Bledisloe II - Have a stab at the teams.
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mariner4life" data-cid="610703" data-time="1472516450">
<p>You think 2 weeks would do anything? Anything less than 6 months will have the internet bores wailing about double standards, and a looong string of "if it was a south african/irish/french player it would be a year" garbage.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I'm cool with SANZAR basically ignoring the frothing of social media, because the alternatives are a lot more serious IMO</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I don't like the social media frothing, but when you filter out the crap, they do have a pretty serious point about inconsistency.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Other players have been banned for less, and this area has been of huge focus over the last year or so.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>It makes no sense to me that he hasn't been cited and subsequently banned.</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mariner4life" data-cid="610703" data-time="1472516450">
<p>You think 2 weeks would do anything? Anything less than 6 months will have the internet bores wailing about double standards, and a looong string of "if it was a south african/irish/french player it would be a year" garbage.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I'm cool with SANZAR basically ignoring the frothing of social media, because the alternatives are a lot more serious IMO</p>
<p>Yeah, no matter what you do people will whinge. And no way, under any circumstance, should they be changing their decision based on the social media "backlash" as they have in the past. That just ruins their reputation.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>But for instances like this that are heavily talked about, they should be making a decision and a statement explaining that decision. And then stand firm. That IMO would go a long way to dousing many of the fires, and also make them look competent and transparent, which would build more respect from their customer base (I.E. fans).</p> -
<p>Side note - what the fuck is Keith Quinn's fucking problem?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>He's now tweeted that NZ fans are more concerned about Phipps shoe throwing than Franks non-citing. This has of course, been forwarded on and shared by all the anti-NZ brigade. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>I am fucking furious. For a start, it's a load of shit. Read this thread, read the GAGR thread, read anything - nobody really gives a fuck about Phipps, I've only seen it mentioned by NZ rugby journo's who need a base case level 1 course in PR. I am fucking sick of being told what I think about things because I support the AB's by halfwits who have an agenda against us. Fucking sick of it.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I get that being at the top of the tree means you have more people throwing barbs at you. I get that there are a couple of shitty AB incidents over the past 50 years that leave certain bitter dipshits with a permanently engrained view that everything we do is cheating, I get all that. But why do we have all have to be tarred with some shitty brush to suit some fuckheads crappy agenda. We're crap because we all boo QC - Fuck off, at it's peak it was probably 20-25%, and on Saturday, it sounded like maybe 250 people max. In a crowd of 35,000. Fuck that, we aren't all shittty uncouth saddo's from the wrong sides of the track (which btw, is nothing to be ashamed of as nobody chooses how much money their parents have), and we aren't all crazy one-eyed lunatics who think the AB's are beyond reproach.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I've had a fucking gutful of the last few days, but Quinn, you've properly crossed the line. I give you offical Major Rage, Go and GET FUCKED award. I've read probably about 20 times on the weekend that AB greatness is "tainted" because of leaner treatment from the officials, well whatever, but I assure you Keith, Everything you do, write, say is now tainted as well. Because you are just trying to kiss the arse of the cancer of rugby, which to me, makes you part of the cancer of rugby.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Keith, you're a fluffybunny. Fuck you.</p> -
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>:)</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MajorRage" data-cid="610708" data-time="1472517994">
<p>Side note - what the fuck is Keith Quinn's fucking problem?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>He's now tweeted that NZ fans are more concerned about Phipps shoe throwing than Franks non-citing. This has of course, been forwarded on and shared buy all the anti-NZ brigade. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>I am fucking furious. For a start, it's a load of shit. Read this thread, read the GAGR thread, read anything - nobody really gives a fuck about Phipps, I've only seen it mentioned by NZ rugby journo's who need a base case level 1 course in PR. I am fucking sick of being told what I think about things because I support the AB's by halfwits who have an agenda against us. Fucking sick of it.