Laurel Hubbard
@rembrandt said in Laurel Hubbard:
I think I read somewhere that women have the advantage in ultra-long distance running ie 100kms+. Something about fat stores I think
I heard it's long-distance endurance swimming, crossing English Channel, Great Lakes, etc. It's a blubber-thing.
@salacious-crumb said in Laurel Hubbard:
(Like I said - it's all about the blubber.)
Finally a sport my body is designed to excel in
There are not many womens sports that genuinely amaze me. Gymnastics, figure-skating, diving.... basically where judges do scoring and it's never a disadvantage to looking super-hot 'n' sexy when you move. I think that's it.
not sure this is about being open minded...being open minded is accepting 'her' choice to become a woman, which is totally different to accepting 'her' decision to compete in a female event, given for 35 of the 39 years on this earth were spent as a man (or, I guess as a woman trapped in a mans body)
@taniwharugby said in Laurel Hubbard:
not sure this is about being open minded...being open minded is accepting 'her' choice to become a woman, which is totally different to accepting 'her' decision to compete in a female event, given for 35 of the 39 years on this earth were spent as a man (or, I guess as a woman trapped in a mans body)
Which one's which?
I don't think people should be blaming Laurel for wanting to compete. It's just human nature that people will try to compete if they are allowed to even if they have what is deemed to be an unfair advantage.
It just really stretches belief that an average male weightlifter becomes transgender and is all of a sudden one of the best female weightlifters, yet has gained no advantage from the transition.
@hydro11 yup, for sure, my scorn is directed towards the cowardly sporting bodies that allow it lest they cause outrage.
Agreed. You can't blame people following the rules.
The gutless idiots making the rules, not so much.
I actually 100% agree. You can’t honestly look at yourself and say that’s a fair cop for other competitors - despite the fact that you’ve been living in the wrong body your life. Coach, help, whatever, but your not fair competition, sadly.
Cant remember if it was discussed on the fern ,
But was big news here in melbourne ,
Trans gender woman was rejected from playing in the womens AFL league ,
I think for the average person on the street , alarm bells went off with her size , 190 cm 100 kilos
Throwing that into the mix with the girls could be a recipe for disaster in contact sport ,
saw footage of her playing ,might not be PC, but looks like a dude , runs like a dude ,
@rembrandt said in Laurel Hubbard:
Well I also blame Laurel. She knows she has a massive unfair advantage and is cheating other girls out of their hard earned dreams. The gentlemanly (sue me) thing to do would be not compete and maybe go into coaching or something.
I agree to a point, but at the same time rules are rules and if you allow something then don't be surprised when people exploit it. If it's not Laurel then it's the transgender UFC fighter, or the transgender AFL player @kiwiinmelb mentions - not such an issue there because the AFL appears to have some bloody common sense.
I think when making these decisions the emotion needs to be taken out of the decision making ,
And the question has to be , does the person have an unfair advantage of the other competitors ?
And the AFL had the courage to say , we think she does .
@kiwiinmelb her response on the news last night was that she didnt win...
@bovidae said in Laurel Hubbard:
Robles is 10 kg heavier than Hubbard.
This interview gives her reasons for competing, whether you agree it is fair or not.
Roble's also 15 years younger. And has trained longer.
That someone can leap like this from out of nowhere to the top of a sport isn't unusual. It happens all the time with drugs cheats. Which is effectively what we have here, albeit sanctioned.