The Semenya Rule
I wonder whether there should be a category in-between the women's and men's competitions for women with abnormally high and for men with abnormally low testerone levels. Trans men (female to male) cannot be compared to cis-men even if they've received hormone treatment/surgery; they'll always be disadvantaged physically. However, also trans women (male to female) who have received hormone treatment/surgery - while possibly having an advantage over women - are not on a par with cis-men physically. Maybe they should lump all these sports people in a seprate category? Maybe then you receive the fairest outcome? Just a thought; not an opinion.
People overthink these things.
Was she born a woman? Yes. She's a woman. Has she taken any performance enhancing drugs? No. Let her compete.
News flash people ... not everybody has the natural attributes to be world champions. Every single world record holder, multiple champion, is undoubtedly a freak of nature born with some luck on their side - be it physical attributes, naturally high levels of whatever chemical or pinpoint hand eye co ordination.
If she ain't cheating just bloody deal with it that she got lucky. I bet she trains just has hard as anybody else and is deserving of whatever she wins.
@majorrage said in The Semenya Rule:
People overthink these things.
Was she born a woman? Yes. She's a woman. Has she taken any performance enhancing drugs? No. Let her compete.
She was also born with testicles (admittedly undecended but functional, a lifetime building a manly frame with the benefits of testo, so can she run against bolt aswell?)
Her taking testo suppressants and forced removal of her balls, after years of development of her manly physique is very much on the level of a transgender person if you ask me..
That said, I don't like the fact that this rule only applies to certain races. Races, which incidentally Semenya runs.
What's the point of female sport if it's champions are basically ex-men.
@pn said in The Semenya Rule:
@majorrage said in The Semenya Rule:
People overthink these things.
Was she born a woman? Yes. She's a woman. Has she taken any performance enhancing drugs? No. Let her compete.
She was also born with testicles (admittedly undecended but functional, a lifetime building a manly frame with the benefits of testo, so can she run against bolt aswell?)
Her taking testo suppressants and forced removal of her balls, after years of development of her manly physique is very much on the level of a transgender person if you ask me..
That said, I don't like the fact that this rule only applies to certain races. Races, which incidentally Semenya runs.
What's the point of female sport if it's champions are basically ex-men.
Have any of those things actually been verified? I've read about them but most are simply rumours aren't they and "leaks" to the press from people who may or may not have agendas?
@rembrandt said in The Semenya Rule:
@toddy said in The Semenya Rule:
@mooshld said in The Semenya Rule:
@tordah said in The Semenya Rule:
as men are of course outperforming women in every sport (weirdly, bar long distance swimming, or so I read somewhere).
Ultra running as well. Once you go over 150kms gender is very much less relevant.
Is that true? A quick Google of ultra running distances (100miles) has men well ahead of women. The fastest man running 100miles on a track is over 2 hours quicker than the best female.
Even looking at 24 - 48 hour races have the best men covering a lot more distance than the females.
Yeah it was one of those convincing claims in that very popular book "born to run". I think there were a few claims that weren't exactly true.
Check out what Courtney Dauwalter did in the Maub 240. On a race by race basis you get woman winning a lot more frequently then you would if you looked at shorter distances. I didn't say its a 50 50 but like I said gender is less of an issue and you do sometimes get woman winning outright.
@majorrage said in The Semenya Rule:
y been verified? I've read about them but most are simply rumours aren't they and "leaks" to the press from people who may or may not have agendas?
I don't think that the results of the tests are meant for public consumption. That said, a statement from IAAF Secretary pretty much confirmed it. Whether or not she underwent tests (to remove her testes) is not clear, however, one would suspect that the fact they are looking to further reduce testo levels indicates something is producing it.
Maybe something else is producing high levels of testo in her body, if it's not testes, what is it? Good Genes? It cant be doping or she would have been banned.
The International Association of Athletics Federations received the results of Semenya's 'gender verification test' this week, but it has refused to confirm the findings until they have been verified by a panel of independent scientific experts and the athlete has been personally informed. But Pierre Weiss, the IAAF secretary general, hinted strongly at the results on Thursday when he said: "It is clear that she is a woman, but maybe not 100 per cent. We have to see if she has an advantage from her possibly being between two sexes compared to the others."``` It took a doping Russian to beat Semenya in the 2012 Olympics, and Mariya Savinova only just beat Semenya too. 
@pn said in The Semenya Rule:
Getting an error when editing my posts so to add:
I get that quite often as well. I have found that if you close the error box then go into edit on the post again your previous edit is still there and gets accepted second time around.
@crucial said in The Semenya Rule:
@pn said in The Semenya Rule:
Getting an error when editing my posts so to add:
I get that quite often as well. I have found that if you close the error box then go into edit on the post again your previous edit is still there and gets accepted second time around.
Yes, only when editing posts that are over 1024 characters. Editing a second time works
It’s a bug in the last release we installed. It will go when I get around to installing the latest update
@majorrage 100% agree with this. It's like saying Bolt shouldn't compete with male sprinters as he has long legs AND fast turnover, whereas its normal to only have one or the other.
Semanya should not be conflated with transgender athletes, two different issues.
Why do we even have handicapped sporting events? An antiquated 19th Century mystery to me. I’m all for equality, and I don’t like restrictions based on gender, NOT EVER, not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, so let’s make athletic events Open — and I mean, truly OPEN — to everybody — EVERY-BODY — every race, every sex, and all 57 genders. And if that means for the time-being that women get underrepresented in some events, like at the Olympic Games, then tough-titties baby, you wanted equality, you got it. They’ll just have to train harder to qualify, or find something else to do. It’s the right thing. Zero discrimination. Each by their own merit. TRUE athletic competition. Of course, the sheilas will still dominate ultra-long distance swimming events, because they have physical advantages, just like they can have babies, whereas men, regardless of what “Loretta” thinks about the “right to have a baby,” men just can’t do it.
@paekakboyz don't think this is a recent thing for him...although given this is the internet and I have never met @MN5 I probably shouldn't assume gender.
@taniwharugby said in The Semenya Rule:
@paekakboyz don't think this is a recent thing for him...although given this is the internet and I have never met @MN5 I probably shouldn't assume gender.
Thanks, I'll get offended just in case though.
@taniwharugby said in The Semenya Rule:
@mn5 at which part, or just offended in general, at me, the internet?
Surely all of the above - isn't that what we do on the internet?
Is equestrian (and horse racing) reasonably evenly matched between men and women?