Poll: Foster reappointment
@snowy said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@kiwiinmelb said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@snowy said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@kiwiinmelb said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
despite what people think of him .
A somewhat likeable buffoon is not who I want as AB coach myself. He just doesn't come across as very smart. Personality and some selections would attest to this as well as his history.
yeah im not in his fanclub either ,
but he was that same person when they appointed him, so you would think it would require something bad for them to do an about face , and if this season is successful well , its hard to see it happening isnt it ?
unless im missing something ?
Unfortunately, I agree with all of that. Unless I am missing the same thing.
@nzzp Hasn't Robertson said, head coach or nothing?
Yup and he is signed until a yer after the RWC so at least we won; lose him. Rennie et al, whether they saw it as a rigged process I don’t know. But the fact that the process was so late they would have to try for ABs coach and turn down offers they had already. Dumb, the other countries did their process much earlier, NZR left it far too late.
@kiwiinmelb said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
So what do we think he needs to do to keep his job ?
Could the boks games decide it ?
if we lost 2-0 would that be see ya later ?
I think if he went though undefeated this year it would be difficult to replace him despite what people think of him .
I’d expect retaking the No 1 ranking, which will be hard, and not losing the up front battle to SA, Wales, France, Arg, or Ireland. A loss in there is OK, 100% is hard. But no improvement in our ‘physical dominance’ type stuff means he should go.
@machpants did he say that or was it just the forwards coach?
@nostrildamus said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@machpants did he say that or was it just the forwards coach?
Rennie? Yeah he said he took the ozzie job as it was offered months before ABs even officially opened their's
@machpants ah no sorry:
"But no improvement in our ‘physical dominance’ type stuff means he should go."
A reference to Foster I assumed. -
@nostrildamus said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@machpants ah no sorry:
"But no improvement in our ‘physical dominance’ type stuff means he should go."
A reference to Foster I assumed.And plumtree, both have mentioned it multiple times
@taniwharugby said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@chris well thats how Foster got the gig....
The Whole problem right there,Nothing fresh at all for a million years.
Under that stupid system Plumtree is next AB Coach,God help us
@taniwharugby said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@chris sad but true.
It worked to re-appoint Henry, it worked to have Hansen as his successor, jury out over Fosters success (some will say it is clear) but we are at a cross road now...
Yes totally agree. The Devil at the Cross roads maybe,
@nzzp Well NZR have signer Robertson until 2024, I guessing with that's when they aiming for him to get job , along with hopefully Tony Brown ( who turned Robertson down last time) as 1 assistant, and maybe with Jamie Joseph.
Whether Foster keeps job or not is not a lot of skin off my nose, but the presumption od posters whose mani knowledge of how appointments are made etc that they know why he got job or Robertson missed or indeed why Joseph and Rennie didn't apply is breathtaking. -
@dan54 said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@nzzp Well NZR have signer Robertson until 2024, I guessing with that's when they aiming for him to get job , along with hopefully Tony Brown ( who turned Robertson down last time) as 1 assistant, and maybe with Jamie Joseph.
Whether Foster keeps job or not is not a lot of skin off my nose, but the presumption od posters whose mani knowledge of how appointments are made etc that they know why he got job or Robertson missed or indeed why Joseph and Rennie didn't apply is breathtaking.Been here long?
@dan54 said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@nzzp You certainly make a huge assumption don't you? It's incredible how you can read their minds. Both had been offered jobs and accepted them well before NZR advertised and you reckon they had both flown the white flag??
Pretty sure it was in media at the time - that the process was seen as a closed shop.
Plus, I'm a mind reader
@nzzp said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@dan54 said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@nzzp You certainly make a huge assumption don't you? It's incredible how you can read their minds. Both had been offered jobs and accepted them well before NZR advertised and you reckon they had both flown the white flag??
Pretty sure it was in media at the time - that the process was seen as a closed shop.
Plus, I'm a mind reader
Fair enough mate, mind you I probably read too much stuff over the years to know the media likes click bait more than being 100% correct.
@nzzp said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@dan54 you'd have to ask why prime candidates don't apply... It's more than timing I'm sure
They don’t want all the mental anguish, public berating, criticism, that will surely follow when holding “the most important job” in NZ?
@nzzp said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@dan54 you'd have to ask why prime candidates don't apply... It's more than timing I'm sure
Give it the benefit of the doubt. Assume it is a totally open contest and Joseph, Rennie and Gatland all throw their hats in the ring with Robertson and Foster.
Why would you turn down a guaranteed 4 year contract with Japan or Australia, or plumb Lions gig for a 20% chance of a two year contract with some of the drawbacks mentioned.
@nzzp said in Poll: Foster reappointment:
@dan54 you'd have to ask why prime candidates don't apply... It's more than timing I'm sure
Well I thought the prime candidates that were available did apply (Foster and Razor). When Joseph and Rennie were offered jobs at beginning or year (a good 6 months before AB job was advertised) did you really think they would say no thanks, I will wait and take my chances later in year? Don't forget there was one job , and even if you discounted Foster, either Joseph (my choice) Rennie or Razor was going to miss out. I have been on rugby boards where we have appointed coaches (admittedly at club, and provincial level not international), and you know what, in most cases there were accusations of bias and already had coach picked etc, funnily by people who usually were associated with losing applicant etc. And seldom by people who were actually involved in process.