Aussie Pro Rugby
I guarantee that if I send that to my Mum, they'd get one more.
So this is the latest news.
SANZAAR boss Andy Marinos is in the box seat to become the next chief executive of Rugby Australia as the search for a full-time successor to Raelene Castle nears completion. Multiple industry sources familiar with the recruitment process said Marinos, who has led SANZAAR since 2015, was the leading candidate for the top job, which was left vacant when Castle departed after a falling-out with the board in April. Rob Clarke has filled the CEO’s role on an interim basis since then.
Meanwhile these were Hamish McLennan's comments on The Breakdown in September.
Reports suggest SANZAAR chief Andy Marinos is on the shortlist for the Rugby Australia chief executive position, left vacant by the abrupt departure of Raelene Castle earlier this year. That would have created a conflict of interest for Marinos in the decision to stage the Rugby Championship in Australia over New Zealand. McLennan has rubbished the reports, calling them a "cheap shot". "Andy Marinos is a fine man, an ethical guy who has done the right thing for SANZAAR rugby over many years. "He is not shortlisted for the Rugby Australia job. "He is highly respected both here and around the world, but he is not on the shortlist, he hasn't been interviewed for the role and I haven't spoken to him about it. "I think that is a complete cheap shot from the New Zealand media."
@KiwiMurph said in Aussie Rugby:
So this is the latest news.
SANZAAR boss Andy Marinos is in the box seat to become the next chief executive of Rugby Australia as the search for a full-time successor to Raelene Castle nears completion. Multiple industry sources familiar with the recruitment process said Marinos, who has led SANZAAR since 2015, was the leading candidate for the top job, which was left vacant when Castle departed after a falling-out with the board in April. Rob Clarke has filled the CEO’s role on an interim basis since then.
Meanwhile these were Hamish McLennan's comments on The Breakdown in September.
Reports suggest SANZAAR chief Andy Marinos is on the shortlist for the Rugby Australia chief executive position, left vacant by the abrupt departure of Raelene Castle earlier this year. That would have created a conflict of interest for Marinos in the decision to stage the Rugby Championship in Australia over New Zealand. McLennan has rubbished the reports, calling them a "cheap shot". "Andy Marinos is a fine man, an ethical guy who has done the right thing for SANZAAR rugby over many years. "He is not shortlisted for the Rugby Australia job. "He is highly respected both here and around the world, but he is not on the shortlist, he hasn't been interviewed for the role and I haven't spoken to him about it. "I think that is a complete cheap shot from the New Zealand media."
Either McLennan has been attending Lance Armstrong's integrity training or the SMH is now New Zealand media?
@KiwiMurph that's McLennan's integrity in the toilet.
So if Marinos was in the job five years, he effectively oversaw the demise of Super Rugby.
In a statement, Marinos said he was incredibly humbled to take up the role. “[I am] very excited about rugby’s future in this country,” Marinos said. “Despite there being a lot of hard work ahead, I believe that Rugby Australia is uniquely placed for success both domestically and on the global stage. We need to hit the ground running and build momentum from the start so we can continue to move forward with deliberate intent, as we look to reignite the game from the bottom up. Next year has an exciting domestic and international rugby calendar so we need to be ready to maximise these opportunities.
So pretty much nothing has changed.
On a slightly more positive note: at the Subbies AGM I managed to get a couple of minutes talking to new CEO of NSW Rugby Paul Doorn. Seems like a nice bloke and not the usual school tie fuckwit. He's from the south coast so understands that we're sick of rugby being all about Premier clubs.
The fact that he turned up to the Subbies AGM speaks volumes.
@KiwiMurph said in Aussie Rugby:
Hallejulah! At last a bloke with qualifications and a relevant performance record in rugby. He has the toughest job in the game ahead of him, other than coach of the Aero-Pelican Newcastle-Sydney Commuter Service Harmless Wallabies - good luck.
Time passes and the memory of inner Sydney Mosman grazier wee Billie Pushover and the appalling Castle, "The Goth", fades ... praise be!
As I recall she was returned to New Zealand along with 30 other sentenced New Zealand offenders in about October ...
@Mick-Gold-Coast-QLD said in Aussie Rugby:
At last a bloke with qualifications and a relevant performance record in rugby.
He's overseen the worst period in SANZAR/SANZAAR history.
So yeah, pretty much automatically qualifies him for our top gig.
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby:
On a slightly more positive note: at the Subbies AGM I managed to get a couple of minutes talking to new CEO of NSW Rugby Paul Doorn. Seems like a nice bloke and not the usual school tie fuckwit. He's from the south coast so understands that we're sick of rugby being all about Premier clubs.
The fact that he turned up to the Subbies AGM speaks volumes.
I read that as Doom.
@Snowy said in Aussie Rugby:
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby:
I've only just seen this (and I know that I am cynical) but that was Richard hitting on some blokes girlfriend / wife wasn't it? Doesn't seem very Christmassy.
Its a fun situation when you’ve got a professional rugby player, who could squash you like a bug, cracking on to the girl you’re there with. It happened to me once, and it was a strange feeling because I was like ‘looking at the situation objectively, you’d be mad to not tell me to go fuck myself’.
@gt12 said in Aussie Rugby:
@Snowy said in Aussie Rugby:
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby:
I've only just seen this (and I know that I am cynical) but that was Richard hitting on some blokes girlfriend / wife wasn't it? Doesn't seem very Christmassy.
Its a fun situation when you’ve got a professional rugby player, who could squash you like a bug, cracking on to the girl you’re there with. It happened to me once, and it was a strange feeling because I was like ‘looking at the situation objectively, you’d be mad to not tell me to go fuck myself’.
I wonder if Richard had a card prepared if the boyfriend / husband came down to the door with "go fuck yourself" on it (which I am lead to believe from unreliable sauces is Wesotych Swiat in Polish, but that might be Merry Christmas).
He probably followed that with "she's coming with me" and she likely would.
@Snowy said in Aussie Rugby:
@gt12 said in Aussie Rugby:
@Snowy said in Aussie Rugby:
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby:
I've only just seen this (and I know that I am cynical) but that was Richard hitting on some blokes girlfriend / wife wasn't it? Doesn't seem very Christmassy.
Its a fun situation when you’ve got a professional rugby player, who could squash you like a bug, cracking on to the girl you’re there with. It happened to me once, and it was a strange feeling because I was like ‘looking at the situation objectively, you’d be mad to not tell me to go fuck myself’.
I wonder if Richard had a card prepared if the boyfriend / husband came down to the door with "go fuck yourself" on it (which I am lead to believe from unreliable sauces is Wesotych Swiat in Polish, but that might be Merry Christmas).
He probably followed that with "she's coming with me" and she likely would.
That already happened, from 0:51 to 1:08 😁
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby:
@Mick-Gold-Coast-QLD said in Aussie Rugby:
At last a bloke with qualifications and a relevant performance record in rugby.
He's overseen the worst period in SANZAR/SANZAAR history.
it might turn out to be the best period. Where a stupid super rugby set up was finally kicked into touch and replaced with something good. As long as it continues with a local competition to start (otherwise Aussie with 5 teams won't be able to compete with NZ teams = failure) followed by crossover matches (like 2021). And the money earning 4 nations continues (SA doesn't shoot themselves in the foot and pull out)
Hopefully the new leader (he can't be worse than Castle) can sort the Aussie mess out (due to incompetent previous leaders. Starting with O'Neill who wanted 5 teams) and is competent enough to see whats needed.