NZR review
It's the view of the mods that sharing one genuine paragraph of a paywalled story may be acceptable, if you link to it (to generate potential traffic for the news outlet), but if you wish to share more, just summarize it in your own words. Do not take the piss either by squeezing 3-4 paragraphs together to make it look like one.
As a rule, any news article posted on a Fern should have a link back to the original source.
@frugby said in NZR review:
@Godder The good money would be on some of the provincial unions being pissed off that an incumbent stayed on whilst those two fellas didn't get an interview, but that would then seem bizarre that the other incumbent stayed on.
The word is that the PUs weren't happy with Davenport and her stance when the different proposals were discussed earlier in the year.
My only thought on the board is a slightly uneasy feeling about Kirk being chairman. He was chairman of NZPA that threatened split if the board didn't get made uo how the Pilkington report suggested, as soon as they het it he stands as chairman?
A suspicious man could think he was maybe angling for the job. Not saying he was but just not quite right for mine. -
@Dan54 said in NZR review:
My only thought on the board is a slightly uneasy feeling about Kirk being chairman. He was chairman of NZPA that threatened split if the board didn't get made uo how the Pilkington report suggested, as soon as they het it he stands as chairman?
A suspicious man could think he was maybe angling for the job. Not saying he was but just not quite right for mine.Having Kirk in charge is the best news, they rolled back the changes to more like the NZRPA wanted, and now he will lead with some actual nous
@Machpants said in NZR review:
@Dan54 said in NZR review:
My only thought on the board is a slightly uneasy feeling about Kirk being chairman. He was chairman of NZPA that threatened split if the board didn't get made uo how the Pilkington report suggested, as soon as they het it he stands as chairman?
A suspicious man could think he was maybe angling for the job. Not saying he was but just not quite right for mine.Having Kirk in charge is the best news, they rolled back the changes to more like the NZRPA wanted, and now he will lead with some actual nous
Yep not real upset mate, just uneasy the way it played out. I not sure it best look. Also perhaps I just may feel better if the chairman lived in NZ so as to have finger on pulse, but to be honest I suppose he is not going to worry about grassroots?