Highlanders v Sharks
Highlanders v Sharks
<p>Beast having anothe rmoan! </p>
<p>W T F</p>
<p>Nice kick after a great option from Accounts...</p>
<p>2nd moronic quick throw</p>
<p>carried back, 5m scrum...</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Highlanders still under the pump</p> -
<p>wow the landers are doing everything they can to lose this</p>
<p>Sharks win a penalty to take the lead back, form the scrum?</p>
<p>14-15 </p>
<p> </p>
<p>4 and a half to go</p> -
<p>that was off the foot?</p>
<p>okeef missed that white hand in there</p>
<p> </p>
<p>edit - i stand corrected on the replay</p> -
<p>Shark hand in there...messy</p>
<p>Reds loss, Sharks loss could be very costly come the business end of the year...... stoopid conference biullocks system</p>
<p>rushed that</p>
<p>How shit are the Sharks?</p>