@Rancid-Schnitzel what about if they get Jar Jar Binks to train Rey?
@MN5 said in Star Wars VII ****contains spoilers****:
I had Panzer Assault. The absolute nadir of shit games on the Acorn electron. One block that resembled a tank trying to shoot others. It took 10-15 minutes to load ( on cassette ) and half the time fucked up and completely crashed haha.
Fark. Commodore 64 user here so we had the shit that everyone wanted... once we got rid of that fucking cassette thing and started on a real floppy disk setup - 5.25" was awesome. Firstly with this giant shunt of a thing (the 1541):
Then I bought a mate's Blue Chip knockoff (of the 1571) and it was the balls, too - DOUBLE DENSITY FTW!!!
Kids have no fucking idea how good today is.
@NTA said in Star Wars VII ****contains spoilers****:
@MN5 said in Star Wars VII ****contains spoilers****:
I had Panzer Assault. The absolute nadir of shit games on the Acorn electron. One block that resembled a tank trying to shoot others. It took 10-15 minutes to load ( on cassette ) and half the time fucked up and completely crashed haha.
Fark. Commodore 64 user here so we had the shit that everyone wanted... once we got rid of that fucking cassette thing and started on a real floppy disk setup - 5.25" was awesome. Firstly with this giant shunt of a thing (the 1541):
Then I bought a mate's Blue Chip knockoff (of the 1571) and it was the balls, too - DOUBLE DENSITY FTW!!!
Kids have no fucking idea how good today is.
Bring it!!!
A mate of mine who lived down the road had hundreds of games. Copied almost all of them. Man there was some shit amongst all that.
Loved Commando, GI Joe and Co&Co.
Ever play Graham Gooch's Cricket? So shit it was brilliant.
There was also that decathlon game that destroyed many a joystick.
Almost forgot Ghostbusters. I actually beat that game.
how much was the VR @NTA
TR Jnr been asking for one for his birthday, but kinda reluctant, a) due to cost and b) wondering how many games are able to be used with it?
@Duluth yeah I think that sounds about what he said it was...have an in-law coming from UK later in year, might have to check pricing over there (and compatibility)
Does it work with all games or only certain ones? I haven't looked deeply into it TBH (his birthday is still 5 months away)
@taniwharugby said in Gaming/VR:
Does it work with all games or only certain ones?
Only certain games. So far there are only two AAA big budget games - Resident Evil 7 and Dirt Rally
There's plenty of other good games though eg Until Dawn Rush of Blood, Driveclub, Headmaster etc
There's too many 'experiences' pretending to be games like the x-wing mission and a short Batman game
A lot more games coming in the next couple of months. I think this FPS controller will change things.
@Rancid-Schnitzel said in Gaming/VR:
Ever play Graham Gooch's Cricket? So shit it was brilliant.
There was also that decathlon game that destroyed many a joystick.
Almost forgot Ghostbusters. I actually beat that game.
One time Ghostbusters glitched and my brother and I had double the starting money. But we fucked up and spent it all on the priciest car then realised we'd just have to start again.
Played Commando (brother clocked it twice over one day) and some of the RPG stuff from Forgotten Realms.
Gunship was a fave - had to play as a team though in order to get through the European campaign. Those Russians are tough!
We had the first version of International Cricket which resulted in broken joysticks... not from playing the game - from me getting the shits with it!
@Duluth - no move controllers at this point. The boy only has the demo stuff at the moment, but his grandmother just sent him $50 so he's now hassling me to download PS4 VR Worlds.
@taniwharugby - headset here was $529 at one of our department stores here - my staff discount got it down to $502.55
the PS4 V2 Camera was $89 at JB Hifi tho, where Target was selling for $69 BUT I think that might have been the V1.
Ah - the old C64 and dodgy copied games... trying to figure out what buttons you had to push to get past the "hackers gloat" startup screens, etc.
Commando - I seem to recall clocking that up to 8 times in a single game.
Midnight Resistance was the first game I seem to recall everybody insisting was the best thing ever.
Summer Games & Winter Games - they seemed custom designed to ruin a joystick.LOAD "*",8,1
Great thread divergence.
In no particular order I have extremely fond memories of playing the GTAs, God of War, Resident Evil, Silent Hill ( staying up til dawn drinking and playing on more than one occasion trying to solve stupid puzzles in the latter two ). All the above are fucken classics but I enjoyed a few lesser known ones like the thing, Bards Tale etc as well.
Great memories thrashing this bad boy. Endless battles with my bro.
Then it was into commodore 64 (at friends place) and finally a pc - 386 pentium I think. Dune, and some rpg games. From there I've been a pc gamer mainly although I didn't get a pc till first year of uni.
But every flat I lived in, plus numerous parties, revolved around PS1 and 2. Skating, surfing, FF7, Medal of Honor - even a bit of Kelly Slater surfing one night when we were hanging with Lucy. They got those wave graphics spot on ha ha
Haven't had a crack at VR but looking forward to it. There is some amazing stuff coming through the pipeline - just hope they line up the arrival of the platform/s and games. Sucks when you have a tumeke video card/monitor/console and no games that can push it.
Silent Hill ( staying up til dawn drinking and playing on more than one occasion trying to solve stupid puzzles in the latter two )
One of the best games I've ever played. Scary as fuck, even when you're just walking down that fucking long tunnel under the lake, waiting for something to happen.
Japanese people are fucked up.
Silent Hill ( staying up til dawn drinking and playing on more than one occasion trying to solve stupid puzzles in the latter two )
One of the best games I've ever played. Scary as fuck, even when you're just walking down that fucking long tunnel under the lake, waiting for something to happen.
Japanese people are fucked up.
Yep, Some of the bad creatures were really weird. The nurses looked hot though.
Alex the Kid on my sega master system!
Prior to that, we had some friends that moved back from Aus with a flash as colecovision, it was the nuts!
@taniwharugby said in Gaming/VR:
Alex the Kid on my sega master system!
Prior to that, we had some friends that moved back from Aus with a flash as colecovision, it was the nuts!
Haha my boys found a version of that online. Great fun.
Crash Bandicoot was cool too.
Leisure Suit Larry
An absolute classic. I remember finally cracking the questions at the start to prove I was an adult, so exciting.
Some games I thrashed back in the day...
Mario Brothers 1 and 3 on the original Nintendo.
Brian Lara Cricket 96 on the Sega Mega Drive - that was a brilliant game.
Diablo 1 on Playstation 1 - wasted many hours of my life on that
Resident Evil 1 on Playstation 1 - as others have said that was scary as fuck...
Tekken 1 on Playstation 1 - used to go Jun every time, worked out a never-ending combo that meant if the other player went to ground they couldn't get up again, used to frustrate the hell out of everyone.
Quake 1 online, in the days of dial up. There was a pretty awesome online community back in the day, some epic battles.Ahhh the good old days of gaming, I wish I had time to do any of that shit nowadays.
@No-Quarter said in Gaming/VR:
Diablo 1 on Playstation 1 - wasted many hours of my life on that
When I was first going out with Mrs TA, that was our Saturday morning... Which is to say she would sit there and watch while my flatmate and I played it for hours.
The first day was spent loading up, after we figured out how to cheat or way to awesomeness by importing and exporting characters loaded with potions to permanently increase abilities.
@NTA haha yeah we figured out the elixir cheat, max out all stats. Wasn't nearly as bad as the PC version of the game though, where every man and his dog had all the best gears from the word go through duping...