Blues 2018
@pakman said in Blues 2018:
Fair comment, more like third of the big three. But the point is that Lions have really got their shit sorted in last two or three years -- what changed?
This guy was instrumental in getting the Golden Lions back as a Currie Cup powerhouse and the Lions success flowed on from there.
Speaking of coaches
Sadly I can't say i'm surprised. A joke organisation making another joke decision. More of the same.
Meanwhile the NZRU position is in all of this - they seem to be twiddling their thumbs while the franchise in their largest market has gone to the dogs.
The Blues have given a strong indication that Tana Umaga will be reappointed in the coming weeks. With the franchise under major pressure, having lost six of their eight games this season, Blues chief executive Michael Redman fronted media this morning. Redman said the franchise's preference is to work with the current management team. No contracts have been signed but it seems Umaga will soon be reappointed head coach.
@kiwimurph I just googled Redman to see where he came from and the first item in the search list...
@kiwimurph said in Blues 2018:
Nice to here Andrew Saville ask some tough questions - at least someone in the media is!
There's a few people starting to do it. You just won't find them at Sky or the NZH. The Herald reporters are unprofessional sycophants who are doing their readers a disservice. I have more sympathy for the talking heads at Sky as the majority of them played with Umaga and have personal loyalties.
Comments on that press conference..
Redman is an deeply unimpressive individual. No wonder nothing gets fixed. Sack him first.
It sounds like they are going to blame the other coaches but keep Umaga as a figure head. So who appointed those coaches? What input did Tana have in picking those coaches. If those coaches deserve the blame surely the people that appointed them should fuck off too? Is the board ever responsible for anything?
Excuse after excuse from Redman, the same lack of responsibility that is shown by Umaga. That lack of accountability starts at the top and flows all the way down to the players. The Blues shitness is just something external that happens to the team. No one in the organisation has any power to fix it. It's always and complex and external situation. Fucken gutless fluffybunnies the lot of them.
Whats with this myth that the Blues constantly change coaches?? Three coaches in the last decade (4 years, 3 years, 3 years so far). Bullshit.
On a positive note at least the NZRU still has a major say. They should be extremely concerned about the damage the Blues are doing to rugby in the region. The timing of the Warriors form turnaround and great crowds will be adding extra pressure.
The NZRU can't rely on this incompetent board that refuses any responsibility to fix professional rugby in the most populous region. -
@duluth said in Blues 2018:
On a positive note at least the NZRU still has a major say. They should be extremely concerned about the damage the Blues are doing to rugby in the region. The timing of the Warriors form turnaround and great crowds will be adding extra pressure.
The NZRU can't rely on this incompetent board that refuses any responsibility to fix professional rugby in the most populous region.I don't have much faith in the NZRU. They've done fuck all to help up til now and if the comments in the press conference are anything to go by they want Tana retained.
@kiwimurph said in Blues 2018:
I don't have much faith in the NZRU
Same, but I have more faith in them than I do in the Blues
@kiwimurph it is an odd conundrum really, NZR are usually so good at sorting out issues internally and forging a path to success, yet the Blues seem to be lurching from bad to worse with little or no intervention from NZR...have to doubt NZR would be doing stuff on the quiet.
If Umaga is re-signed then surely the sensible option is a 1-year extension with the caveat that only a playoff spot will guarantee further employment. Otherwise, you're out the door. That also bridges the gap to have a run for Gatland if there is no on-field improvement.
My guess he has signed already. They expect to beat the Jaguares this weekend and are waiting until after a win to announce it officially.
McKendry and Paul will write some borderline retarded puff pieces about turning the corner, staying the course and claim progress has been made
PR masterminds
Meanwhile nothing is fixed. The organisation will bumble on and continue making excuses about how the fate of the Blues is not in the boards or coaches hands. There are external forces that the simple fans could never hope to understand. They think the fans are stupid. They treat us with contempt.
@duluth said in Blues 2018:
My guess he has signed already. They expect to beat the Jaguares this weekend and are waiting until after a win to announce it officially.
McKendry and Paul will write some borderline retarded puff pieces about turning the corner, staying the course and claim progress has been made
PR masterminds
Meanwhile nothing is fixed. The organisation will bumble on and continue making excuses about how the fate of the Blues is not in the boards or coaches hands. There are external forces that the simple fans could never hope to understand. They think the fans are stupid. They treat us with contempt.
And if we lose?
In an odd way I think the Blues underperformance has been good for NZ rugby. It means we can consistently have 4 teams in the playoffs and the Blues can play spoiler to the rest of the competition. They are not embarrisingly bad and can still supply test players to the All Blacks.
In the short term perhaps.
In the long term a poor franchise in the largest market is not a good look. Especially when that market has a direct competitor in another sport. NZ Rugby are lucky the Warriors have also been a bumbling mess until this season.
This is the 7th straight season the Blues have been mediocre or worse.
@kiwimurph said in Blues 2018:
Here's part of Redman's press conference
Nice to here Andrew Saville ask some tough questions - at least someone in the media is!
There's a different edit of this interview where Redman claims to have a good working relationship with the unions inside the region. Haha he's a liar.