Joseph Parker - Young man going places.
bit of a concern , joe looks a bit lost here
More action in those last two rounds - Parker needs to get a few more runs on the board.
Keep the comments coming pal.
Ruiz is getting in fast flurries when they close - and he's chasing Parker a bit
Parker it throwing combos but really spaced out and he isn't jabbing enough in between
Yeah definitely!
Parker is wearing the shots well but it only takes one...
Ruiz is still throwing but Joe doesn't seem busy enough. But the comms seem to think the jabbing is enough
Ruiz does look frustrated - hope we see some fireworks in the last two rounds
Less hugging more punching please lads
up against the better calibre of fighters, Joes power perhaps isnt the weapon we thought it might be
Hasn't looked like he wanted to take the fight to Ruiz
he's probably landed more but Ruiz has thrown heaps
Maybe just to Ruiz? Parker didn't push the fight but his accuracy was probably better.
Commentary still leaning to Parker
and a good call that Joshua or Fury won't be worried about these two
Joe wins!! Majority decision!!
I think he knows how lucky he was!