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I get that being at the top of the tree means you have more people throwing barbs at you. I get that there are a couple of shitty AB incidents over the past 50 years that leave certain bitter dipshits with a permanently engrained view that everything we do is cheating, I get all that. But why do we have all have to be tarred with some shitty brush to suit some fuckheads crappy agenda. We're crap because we all boo QC - Fuck off, at it's peak it was probably 20-25%, and on Saturday, it sounded like maybe 250 people max. In a crowd of 35,000. Fuck that, we aren't all shittty uncouth saddo's from the wrong sides of the track (which btw, is nothing to be ashamed of as nobody chooses how much money their parents have), and we aren't all crazy one-eyed lunatics who think the AB's are beyond reproach.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I've had a fucking gutful of the last few days, but Quinn, you've properly crossed the line. I give you offical Major Rage, Go and GET FUCKED award. I've read probably about 20 times on the weekend that AB greatness is "tainted" because of leaner treatment from the officials, well whatever, but I assure you Keith, Everything you do, write, say is now tainted as well. Because you are just trying to kiss the arse of the cancer of rugby, which to me, makes you part of the cancer of rugby.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Keith, your a fluffybunny. Fuck you.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> :)</p> -
<p>Fucking A+ for that rant MR. Well played.</p>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Rocky Rock Rockbottom" data-cid="610716" data-time="1472519960">
<p><img src="" alt="slash-1.gif"></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Any salad can be a Ceasar salad if you stab it enough.</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MajorRage" data-cid="610706" data-time="1472517107"><p>
Other players have been banned for less, and this area has been of huge focus over the last year or so.<br><br>
It makes no sense to me that he hasn't been cited and subsequently banned.</p></blockquote>
Which players? And in those examples, were the victims far more vocal after receiving said "gouge"? -
I don't really agree that SANZAAR should be coming out and explaining the non-citing. By not citing it they have said everything they need to say. ie. There was no citable offence. <br>
Where would it stop if they had to explain every non citing? <br>
What is the threshhold for outraged tweets or news paper columns? Would they then explain the wallaby 5s non citing for his non gouge on read? There would be a list of about 500 marginal clean outs and tackles from every game that didn't get cited but could have been close. -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="booboo" data-cid="610678" data-time="1472512020"><p>"Incandescent with rage" was John Inverdale</p></blockquote>
No it wasn't. It was a comment by Brian Moore on Sunday Grandstand on the BBC in November 2005 when he was being interviewed by John Inverdale. -
<p>Come on Booboo.... stop embarrassing yourself</p>
I like it how the historic NH journos outrageous idiocy now gets attributed, over time, to all of them, as memory fades if who the actual dunce was.<br><br>
Just like how a John Beattie can't tell the difference between a Tana Umaga and a Joeli Vidiri and calls all brownskins a poach. We now attribute the "born in Tokoroa" to about 5 or 6 different journos.<br><br>
One day we will be teasing Marto for running over children ...... -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Don Frye" data-cid="610719" data-time="1472520627">
<p>Which players? And in those examples, were the victims far more vocal after receiving said "gouge"?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Ashton is the obvious case. But it's not isolated. Ashton was also viewed by the commissioner to not be a gouge, but to be hands on the face only.</p> -
All Black fans in India are outraged by the Phipps incident.....<br><br><img src="" alt="shoe-1.jpg">
<p>I think my award would be more akin to this though:</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="" alt="il_170x135.688473473_t5yp.jpg"></p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="sparky" data-cid="610733" data-time="1472524576"><p>No it wasn't. It was a comment by Brian Moore on Sunday Grandstand on the BBC in November 2005 when he was being interviewed by John Inverdale.</p></blockquote>
My memory of that was that it was Inverdale that said it. Was still in UK at that time and was watching the show. -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="barbarian" data-cid="610682" data-time="1472512802">
<p>Given their track record, I don't know how anyone can come on here and cite SANZAAR's 'laws and practices' with a straight face.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I give up. Outraged outrage has been put aside, ever so briefly, in favor of fabulously persuasive argument that Owen Franks is guilty of performing a tonsillectomy or something because SANZAR was invented by the Three Stooges.</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Immenso Rapido" data-cid="610745" data-time="1472526946">
<p>I like it how the historic NH journos outrageous idiocy now gets attributed, over time, to all of them, as memory fades if who the actual dunce was.<br><br>
Just like how a <strong>John Beattie</strong> can't tell the difference between a Tana Umaga and a Joeli Vidiri and calls all brownskins a poach. We now attribute the "born in Tokoroa" to about 5 or 6 different journos.<br><br>
One day we will be teasing Marto for running over children ......</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Och no, noot a Scotsman havin a whine too ?</p>