Laurel Hubbard
@no-quarter said in Laurel Hubbard:
@raznomore said in Laurel Hubbard:
@rembrandt I can't decide if I'm liberal or conservative so best to stay off the political forum. The Baron would eat my happy go lucky comments alive.
5 years ago I would have told you I'm liberal, but today with all the outrage culture and SJW nonsense I'm not so sure. Which is why I love the Politics forum! Come join the fun!
Chances are your thread will get moved so you'll have no choice...
When did we move politics to a separate forum?!! I just had off topic and sportstalk bookmarked, and I thought the former had been a bit boring/quiet the past few months. I've been missing out!
@gt12 said in Laurel Hubbard:
What are your sources for boys being allowed to shower with girls etc? I’ve read about the Canada gender thing, but I’ve yet to see any actual situations where little penises are ok in the girls room. Would love to see them as I’m currently having a bit of an ongoing discussion with another friend.
This could use a little bit of editing.
Also this where they rules a transgender male could shower and use the same locker rooms but had to at least use a curtain..well then that was challenged as the curtain was regarded as discriminatory.
I don't have kids, but I do have nieces, and I swear to god there would be some violence if some institution forced them to not only share a locker room with a bloke but to even go as far as making it a civil rights issue that he has to be naked with them
@baron-silas-greenback said in Laurel Hubbard:
@raznomore said in Laurel Hubbard:
@rembrandt I can't decide if I'm liberal or conservative so best to stay off the political forum. The Baron would eat my happy go lucky comments alive.
Those 2 things are not mutually exclusive... feel free to be both.
There is an argument that it is the place most people end up. Change the world lefties grow more fiscally conservative as they get out into the real world and social conservatives soften their opinions from life experiences as well.
@rembrandt said in Laurel Hubbard:
@tewaio Dude! You have missed so much..although not a lot of disagreement anymore. I miss you Gollum!
Yup, we need more people willing to debate over there. I'd love for @Stargazer to expand on why he thinks it's OK for young children to supress puberty, thus stunting development and likely rendering them infertile well before they are able to properly understand the consequences of such a life changing decision. Especially when you consider the majority of them do not even develop gender dysphoria later in life. It's a shame that so many people are completely unwilling to have their ideas challenged.
@no-quarter Just to play devils advocate. I think the biggest argument is that an earlier transition results in a more feminine result and theoretically if you actually physically pass for a women then there is less bullying etc. That's the theory but from what I understand 80% of kids do end up identifying with their biological sex if left un-hormoned. The stats on suicide rate for those who transition vs those that don't are very hard to find (there is a very old flawed study that says there is no difference). Another issue with transitioning kids is having enough penile tissue to create a vagina, you would have to have a pretty awful doctor to suggest that as an option and considering they take the Hippocratic oath I'm sure this would never happ...
I wonder if Combat sports would allow transgender athletes to participate?
I expect in lower ranks they possibly do, would there even be checks/tests for this? It is only at the top end of these sports where it likely gets publicized enough for things to highlight the issue.
The woman on the receiving end of their fight:
In a post-fight interview this week, Brents told Whoa TV, “I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life.”
“I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not, because I’m not a doctor,” she stated. “I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right. ”
@rembrandt said in Laurel Hubbard:
@no-quarter Just to play devils advocate. I think the biggest argument is that an earlier transition results in a more feminine result and theoretically if you actually physically pass for a women then there is less bullying etc. That's the theory but from what I understand 80% of kids do end up identifying with their biological sex if left un-hormoned. The stats on suicide rate for those who transition vs those that don't are very hard to find (there is a very old flawed study that says there is no difference). Another issue with transitioning kids is having enough penile tissue to create a vagina, you would have to have a pretty awful doctor to suggest that as an option and considering they take the Hippocratic oath I'm sure this would never happ...
I've also heard the argument that it will negate the need for some of the surgeries later on (I.E. they won't develop tits so won't need them removed etc). Both are absolutely terrible arguments when you stack them up against the fact that we are talking about a bloody CHILD. Children can't even understand short-term consequences of their actions let alone a long-term life changing decision like this.
Here's the science behind that for anyone interested:
It doesn’t matter how smart teens are or how well they scored on the SAT or ACT. Good judgment isn’t something they can excel in, at least not yet. The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part. In teen’s brains, the connections between the emotional part of the brain and the decision-making center are still developing—and not necessarily at the same rate. That’s why when teens experience overwhelming emotional input, they can’t explain later what they were thinking. They weren’t thinking as much as they were feeling.
I am honestly astounded when anyone thinks the idea of children transitioning is OK. It's not even close to OK, it's child abuse.
@no-quarter Agree totally. I'd really like if anyone who does disagree and think this is ok to present some arguments. Blaire White (Trans woman herself) does a few videos about this which I take as a pretty compelling point of view considering I could never really put myself in a trans persons shoes.
@Rembrandt wow, a mother knew her kid was transgender at 4, wow!
@rembrandt said in Laurelbolded text Hubbard:
@no-quarter Agree totally. I'd really like if anyone who does disagree and think this is ok to present some arguments. Blaire White (Trans woman herself) does a few videos about this which I take as a pretty compelling point of view considering bolded textI could never really put myself in a trans persons shoes.bolded text
Why ? Is it hard to find high heels in blokes sizes?
@taniwharugby I remember my cousin knowing he was a horse at 5 years old. The family couldnt afford a horsederectomy at the time..which was fortunate as he now identifies as a man.