NZR review
I not sure how much I like the recommendations made, but really what the hell do I or really any of us know to say it right or wrong. Apparently the provincial unions have sent a leeter to NZR saying they agree there needs to be change. I know we all rightfully have opinions, but do we know more about how rugby should be run than the people who are running the game now? And if so why aren't we doing job anyway.
I will say there are things I seem to not like but haven't seen all facrs etc. Like NPC , my favourite comp,bar none, they go along with NZR thinking there needs to be changes, I do suspect quite a few provincial boards think so to, it's getting agreement on how and what (I betting we will have less teams), but when it gets into public discussion , we the uninformed tend to jump on anything that means change . As I said personally I not keen on some of things I have seen in report, but that's me looking at it from my point of view and being at one stage on a provincial union board, and not liking the idea of any loss of say from them. -
@Kiwiwomble said in NZR review:
@antipodean in fairness....i dont think thats what hes suggesting...more that you just work out how to operate (theyre point and click) and interpret the result from the MRI yourself rather than trusting a doctor or technician as they are inherently evil
Workin in Radiology, MRI are not point and click lol. No way I could use one correctly, and I support them ICT, and no way I could report on the result. I'm not an expert, but maybe I should - free my mind, not be hypnotized by hundreds of years of scientific advancement. Go with the gut
@Kruse said in NZR review:
(obviously - any "experts" need to be judged, according to qualifications, experience, results, etc... but refusing to believe anybody with an MD, for eg (in the correct fucking field) over and above some shit you saw on a youtube video... you're a fucking retard.)
The retards are those that listen without thinking to all these corrupt, bought and paid for 'experts'. I put them in the same league as religious devotees. One bows down to religion. The other experts. Both refuses, or can't, think for themselves. (Maybe it due to something like all these chemicals in our food or water
And just for the (brain-dead) blue pill takers who can't, or refuse to, think for themselves. Not all experts are the same. So please don't give me shit like what about flying on planes. Or equally as bad but what about an MRI scan? Some experts are great. Some are bought and paid for, corrupt fools. But the brain-dead / innocent & child-like adults put both in the same category. And trust without thinking.
And don't insult plumbers (on a previous post). Who may have played rugby, reffed rugby, been a rugby administrator, run a profitable and successful business etc. Who just may be worth listening to.
@Dan54 said in NZR review:
but really what the hell do I or really any of us know to say it right or wrong.
My view is we have a brain for a reason. Why not use it? Then the best ideas will win. Not just the views, often with self-interest involved, with the most money or power.
@Machpants said in NZR review:
@Kiwiwomble said in NZR review:
@antipodean in fairness....i dont think thats what hes suggesting...more that you just work out how to operate (theyre point and click) and interpret the result from the MRI yourself rather than trusting a doctor or technician as they are inherently evil
Workin in Radiology, MRI are not point and click lol. No way I could use one correctly, and I support them ICT, and no way I could report on the result. I'm not an expert, but maybe I should - free my mind, not be hypnotized by hundreds of years of scientific advancement. Go with the gut
apologies if the sarcasm was not clear
@Winger said in NZR review:
And just for the (brain-dead) blue pill takers who can't, or refuse to, think for themselves. Not all experts are the same. So please don't give me shit like what about flying on planes. Or equally as bad but what about an MRI scan? Some experts are great. Some are bought and paid for, corrupt fools. But the brain-dead / innocent & child-like adults put both in the same category. And trust without thinking.
I guess the ones that are great are the ones you agree with?
And don't insult plumbers (on a previous post).
Literally no one did. Perhaps we've spotted the problem.
@Winger said in NZR review:
@Dan54 said in NZR review:
but really what the hell do I or really any of us know to say it right or wrong.
My view is we have a brain for a reason. Why not use it? Then the best ideas will win. Not just the views, often with self-interest involved, with the most money or power.
THIS - I can agree with. Wholeheartedly.
It's a shame that the irony in it is fucking staggering. -
@Winger said in NZR review:
@Dan54 said in NZR review:
but really what the hell do I or really any of us know to say it right or wrong.
My view is we have a brain for a reason. Why not use it? Then the best ideas will win. Not just the views, often with self-interest involved, with the most money or power.
Oh precisely mate, I not saying we shouldn't think about it or express ideas, just saying I or most of us don't really know why decisions are or have to be made. And as you say we all have brain, and wasn't meaning I or any of us don't, just more thinking of complexities of running game etc behind scenes that affect decisions etc we probably don't have full grasp on.
Still enjoy seeing people's thoughts though.
And I really think the bit you took out of my post kind of proves point, in no way was it getting at people, but by taking part of a sentence it made it sound like something it wasn't. -
The big meeting is today.
Change is one step closer for New Zealand Rugby after the 26 provincial unions “reached a consensus” on governance reforms that could shake up the organisation.
@Dan54 said in NZR review:
Aren't the Players assoc saying they will stop it or something? They want no changes at all to the recomendations, and the provinces still wanted same say. I think I read that, kind of see both sides of argument really.
I know that actually reading articles is against fernlore, but from article from @Duluth
The NZRPA is not a voting member of NZ Rugby and therefore cannot influence the vote, but tensions between the two entities will likely persist over the issue.
Hmmmm...the PUs have plans of their own.
The 14 provincial rugby unions have landed global insurance company Gallagher, the sponsors of the English Premiership, as a partner in a new commercial strategy that will deliver a greater autonomy from New Zealand Rugby.
If they aren't crowding out financing and the unions can become self-sustaining, great. Otherwise if they continue to be mendicants, change is inevitable.
@antipodean Good on them.Take away provincial unions, club rugby and NZRFU have nothing. Not sure what NZRPA’s problem is? The austerity mantra of cutting everything and selling assets to the private sector for short term game is driven by flawed neoclassical economic theory. It starts at central government but is insidious pervading every aspect of our lives for the worse.
@kev said in NZR review:
@antipodean Good on them.Take away provincial unions, club rugby and NZRFU have nothing. Not sure what NZRPA’s problem is? The austerity mantra of cutting everything and selling assets to the private sector for short term game is driven by flawed neoclassical economic theory. It starts at central government but is insidious pervading every aspect of our lives for the worse.
I'm not sold that continuing to spend money on something that loses money is good for long term security.
@antipodean said in NZR review:
@kev said in NZR review:
@antipodean Good on them.Take away provincial unions, club rugby and NZRFU have nothing. Not sure what NZRPA’s problem is? The austerity mantra of cutting everything and selling assets to the private sector for short term game is driven by flawed neoclassical economic theory. It starts at central government but is insidious pervading every aspect of our lives for the worse.
I'm not sold that continuing to spend money on something that loses money is good for long term security.
It’s like running a business where someone else builds the roads and trains your people. Just artificial boundaries, externalising the “other” costs and telling yourself you make all the money.
@kev said in NZR review:
@antipodean said in NZR review:
@kev said in NZR review:
@antipodean Good on them.Take away provincial unions, club rugby and NZRFU have nothing. Not sure what NZRPA’s problem is? The austerity mantra of cutting everything and selling assets to the private sector for short term game is driven by flawed neoclassical economic theory. It starts at central government but is insidious pervading every aspect of our lives for the worse.
I'm not sold that continuing to spend money on something that loses money is good for long term security.
It’s like running a business where someone else builds the roads and trains your people. Just artificial boundaries, externalising the “other” costs and telling yourself you make all the money.
But the NPC is no longer the provider. Schools -> Academy -> Super Rugby -> All Blacks is how it works now. The NPC is a relic of a bygone era and we need to recognise that and adapt accordingly.