Pumas vs All Blacks
Snowy said:
I am going to start a petition to the NZRU that the ABs play every week. When they don't this place goes to shit.
Having said that no one gets my name right - spelt / spelled or pronounced.
what's hard about Sowney?
antipodean said:
My wife reverted to her maiden name because a hyphen appeared too difficult for people.
A friend of mine's wife had to do the same thing recently, except in her case it wasn't the hyphen that was too difficult - it was him!
mariner4life said:
Snowy said:
I am going to start a petition to the NZRU that the ABs play every week. When they don't this place goes to shit.
Having said that no one gets my name right - spelt / spelled or pronounced.
what's hard about Sowney?
It's the Mista part of the Mr Snowy that the morans get wrong.
Snowy said:
When does this fucking rugby match start? I am going to have to do some work if this keeps up.
antipodean said:
No Quarter said:
My wife has a double barreled first name and it's amazing how few people know what a "hyphen" is when she tries to spell it out.
My wife reverted to her maiden name because a hyphen appeared too difficult for people.
mariner4life said:
On to the Australian substitute Smith, i hope i pronounced that correctly...
St...Sta.....bloody tongue twister....Stacey Jones
Rancid Schnitzel said:
People used to mispronounce my names all the time while growing up. I corrected them and then moved on with the rest of my life.
Easier for you than the bloke I once worked with - he was called Dipthik Shidpour (and no, I'm not making that up)
Bidwell almost seems to be suggesting that we field our weakest possible team to see how we get on.
The genie that isn't out of the bottle is never having lost to Argentina - and that's not one that can be put back in once it's happened.
Look at the Irish - they're fancying themselves to knock us over later this year and in Japan if it comes to it.
What I find utter bollox is his assertion that "It now wouldn't be a disaster to see the All Blacks lose to Argentina on Sunday (NZ time). Rugby's world order wouldn't suddenly change and no-one would assume New Zealand is on the slide." Utter rubbish because one loss is acceptable, just, but two in a row or two vs the same team in one year would be the end of the world. Every one would assume the ABs are on the slide of the ABs lost like that. And they're be right because it is not something we have done for ages. Just bizarre to think otherwise, and to lose to Argentina would be utterly unacceptable to the rugby public. Especially straight after a dire show of moronic rugby vs the boks (as much as enjoyed the match, No way I can go back and watch it again without throwing my teddies out)
Journalist are tits.
Chris B. said:
Bidwell almost seems to be suggesting that we field our weakest possible team to see how we get on.
The genie that isn't out of the bottle is never having lost to Argentina - and that's not one that can be put back in once it's happened.
Look at the Irish - they're fancying themselves to knock us over later this year and in Japan if it comes to it.
Wales have beaten us before ...