Aaron Smith naughty boy?
Not really what NZRU want right now...our media outlets are reveling in it.
I guess it could have been worse and at least there was no violence involved, which is what rugby players are known for.
@taniwharugby Read a bit of the article - apparently there were unmistakable noises coming from the toilet...maybe violence after all!
@Crucial said in Aaron Smith naughty boy?:
At least he seems to have taught TJP how to pass at training (I haven't seen him pass as well as he did last week, ever)
As for his actions? Yes very stupid as the risk was very high that some dickhead would see him and run to the press with the story. As for the incident? I don't think he has a steady partner at the moment and if his current 'friend' wants to offer a quickie at the airport then so what? Hardly a hanging offence. No different to sneaking off in-flight to join the mile high club.
Not a good look for his employer though given that Ratpoo and the Herald seem to want to run anti-rugby stories every day at the moment.
Hansen referred to a partner in his statement, and the Stuff article names her and shows several pics of the couple.
What is it with NZ Rugby and women this year?
Steve Tew must be afraid to open a newspaper or turn on the TV/radio at this point.
Wonder why it's taken almost 3 weeks to come out...am sure the media would say NZRU trying to clean up quietly but I wonder if maybe someone was trying to get money?
@taniwharugby said in Aaron Smith naughty boy?:
Wonder why it's taken almost 3 weeks to come out...am sure the media would say NZRU trying to clean up quietly but I wonder if maybe someone was trying to get money?
Yeah. While cheaters are scum, and getting it on an airport disabled loo with a skank while 'on duty' is just gross, the OUTRAGED couple were weird. Staying in a bathroom with a little kid to record two people is rather creepy, unless they had financial motive.
I assume Sir JK will be ringing the ex girlfriend to apologise?
@Virgil I think we should all apologise. We've all done something similar.......well I haven't . Its lot of effort to even get a chick into bed with me and public toilet is out of the question . But if I was a highly paid all black and about 15 years younger there's a very slim chance this might have happened .
So sorry . -
@Mokey said in Aaron Smith naughty boy?:
@Crucial said in Aaron Smith naughty boy?:
At least he seems to have taught TJP how to pass at training (I haven't seen him pass as well as he did last week, ever)
As for his actions? Yes very stupid as the risk was very high that some dickhead would see him and run to the press with the story. As for the incident? I don't think he has a steady partner at the moment and if his current 'friend' wants to offer a quickie at the airport then so what? Hardly a hanging offence. No different to sneaking off in-flight to join the mile high club.
Not a good look for his employer though given that Ratpoo and the Herald seem to want to run anti-rugby stories every day at the moment.
Hansen referred to a partner in his statement, and the Stuff article names her and shows several pics of the couple.
OK, I was going by a little 'inside knowledge' of him hitting on someone I know by association (and being fairly open about it). Maybe everyone just knows he can't keep it in his pants.
@Crucial maybe she was ok with it but now it's been made national news sitting alongside Helen Clarke not getting the UN gig, it's a bit too much?
Those cretins that recorded it need to be named and shamed, because surely there is only 1 reason they did it...$$$
@taniwharugby there's probably an incredibly expensive engagement ring on her finger now and when this dies down a bit a women's day cover with them both looking relaxed and her reclining in smiths arms with a headline " how Aaron's toilet bj made our love stronger " ( I'm paraphrasing here).
A man wrote to the NZ Herald yesterday saying that he was at the airport with his wife and young children when they saw Smith "sneak" into a wheelchair access bathroom with a young woman who was not his partner.
"The pair were in the bathroom for 5-10 minutes and from the noises coming out of the bathroom there was absolutely no question what the couple were doing in there.
"Mr Smith then came out of the room on his own straightening up his white checked shirt and black dress pants (the All Blacks uniform they were all wearing at the time).
"About a minute later the young lady comes out of the same toilet cubicle looking equally suspicious. bolded textI myself did not have a problem with this... my wife however is protesting that this is disgusting for a public figure to do this.
From the Herald article.
The most distressing thing about this incident is that it is dividing families.
@Tregaskis said in Aaron Smith naughty boy?:
A man wrote to the NZ Herald yesterday saying that he was at the airport with his wife and young children when they saw Smith "sneak" into a wheelchair access bathroom with a young woman who was not his partner.
"The pair were in the bathroom for 5-10 minutes and from the noises coming out of the bathroom there was absolutely no question what the couple were doing in there.
"Mr Smith then came out of the room on his own straightening up his white checked shirt and black dress pants (the All Blacks uniform they were all wearing at the time).
"About a minute later the young lady comes out of the same toilet cubicle looking equally suspicious. bolded textI myself did not have a problem with this... my wife however is protesting that this is disgusting for a public figure to do this.
From the Herald article.
The most distressing thing about this incident is that it is dividing families.
Sounds like Steve Tew will be making a lot of phone calls this week, how many apologies will it be? 5 or 6 plus the hundreds affected at Christchurch airport that couldn't take a shit or change their kids nappy.