilton
@Duluth said in Stadium of Canterbury:
Everything would be perfectly fine if Dunedin and Christchurch had just built stadiums like FMG Stadium in Hamilton
Ain't that the truth. Chch was too ambitious in wanting a covered stadium to appease all parties, so the cost was always going to be a factor, and get costlier the longer it took to build.
@mariner4life said in Stadium of Canterbury:
@Duluth said in Stadium of Canterbury:
Just build some stands around a rugby field. Forget about a roof and indoor concerts etc
The locals are used to the conditions in winter. Plus the elements are part of the home ground advantage for when a team like the Reds visit
couple of BBQs
Chilly Bin full of Cantab Draftfucking sorted.
Chase the sheep off the fluffybunny half an hour before kickoff.
Should they not just abandon the coveted idea? I only know 3 covered rugby stadia: Dunedin, Cardiff (optional) and Racing 92 in Paris. Go for 30000 uncovered and just get it done!
@Billy-Tell said in Stadium of Canterbury:
Should they not just abandon the coveted idea? I only know 3 covered rugby stadia: Dunedin, Cardiff (optional) and Racing 92 in Paris. Go for 30000 uncovered and just get it done!
at very least look at options where it could be added down the track
potentially should have been done a long time ago, will be interesting to see the results
@Kiwiwomble said in Stadium of Canterbury:
potentially should have been done a long time ago, will be interesting to see the results
Enough naysayers will now have a voice so I am expecting the project to at least be paused for further consultation. Christchurch ain't getting a stadium to be proud of.
@Crazy-Horse said in Stadium of Canterbury:
@Kiwiwomble said in Stadium of Canterbury:
potentially should have been done a long time ago, will be interesting to see the results
Enough naysayers will now have a voice so I am expecting the project to at least be paused for further consultation. Christchurch ain't getting a stadium
to be proud of.So a newer smaller cheaper design, taking how long to implement? Ten years?
over 11k responses in 4 days, plenty of people having their say
@Kiwiwomble said in Stadium of Canterbury:
over 11k responses in 4 days, plenty of people having their say
It'll probably delay it by another decade just to go through all the responses