Positive chat! Final plans, What are you doing? Where are you watching?
<p>Will get to bed early Sat night and set the alarm for approx 45 mins before the game starts. Early nights and early starts are my usual routine so not a big deal thankfully.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I need to be alone when watching these types of games as I am incredibly nervous which results in a) a lot of loud swearing b) getting immensely irritated if there are any interruptions - my responses to others when like this isn't good e.g. told my teenage son to 'f' off during a game several years ago when he had the audacity to barrack for the Wallabies, even tho he was born here in QLD ! and c) a lot of pacing and-or needing to be physically busy when games are close- I dusted the lounge last week during the 2nd half of the AB v SA semi. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Alcohol isn't my friend so I will be taking the dog for his morning walk after the game proudly wearing my AB's cap whether we win or lose. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>If we win I will spend Sunday like a pig in mud happily watching the replays, texting family and friends, maybe a nanna nap, a spot of gardening and checking into the fern of course and finish off the day with a lamb roast and a replay before bed.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>If we lose it will be horrible... </p> -
I've gotten the boys this far by watching alone in my TV room wearing only boxer shorts. I don't want to hex this game by having other people around or being fully clothed.<br><br>
Fark these world cups are an ordeal. Does anyone here actually enjoy them? -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Rancid Schnitzel" data-cid="535886" data-time="1446073419">
<p>I've gotten the boys this far by watching alone in my TV room wearing only boxer shorts. I don't want to hex this game by having other people around or being fully clothed.<br><br>
Fark these world cups are an ordeal. Does anyone here actually enjoy them?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>They should have a RWC without the ABs involved to save you the blood pressure :whistle:</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Rancid Schnitzel" data-cid="535886" data-time="1446073419">
<p>I've gotten the boys this far by watching alone in my TV room wearing only boxer shorts. I don't want to hex this game by having other people around or being fully clothed.<br><br>
Fark these world cups are an ordeal. Does anyone here actually enjoy them?</p>
<p>If the Scots had not choked two weeks ago, this would have been a cruisy week for most AB supporters. But I agree with you, the pool stages are incredibly enjoyable, and then it becomes a living hell after that.</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Rancid Schnitzel" data-cid="535886" data-time="1446073419">
<p>I've gotten the boys this far by watching alone in my TV room wearing only boxer shorts. I don't want to hex this game by having other people around or being fully clothed.<br><br>
Fark these world cups are an ordeal. Does anyone here actually enjoy them?</p>
<p>Good on you, don't change any of the usual procedures, that would be just asking for trouble! To be honest I don't think I truly relax and enjoy an AB's v Wallabies game until:</p>
<p>1) we are ahead by at least 10 in the final 10 and looking strong and disciplined or,</p>
<p>2) ahead by 10 in the final 20, looking strong and disciplined and the opposition have lost the plot and have a man in the bin, or</p>
<p>3) am watching the replay of a close game and we won.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I do relax and enjoy AB games against the NH sides, even the French... and tests where the AB's arn't playing.</p> -
<p>I'm in a pretty bad situation. Last week I foolishly escorted a pack of clueless socialist continentalists comprised of girlfriend, friends of girlfriend, child, mother in law, friends of friends, new colleagues, etc to Coco's Outback last week in a lame attempt at equanimity. There was a couple of other kiwi's, one of whom brought her kids to add to the atmosphere. Got there 45 minutes before kick off to find it was actually jammed full to the brim with Japies, access not even physically possible for a single man, let alone my united nations of Benetton delegation.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>We settled in maybe the worst tourist bar in the worst tourist area in all Amsterdam, conveniently located right next door, and watching the game on a regulation size televison set above the bar with some other fluffybunnies that didn't have the good sense to arrive four hours before the game. I started off relaxed and felt oddly confident at half time, spending half my time leisurely answering questions such as "Who's New Zealand again?" and "I understand all the rules but I don't understand why they don't just throw it forward like in the NFL?".</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I ended up alone cuddling the other two kiwi's as full time beckoned while the rest of our contingent ordered bar snacks and chatted merrily about their insignificant lives. The word that came to mind was 'what a fucking circus - never doing this again'.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Anyway, good result, thought that was that, I can revert to my Rancid Schnitzelesque 2011 final approach of pacing in my boxer shorts drinking cans of beer, crushing them as though they are voodoo dolls and throwing them around the house while making grunting sounds and twitching movements.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Unfortunately the whole 'not quite Coco's Outback but another shit tourist trap with overpriced beer and a tiny screen' experience went down a treat with these muppets. I even had one good Amsterdam friend who HATES sport in general, will barely even wear anything orange when the Netherlands are in the football world cup (which is almost unheard of, EVERYONE jumps on the bandwagon - way more than NZers with Rugby, which is saying something), texting me with "I absolutely loved it, way more exciting than football, same bat time and channel next week?"</p>
