So, what HAS Michael Cheika actually done as a coach?
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Crucial" data-cid="609859" data-time="1472298978">
<p>Maybe his team would play more professionally and he and his team would get more respect from officials of he presented himself more professionally. The 'one of the boys' look of the sloppy suit and unshaven face might go down well among the uncouth ockers but I would think there is some way it contributes to how seriously others take him.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="NTA" data-cid="609863" data-time="1472299320">
<p>Please tell me you're not serious. </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Crucial" data-cid="609865" data-time="1472299516">
<p>I am. I'm not saying it is right but presenting an unprofessional image then moaning about not being treated professionally just seems stupid. FFS the guy is in a well paid important job and appears as a 'face' of the game. I wouldn't turn up at work looking like he does to a press conference and I'm certainly no suit and tie guy.</p>
<p>Image creates impressions on people whether right or wrong.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">I dunno – I would have thought Michael Cheika had won wide acclaim for that. I imagine most of the young sprogs around here - Nepia, Rancid Schnitzel, booboo, Rembrandt, nostrildamus and so on <em>(not jegga – I think he probably wears steel caps, operates a D12 Caterpillar, drinks schooners and smokes Rothmans)</em> spend a good deal of time trying ever so hard to appear as sultry and as desirable as David de Lautour, shaving but not shaving, spiking with gel, moisturising and manicuring as is the fashion for all you skinny young <strike>poo..</strike> chappies these days.</span></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">The unstructured I'm-a-celebrated-architect-living-on-the-Rue-de-Tug suit look somehow transmogrified into a jacket that is too short, slim cut duds around the waist and hips (to better display your tackle - blokes like me did alright equipped with personality only) trouser legs you cannot get your foot through, for Lord knows what reasons, and silly looking loooong pointy toed shoes to help make pulling your strides on easier, but I digress.</span></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Anyway, yers can all go and gets tuft! Michael Cheika is able to do what needs to be done so long as he is allowed five years to do it (and adequate personal protection to evade the ARU appointed assassins). He has a pedigree of success and he is a tough minded bugger - I have given my reasons here previously. It isn't his fault he has no choice but to saddle up donkeys for the first couple of years.</span></span></p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Mick Gold Coast QLD" data-cid="610016" data-time="1472348048"><p><span style="font-family:verdana;"><span style="font-size:10px;">I dunno – I would have thought Michael Cheika had won wide acclaim for that. I imagine most of the young sprogs around here - Nepia, Rancid Schnitzel, booboo, Rembrandt, nostrildamus and so on <em>(not jegga – I think he probably wears steel caps, operates a D12 Caterpillar, drinks schooners and smokes Rothmans)</em> spend a good deal of time trying ever so hard to appear as sultry and as desirable as David de Lautour, shaving but not shaving, spiking with gel, moisturising and manicuring as is the fashion for all you skinny young <del>poo..</del> chappies these days.</span></span><br><br><span style="font-family:verdana;"><span style="font-size:10px;">The unstructured I'm-a-celebrated-architect-living-on-the-Rue-de-Tug suit look somehow transmogrified into a jacket that is too short, slim cut duds around the waist and hips (to better display your tackle - blokes like me did alright equipped with personality only) trouser legs you cannot get your foot through, for Lord knows what reasons, and silly looking loooong pointy toed shoes to help make pulling your strides on easier, but I digress.</span></span><br><br><span style="font-family:verdana;"><span style="font-size:10px;">Anyway, yers can all go and gets tuft! Michael Cheika is able to do what needs to be done so long as he is allowed five years to do it (and adequate personal protection to evade the ARU appointed assassins). He has a pedigree of success and he is a tough minded bugger - I have given my reasons here previously. It isn't his fault he has no choice but to saddle up donkeys for the first couple of years.</span></span></p></blockquote>
Don't include me with those metrosexuals Mick. My wardrobe is 90% ruggers and Kmart. The remainder consists of labels my long suffering wife bought me that I never wear because I don't iron. I have however taken a liking to the 7 dollar shirts at the new H&M nearby. European...fancy!<br><br>
I other words, Id agree that Cheika looking like a dishevelled piece of shit shouldn't have any bearing on his ability as coach. Mark Hammett always looked a million dollars and he was crap. -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="jegga" data-cid="610015" data-time="1472347970"><p>Who to believe? Hanson says he never met Poite before the game, Krusty the Koach says he did .</p></blockquote>
Clearly Chieka will have to release the recording of the meeting. -
<p>Worth noting too that super coach cheik was on a final final last super serious warning for abusing officials last year. If the IRB or SANZAAR had any balls he would have been suspended after he broke his first final warning.<br>
When you have a history with refs like he has (and moore has) its a bit rich to go complaining about not getting any respect.</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="pukunui" data-cid="610030" data-time="1472350574">
