Highlanders v Sharks
<p>rushed that</p>
<p>How shit are the Sharks?</p>
<p>game ends on a shitty Highlanders error.</p>
<p>2 very poor games in a row from the landers - Limas radar off was very costly too</p>
<p> </p>
<p>What concerns me the most is the incredibly poor options taken at times. Specifically quick line outs. </p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="hydro11" data-cid="574147" data-time="1461317175">
<p>Drop goal was a poor decision, IMO. Had to hammer away there. I think the pressure would have told in the end. It wasn't the time for it.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>yep, they still had about 2mins at the time, they could get it a few more phases before the attempt, if needed, although the handing up till then they woulda dropped it!</p> -
Hoping that last play ends talk of Osborne being an AB. Totally fluffed another attempt at catching a high ball too. <br><br>
Not really rating Fekitoa this season either. So often it seems he gets the ball and goes for a run with little to no support and only looks to pass once its too late putting pressure on his team to clean it up. <br><br>
Ever since blowing that lead vs the waratahs they have looked rubbish. Whats going on? -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="taniwharugby" data-cid="574152" data-time="1461317251">
<p>yep, they still had about 2mins at the time, they could get it a few more phases before the attempt, if needed, although the handing up till then they woulda dropped it!</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Or put the Sharks under pressure for a penalty.</p> -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Donsteppa" data-cid="574153" data-time="1461317348">
<p>Reckon the drop goal option was fine, he just missed a relatively straightforward one. It wasn't like every time a side got into the opposition 22m in this game that they scored a try.</p>
<p>Yeah, it's not why they lost anyway. The replacement props were terrible. Even given the red card, the Highlanders still should have won. They are a really good team but it will be hard for them to win the conference now.</p> -
<p>Fucken useless performance from the Highlanders. 2 in a row now just not good enough.</p>
<p>Worst game of Super Rugby I have watched all season. A total borefest. The 3 ABs in the Highlanders were generally good, and Squire went well. A stonewall red for Emery. Don't think the Highlanders are going to do the double.</p>
Aki saiuli been put into highlanders wider training group. Good choice I think,he has impressed me when I've seen him play.<br><br><br>
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
That's it, I'm over supporting the Sharks. Originating from KZN isn't enough to overcome half a decade of being the most boring fucking team in the competition. Even their wins are dull as all hell. Officially switching to Lions. I'd rather watch them lose in style than watch another eighty minutes of the Sharks winning through Jakeball or whatever they play now.
Red cards just completely ruin a game of rugby.<br><br>
Time for an overhaul.<br><br>
Yellow card 10 minutes in bin<br>
Orange card 20 minutes in bin<br>
Red Card sent off for entire match (only to be used for deliberately intending to injure a player through foul play i.e stamping on a head, king hitting someone, kicking someone on the ground etc.<br><br>
Orange cards should come with a mandatory 1 or 2 week suspension. Red cards 4 weeks+ -
<p><img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/13076939_10156910436060245_468768494949751394_n.jpg?oh=20076d14d3b8f875a9d68a8e5740bac6&oe=57A5563F&gda=1472030982_abf7e146e5dd2495feb15f8b6a47d3db" alt="13076939_10156910436060245_4687684949497"></p>