NPC - news, injuries etc
@Yeetyaah said in Mitre 10 Cup - news, injuries etc:
@Snowy yeah that was my point. You don't put an s on the end of a Māori word to make it a plural as a isn't the Māori alphabet.
Two questions:
- How to you show possession in written Maori?
- How do you spell 'Fundraiser' in Maori?
I talked to Rob Thompson today as he's my coach for school rugby and he's going to Japan and not playing for Bay of Plenty. Confirmed
Thinking about it more, Mako are stacked as it is, is it really good for the comp to have that stacked of a team? I know players are attracted to winning teams and all that blah blah but surely you'd be struggling for game time. Reece I can understand but Telea?
@booboo said in Mitre 10 Cup - news, injuries etc:
@Yeetyaah said in Mitre 10 Cup - news, injuries etc:
@Snowy yeah that was my point. You don't put an s on the end of a Māori word to make it a plural as a isn't the Māori alphabet.
Two questions:
- How to you show possession in written Maori?
- How do you spell 'Fundraiser' in Maori?
- Possession is represented by tā/tō (singular) and ā/ō (plural). With tā/ā being things which I think money/funds comes under.
- There's not a 100% direct translation that I know of but I think whakaara putea is close. Whakaara - raise, Putea - money/funds. I guess whakaara moni (money) is probably used regularly but I try not to use loan words.
So I think the Mako's fundraiser would be: ā Mako whakaara putea.
Happy to hear fo any different translations if anyone has one.
@Yeetyaah for a Union that is cash strapped , I am staggered how they can acquire such large squad.. ...All Blacks I have been told are 55k alone ..Super Players range from anything from 35k to 50k..can only imagine that the non super rugby guys will be taking what their given..
@Steven-Harris that's not the final squad, that's a wider squad.
@sparky Is that salary cap thing working?
The flaw seems to be that not only do winning teams attract mercenary players to move in order to claim a title on their CV but because of bigger crowds/sponsorship/income their spending cap goes up (% of income)
This is't a whinge about Ta$man, just a question of whether that system creates a runaway train or an even sustainable comp.
What's up with Jesse Parete. I don't seem to see his name in the Taranaki wider group. Is he potentially staying down in Otago ?
@Crucial caught up with Darryl Suasua at the Marist v Ponsonby game this afternoon ..I asked Him what he thought of the situation with Ta$man, he had no issues with what they are doing or how they recruit .
In fact he applauded them, and said other unions should be looking to them as the benchmark .
They are doing plenty of development within their own region ,but also have the backing financially to ensure they are fully professionally run.
He shared some of the issues had with Counties Manukau last year, once injuries hit, and they were hit very hard, there simply was no cash to bring anybody else in..they did have a couple of Australian players, but got them very cheap..
Some unions are quite prepared to spend money on players just to ensure it gets them winning games and making finals.I have come to the conclusion, it’s better idea to put systems in place to ensure firstly your club competition is strong and to a point where you can start developing your own players, get buy in from your stakeholders and sponsors that might be a bit of pain for a couple of seasons , but these systems will play opposed to forking 30k for a super rugby player from another province who lets face it, won’t hang around was the money runs out.
You may or may not be shocked to learn , many of Counties Manukau’s super rugby players were all on the 20-25 k Mark..