<p>Worth noting too that super coach cheik was on a final final last super serious watning for abusing officials last year. If the IRB or SANZAAR had any balls he would have been suspended after he broke his first final warning.<br>
When you have a history with refs like he has (and moore has) its a bit rich to go complaining about not getting any respect.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I think this was the most interesting thing about his Coach of the Year award. Clearly the selection panel wasn't able to parse the results of a shortened RWC year season correctly (either a Hansen or Jones win would have held up) - but the fact the guy was still either serving a suspended sentence or was on a "final warning" for intimidating and abusing referees while winning the once prestigious award - it is a little weird.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Obviously sportsmanship and referee abuse isn't something Pichot and co give much thought to.</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Mick Gold Coast QLD" data-cid="610016" data-time="1472348048"><p><span style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10px;">I dunno – I would have thought Michael Cheika had won wide acclaim for that. I imagine most of the young sprogs around here - Nepia, Rancid Schnitzel, booboo, Rembrandt, nostrildamus and so on <em>(not jegga – I think he probably wears steel caps, operates a D12 Caterpillar, drinks schooners and smokes Rothmans)</em> spend a good deal of time trying ever so hard to appear as sultry and as desirable as David de Lautour, shaving but not shaving, spiking with gel, moisturising and manicuring as is the fashion for all you skinny young <strike>poo..</strike> chappies these days.</span></span><br> <br><span style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10px;">The unstructured I'm-a-celebrated-architect-living-on-the-Rue-de-Tug suit look somehow transmogrified into a jacket that is too short, slim cut duds around the waist and hips (to better display your tackle - blokes like me did alright equipped with personality only) trouser legs you cannot get your foot through, for Lord knows what reasons, and silly looking loooong pointy toed shoes to help make pulling your strides on easier, but I digress.</span></span><br> <br><span style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10px;">Anyway, yers can all go and gets tuft! Michael Cheika is able to do what needs to be done so long as he is allowed five years to do it (and adequate personal protection to evade the ARU appointed assassins). He has a pedigree of success and he is a tough minded bugger - I have given my reasons here previously. It isn't his fault he has no choice but to saddle up donkeys for the first couple of years.</span></span></p></blockquote><br>Hang on did I say Cheika was a geriatric dishevelled bogan?<br>And when did I get to be a good looking youthful metrosexual? Let alone architect.<br>Where I really protest is Cheika's PEDIGREE OF SUCCESS.<br>Not recently mate.
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Mick Gold Coast QLD" data-cid="610016" data-time="1472348048"><p><span style="font-family:verdana;"><span style="font-size:10px;">I dunno – I would have thought Michael Cheika had won wide acclaim for that. I imagine most of the young sprogs around here - Nepia, Rancid Schnitzel, booboo, Rembrandt, nostrildamus and so on <em>(not jegga – I think he probably wears steel caps, operates a D12 Caterpillar, drinks schooners and smokes Rothmans)</em> spend a good deal of time trying ever so hard to appear as sultry and as desirable as David de Lautour, shaving but not shaving, spiking with gel, moisturising and manicuring as is the fashion for all you skinny young <del>poo..</del> chappies these days.</span></span><br>
I like you call me young.<br><br>
I have hair like Krusty. -
I thought the Wallabie's second hooker (TPN?) looked more effective.<br>Also very impressed with Savea's defending in the few minutes he was on.<br>Notice Folau is seldom positioned well to tackle on the line, he is too reactive needs to be using his body momentum forward in the tackle. Bodysize wise he should be gobbling up backs and smaller forwards instead he tackles them as they push him back.
Still a better coach than Michael Cheika<br><br>
<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/image.jpg'>!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/image.jpg</a> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="pukunui" data-cid="610030" data-time="1472350574">
<p>Worth noting too that super coach cheik was on a final final last super serious watning for abusing officials last year. If the IRB or SANZAAR had any balls he would have been suspended after he broke his first final warning.<br>
When you have a history with refs like he has (and moore has) its a bit rich to go complaining about not getting any respect.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>This. He basically called the ref a cheat in the press conference (and in the coaches box a "fucking cheating fluffybunny"). </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Take a look in the mirror, you're the coach, their performance is your fault.</p> -
The "secret" meeting between Poitre and Shag that Clown Cheika claimed happened, in fact never happened:<br><br>
<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href=''></a><br><br>
I once knew a guy who used to shout "look a flying pig" before trying to take someone else's food or beer, Cheika reminds me of that. -
It must be be a bit tough for Cheika. Less than a year ago he was coach of the year, the great saviour of Aus rugby and basically the greatest guy ever. Now he's been whitewashed by the poms (the poms ffs), destroyed by NZ, and is staring down the barrel of losses to the Argies and Boks. He's also got NZ again in NZ and then the EOYT. Talk about hard to process. Will be interesting to see how he handles it. Blaming the ref is not a good start.