RIP Warney
@jc said in RIP Warney:
This one is really sad. One of those people I would have really loved to have a beer with. His war stories would have been worth me putting my hand in my pocket all night.
See ya Warney, thanks for those magic moments and never being boring.
Yeah one of those cases of a person being a sporting legend AND a dynamic personality. So often it’s one or the other.
He would have been terrific company over a few beers.
This is fucked
Warny lived a fucking life man.
One of the best cricketers I ever had the pleasure of watching (maybe the best of my time) still old school off the field.
Beers and durries
And thrn the women. The Liz Hurley thread should be renamed the Shane Warne memorial totty thread
RIP warney. You really were a legend
What the hell. Super sad news about Warney.
Wow. So young but a life well lived. GOAT spinner and a dead set legend on and off the field.
@mariner4life when being with Liz Hurley probably wasnt even the pinnacle moment of your life, you know you have clocked life.
One of those rare characters whose legacy stretched beyond the game he played.
Far, far too young, RIP fella.
Suspected heart attack. At 52. Even at 74 Rod Marsh was hardly decrepit to the point of having massive heart issues.
As someone who has had heart surgery for something that would have otherwise gone undetected bar a visit to the cardiologist, I can say with a reasonable level of authority that all you Polish chicks should make time to see your GP, get blood tests, and look after yourselves besides.
Fat Bastard
@act-crusader said in RIP Warney:
Rod Marsh and Warnie in the same 24 hours,
Rule of threes. Thankfully I was a shit cricketer so that rules me out.
He made spin cool again in Oz. Just look at some of these deliveries:
@nta said in RIP Warney:
Suspected heart attack. At 52. Even at 74 Rod Marsh was hardly decrepit to the point of having massive heart issues.
As someone who has had heart surgery for something that would have otherwise gone undetected bar a visit to the cardiologist, I can say with a reasonable level of authority that all you Polish chicks should make time to see your GP, get blood tests, and look after yourselves besides.
Fat Bastard
Was having that exact chat with one of the Dads at kids sport just before. Warnie actually looked in great shape last I saw him on TV, outwardly he looked far healthier than when he was playing.
It certainly reminded me of my own heart issues ( thankfully very minor )
I suspect too much of what us blokes on here indulge in plus copious amounts of coke didn’t help.
Yeah forget "be Batman"
Warnie is the dream really. Be Warnie.
Bowl spin so you don't have to be fit. Smash birds and beers.
@mn5 said in RIP Warney:
@jc said in RIP Warney:
This one is really sad. One of those people I would have really loved to have a beer with. His war stories would have been worth me putting my hand in my pocket all night.
See ya Warney, thanks for those magic moments and never being boring.
Yeah one of those cases of a person being a sporting legend AND a dynamic personality. So often it’s one or the other.
He would have been terrific company over a few beers.
So sad, heartbreaking.
Mike Gatting:
“He was a great tactician, he was always up the other end thinking about how to get somebody out, how to do something different. All the while he was having fun. He enjoyed what he did and it came across.”
In the mid 1990's when every NZ batsman after Martin Crowe used to fall bowled or plumb in front to flipper after flipper, there used to be worrying news clips out of Australia showing apparently every blond ten year old in Australia bowling leg spin in the nets. It was said that he was inspiring a generation of young kids, and that there was a looming army of Australian leg spinners on the way, set to cause havoc for the rest of us for decades.
It's true that he inspired just about everyone to try the odd wrist spinner or two in the backyard. But it slowly dawned on me a few years ago that the army of marauding Australian next-gen S. K. Warne's had never actually materialised.
Shane Warne's bowling inspired so many, yet he was so brilliantly difficult to replicate.
The accuracy. The drift. The turn and bounce. It was masterful.
And the way he set guys up. He seriously might be the best cricketer of my generation.
Saw him get his 300th v South Africa at the SCG. That's really my only big warny live story