Lincoln McClutchie - 16th best 1st 5
@Bones said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Dan54 said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Bones said in Lincoln McClutchie:
So @Dan54 is just making shit up, cheers @Chris @gt12
How long is the season?
Mate I get the info off web, so maybe that was naking it up, but with a salary cap of %00 grand ain't leaving much room for big money, unless you a fromer test player atc.
Where did you get it? Because others seem to have got completely different off "the web".
I only glanced at it, and could be out of date, but don't really care, just what came up. -
@Dan54 said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Bones said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Dan54 said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Bones said in Lincoln McClutchie:
So @Dan54 is just making shit up, cheers @Chris @gt12
How long is the season?
Mate I get the info off web, so maybe that was naking it up, but with a salary cap of %00 grand ain't leaving much room for big money, unless you a fromer test player atc.
Where did you get it? Because others seem to have got completely different off "the web".
I only glanced at it, and could be out of date, but don't really care, just what came up.Yeah but you were wrong.
@KiwiMurph said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@voodoo said in Lincoln McClutchie:
Got to love the off-season, feels longer every year
Never fret.... people will be complaining about Super Rugby being played in cricket season/summer in no time.....
Damn right I will be! All set to copy and paste.
@Nepia said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Nepia I'm shocked and stunned you didn't notice it about McClutchie, yet did about Morgan.
That's because he's always been fairly chunky/solid
He's no Piri Weepu though...
@MajorRage said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Canes4life said in Lincoln McClutchie:
Why do we have a whole thread about McClutchie anyway? I don't even think the likes of Richie or Dan had their own threads on the Fern. McClutchie must be doing something right.
86 posts and counting of decent discussion about the player, so he's certainly earned his own thread.
We aren't at Toeava or A Ioane yet though.
I'm now plotting my next Bay player to discuss to get them their own thread too - sadly I'm in the middle of Course Advisory Committees so have had limited opportunity to comment since it went to it's own thread.
@Yeahtheboys said in Lincoln McClutchie:
These Hawkes Bay fans are unbearable huh fellas.... almost as bad as some of the Cane's fans around here....
Some of them (not me of course) are both Bay and Canes fans.
@frugby said in Lincoln McClutchie:
I'll get shot down for this, but think Bay fans have rose-tinted glasses with McClutchie. Is he the second coming of christ? No.
No one from the Bay has claimed he's the second coming of christ. If that's where you're coming from you're wilfully missing the point ...
I'm not wilfully missing the point. My point is that Hawke's Bay fans have their blinkers on with McClutchie. Every now and then there are players who shoot through the NPC and are extremely unlucky not to get Super Rugby contracts, but that sort of things has happened in all sports forever. There are always lucky player and unlucky players - there is not an issue with the Super Rugby contracting system just because McClutchie didn't get a contract.
It isn't like he is a new player, has previously spent time in camp with the Highlanders and possibly some of the other NZ sides, also ignoring that he was with MP. Several new 10s have been signed up, and they have not signed McClutchie. Considering the amount of new players signed, if teams were really interested they would have found a spot for him (Unless he turned a contract down).
Despite what some might think, the fact no team wants him tells you there is a reason why. Without evidence, I wouldn't suggest it is anything sinister, so there is obviously things in his game they don't like.
You claimed you weren't wilfully missing the point and then went on to a whole bunch of stuff not related to what I quoted as the point of the wilfully missing the point.
@Billsy111 not really...each coach is only responsible for thier region, so for the Blues say, thier coaches dont see him in the top 3 available to sign, assuming they had any spots anyway.
i doubt there was any spots available at the chiefs. all three would have been signed early if not on multi year contracts. if ioane wasnt you would have him over LM even with ioanes faults. even then we didnrt have room for cashmore who id rate over LM as well
@Billsy111 said in Lincoln McClutchie:
The whole point is that according to Super Rugby Coaches they think that Lincoln isn't in the top 15 first fives in New Zealand. And to me that's just fucking bullshit.
out of interest who would you have him over?
not saying your wrong as ive said above chiefs i wouldnt think have room. -
Ok I'll leave.
@Stockcar86 said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Nepia said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Nepia I'm shocked and stunned you didn't notice it about McClutchie, yet did about Morgan.
That's because he's always been fairly chunky/solid
He's no Piri Weepu though...
Hey you leave a good Wainui lad outta this conversation.
@Bones said in Lincoln McClutchie:
@Dan54 you didn't say you got it from an "article" you said it as though you knew and it was the truth. When it wasn't, it was just a someone else.
Well I guess that's where we all get our info from, including you saying it wrong huh??