<p> </p>
<p>So the entourage is twice the size on Saturday. Living the Dream.</p> -
<p>TR Jnr wants to get up and watch with me, only problem is the little fecker never stops talking and asking me questions about anything and everything!</p>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="dejo" data-cid="535922" data-time="1446077769">
<p>I'm in a pretty bad situation. Last week I foolishly escorted a pack of clueless socialist continentalists comprised of girlfriend, friends of girlfriend, child, mother in law, friends of friends, new colleagues, etc to Coco's Outback last week in a lame attempt at equanimity. There was a couple of other kiwi's, one of whom brought her kids to add to the atmosphere. Got there 45 minutes before kick off to find it was actually jammed full to the brim with Japies, access not even physically possible for a single man, let alone my united nations of Benetton delegation.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>We settled in maybe the worst tourist bar in the worst tourist area in all Amsterdam, conveniently located right next door, and watching the game on a regulation size televison set above the bar with some other fluffybunnies that didn't have the good sense to arrive four hours before the game. I started off relaxed and felt oddly confident at half time, spending half my time leisurely answering questions such as "Who's New Zealand again?" and "I understand all the rules but I don't understand why they don't just throw it forward like in the NFL?".</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I ended up alone cuddling the other two kiwi's as full time beckoned while the rest of our contingent ordered bar snacks and chatted merrily about their insignificant lives. The word that came to mind was 'what a fucking circus - never doing this again'.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Anyway, good result, thought that was that, I can revert to my Rancid Schnitzelesque 2011 final approach of pacing in my boxer shorts drinking cans of beer, crushing them as though they are voodoo dolls and throwing them around the house while making grunting sounds and twitching movements.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Unfortunately the whole 'not quite Coco's Outback but another shit tourist trap with overpriced beer and a tiny screen' experience went down a treat with these muppets. I even had one good Amsterdam friend who HATES sport in general, will barely even wear anything orange when the Netherlands are in the football world cup (which is almost unheard of, EVERYONE jumps on the bandwagon - way more than NZers with Rugby, which is saying something), texting me with "I absolutely loved it, way more exciting than football, same bat time and channel next week?"</p>
<p> </p>
<p>So the entourage is twice the size on Saturday. Living the Dream.</p>
<p>simple plan. get there fuck off early. as soon as you arrive, announce you need to take a "nervous piss" then ditch them, zip next door, turn off your phone, and watch the game. Wander back in, elated, a couple of hours later, and you won't give a fuck what grief you get</p> -
<p>After all the stress this will be me after the ALL BLACKS win</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="http://www.aux.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/ChickenNoodleSoup.gif" alt="ChickenNoodleSoup.gif"></p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="taniwharugby" data-cid="535924" data-time="1446077983">
<p>TR Jnr wants to get up and watch with me, only problem is the little fecker never stops talking and asking me questions about anything and everything!</p>
<p> </p>
<p>My son just reads the score to me... alot</p> -
<p>ha that's what Miss TR does...she is keen to get up too, but gee I much prefer watching alone, in the dark :)</p>
<p>8am Califiornia time and I will be listening on the iphone while I watch my daughter play soccer. Can't get out of it and the boys game is at 910am. Hope to watch the replay with my English and Welsh friends in the afternoon. Hadyn (Welsh) bristles whenever I mention the dive. Go ABs. </p>
<p>I'm too old for an all nighter and really don't want to meet up with a bunch of people who have been drinking for 10 hours. I'm going to be somewhere where the neighbours are a long way away and then I am going to scream, yell, swear, mutter dire warnings, pace the room, punch things and tell anyone who speaks to SHUTTHEFUCKUP!</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I will make sure to take my blood pressure tabs before turning TV on as if its anything like 2011 I will need all the medication I can get.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>If we win - it will be time to cook a bloody feast for breakfast, go for a walk, go the pub and devour every media report from every country on the globe.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>If the unthinkable happens. I won't talk - possibly for days. I will probably manage to go on Fern to congratulate the Aussies but I will avoid radio, TV and every other outlet for the rabid whingers. Telling everyone that it's only a game and not believing if for a moment.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I'll get over it pretty quickly though. By Xmas I should be coming right.</p>