2018 Football World Cup
God, what a boring half that was.
@rocky-rockbottom said in 2018 Football World Cup:
@canefan said in 2018 Football World Cup:
@rocky-rockbottom said in 2018 Football World Cup:
ps how shit was Suarez, fluffed everything we got his barge-arse in the vicinity of, looked 10 kgs heavier than Lpool days, must be eating well in Spain, [insert "lots of practice biting, fuckit, anything will do" gag]
No cutting edge in front of goal?
yeah, fairly toothless, just doesnt have his old appetite for goal
He's a proven scorer though; once he gets a taste he'll want to dine out on goals
@rocky-rockbottom said in 2018 Football World Cup:
Straya 1
Frogs 2haha, Straya went alright, gave the cossetted frog superstars a fuck of a fright. That VAR PK scenario was damn sketchy. Going the way of rugby, the more you look the more youre gonna find shit to have a cry about. In real time it looked like the frog left his back foot in then sort of belatedly remembered to go down from sniper fire, as they all do. I wouldve booked the fluffybunny for simulation.
Dunno who the players were but good things were happening for Aus down the right. Should've gone to that well more often
haha, Giroud subs on with his head already bandaged and his hair PERFECTLY already manicured around the bandage. Must be going for the rugged Parisien look on the catwalk look this spring.
Was thinking wft is the big deal about Pogba, decorates the game with a couple of ineffectual fancy dan touches then fucken vanishes for 20 minutes. Then oops hello, scythes thru to win them the match
Mbappe too, big deal. Worlds most expensive player my arse. More like Mfappe.
Giroud was taking fashion cues from this guy
@rocky-rockbottom said in 2018 Football World Cup:
Arg 1
Vikings 1There are 350,000 Icelanders TOTAL.
Incredible. I googled their population after the equaliser, and given their Euro champs ride, I still can't get my head around it!
For all the angst about annual rule changes and directives to clean up the game World Rugby dishes out, ol' FIFA have done fuck all to deal with diving and ref abuse in about 20 years.
It is what it is and I guess the difference between the world's most profitable game vs rugby trying to attract a larger market.
@siam said in 2018 Football World Cup:
For all the angst about annual rule changes and directives to clean up the game World Rugby dishes out, ol' FIFA have done fuck all to deal with diving and ref abuse in about 20 years.
It is what it is and I guess the difference between the world's most profitable game vs rugby trying to attract a larger market.
I don't think that's the big difference at all.
It's because FIFA is completely bent. Every country gets a vote, so with the right application of money the powers at the top of FIFA can ensure a steady flow into their own pockets. They just have to not do anything that might annoy people.
Fixing problems in the game is hard. Banning top players for simulation will have clubs up in arms. Having a ridiculously large tournament in a semi-dictatorship is easy.
That the international game is falling apart under club pressures is difficult to fix. Having the Champions League is easy.
This is why the IRB have a very different power structure, and why even non-RWC fixtures still have some meaning.
If the IRB ever go to "one nation, one vote", look forward to the death of international rugby, and some very rich Romanian, Tongan and Georgian administrators.
@chester-draws Yeah well put. Money's rolling in, don't rock the gravy boat
Mexico 1
Germany 0, zip, zilch, nada -
@rocky-rockbottom said in 2018 Football World Cup:
Brazil 1
Swiss 1Brazil got their goal then went into fonzie too-cool-for-skool hey-guyz-let's-just-fuck-around-in-our-own-half mode, yeah, fuck these toblerone-faced fluffybunnies, 1-0 should do it. Oops.
In other news, sounds like the krauts push through to Stalingrad has been momentarily delayed. Again.
Comedy Gold 👏
Any chance someone could actually show up to the World Cup and put on a display?
What's the coverage like in NZ? Because in Australia, it's fucked. Proper fucked.
Coverage split between SBS (free to air) and fucking Optus. SBS get one game a night, and that's it. To watch the others you need a subscription to Optus Sports, so you can stream it to your phone. Which no one has unless they really fucking love the Premier League.
Of course, as if this wasn't bad enough, the streaming service has shat itself. Every. Single. Night. So basically no one is Australia is watching the World Cup.
And with SBS, you get a replay in the morning at 6.30 of whatever game they had from the night before. Coverage starts at 6.30am. But for the first hour you get to listen to Craig Fucking Foster talk absolute shit. And then the game starts at 7.30, as you are walking out the door to work.
I'm surprised you can't hear the cries of anguish from the Melbourne ethnics from NZ. Imagine if Italy has actually made it? Leichhardt might have burnt down by now.
So the the master race lost to a bunch of drug mules and illegal gardners and Brazil, for the first time since 1954, lost their opening match.
Come to think of it, a draw involving Switzerland makes perfect sense - they've never favoured one outcome over another.
@mariner4life coverage in NZ is on Sky, and is actually really good. All games live, and each day they have a one hour highlights package of the games played overnight. For once I am actually impressed.
England opening their world cup against Tunisia at 6AM (NZ time) tomorrow. With the big guns failing to fire any shots so far, surely this is England's time... surely!
@no-quarter said in 2018 Football World Cup:
England opening their world cup against Tunisia at 6AM (NZ time) tomorrow. With the big guns failing to fire any shots so far, surely this is England's time... surely!
Come On England!!!
not sure if already posted, outstanding!!
@rocky-rockbottom said in 2018 Football World Cup:
cant complain about coverage here in Japen. although vaguely shitting me how Japanese commentators mention the HEIGHT of every single player every time they say their name. Guys. It's not an excuse. Dwarves can be good too. Messi is 4 foot 8". Maradona stopped growing when he was 5 fucken years old.
every game on regular telly in japan. even late 1st round when they'll have 4 matches a day with 2 kicking off simultaneously, presumably to prevent the Germans from trying to kick shit off with the Poles again.
into routine now:
9pm game: Yes
midnight game: like fuck
3 am game: miss first 20 mins but watch the rest. The sun's up at 4 so no real biggie
2 pm conk outlater 1st round when its 11 pm and 3 am are going to be a bastard, watch 11 pm game half nodding off til 1 am then youre in the undead zone, no fucken way i'm staying awake til 3 am and if I nod off now i'll wake up at 7am having dozed thru one game and completely missed the other
jeez, streaming in Aus to your fucking phone? fuck watching soccer on a telephone. I wouldnt even watch RUGBY on a telephone. if WC wasnt on reg telly I wouldnt even bother with any of it. Leap up at 3 am to stare at a fucking telephone hahahhaha
That was my 2007 RWC schedule, except I watched them all 😁
@hooroo said in 2018 Football World Cup:
@no-quarter said in 2018 Football World Cup:
England opening their world cup against Tunisia at 6AM (NZ time) tomorrow. With the big guns failing to fire any shots so far, surely this is England's time... surely!
Come On England!!!
I just want to see them try to play football. Too many times recently they get knocked out with a whimper, barely firing a shot.