FIFA World Cup 2022
Let me rephrase.
The media were "invited" to showcase Qatar at it's finest, through a carefully manicured lens of what they want to world to see.
They were not "invited" to run around willy nilly filming whatever they want, or even the truth for that matter.
The fact the above is a shock to some people in the media, in itself is rather funny.
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
Let me rephrase.
The media were "invited" to showcase Qatar at it's finest, through a carefully manicured lens of what they want to world to see.
They were not "invited" to run around willy nilly filming whatever they want, or even the truth for that matter.
The fact the above is a shock to some people in the media, in itself is rather funny.
Do you really think they are shocked?
Well, actually, they are probably are surprised/shocked at the incompetence inside the press room on this aprticular occasion. tbf.
We all like laughing at people misunderstanding their simple job. It's funny that a security guard has interpreted 'don't allow sensitive negative photography and reporting' that way. Worth a tweet, Nigel. Or do you think he is doing his job well?
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
You can tell I don't pay attention to these things
you seem to be passionate about something you dont pay attention too
weird hill to die on, Qatar should be able to do whatever they like
they may only care about fame and glory but it seems to be getting closer and closer to infamy than anything,not sure who though tent villages and drunk football fans was a good idea
@mariner4life said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
lol none of this shit matters, the only thing that matter is
FIFA delegates got fat fucking bribes, and can masturbate nightly with $100 bills. Well done them.
@Rapido I find the entire thing hilarious tbh.
Am I supposed to be shocked? Aghast? Appalled?
Are the media supposed to be shocked, aghast, appalled?
Or is everyone simply acting at how shocked, aghast, appalled we all are - when we all knew this was always going to happen and we shouldn't be surprised by it?
@Windows97 we can be appalled and unsurprised, reportedly more than 6000 deaths of migrant workers since being awarded the WC is appalling
@Kiwiwomble said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
You can tell I don't pay attention to these things
you seem to be passionate about something you dont pay attention too
weird hill to die on, Qatar should be able to do whatever they like
they may only care about fame and glory but it seems to be getting closer and closer to infamy than anything, not sure who though tent villages and drunk football fans was a good idea
I don't pay attention to WC schedules for soccer sorry, I do have a passing opinion which I shared on an internet forum, which I believe forums are for.
If I require a 20 page dossier with a cross referenced pair review I guess I'll go somewhere else.
My point - in case the humor in my posts is too subtle or potentially incomprehensible is that it's Qatar's WC. They set "the rules" whether we like it or not.
Considering it's all been done "for show" we shouldn't be surprised that the media is being over regulated on what they can and can not report on.
Yet people are acting like this is a surprise - well I'll be.
I can't wait for the reports to come out saying "I got arrested drinking the the WC in a country where drinking is illegal and I'm shocked and appalled".
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
The media don't seem to understand that "they" were not invited, nor that they are important, nor does Qatar give a flying rats shit about their "rights" or "feelings".
The only thing that matter to Qatar is the glory, fame and enormous cash windfall the world cup brings...And for Qatar it may not even be about the $$ as they're probably loosing $$ like crazy, it's all about the glory and fame for them.
But don't worry world media - I'm sure you'll be made to feel much more important in 4 years time when it's hosted in Russia.
I can't find an emoji of someone feebly clutching to a doorframe whilst braying like a donkey so I guess I'll have to type it instead.
So they want glory and fame but seem determined to trash their own reputation by treating the messengers like shit? Good strategy.
@Kiwiwomble said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Windows97 we can be appalled and unsurprised, reportedly more than 6000 deaths of migrant workers since being awarded the WC is appalling
And maybe - just maybe if the media made more of a shocked and appalled dance at this fact, rather than their inability to take a picture of a logo people like myself would give their craft and indeed - their competence at doing their craft more credit.
But that's just me being passionate about something I know nothing about
@Rapido said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Windows97 The price of buying a tournament your not socially or structurally adept to host, is pad press. Why are you surprised and shocked at this?
I'm not surprised by this?
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Rapido said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Windows97 The price of buying a tournament your not socially or structurally adept to host, is pad press. Why are you surprised and shocked at this?
I'm not surprised by this?
well, you sounded shocked.
@Windows97 no ones talking about being surprised about being arrested for drinking in a muslim country...the example given is press being told after the fact not to take pictures of signs and threatened to have their camera broken....yes, thats surprising as thats not something anyone thought wouldn't be allowed
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Kiwiwomble said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Windows97 we can be appalled and unsurprised, reportedly more than 6000 deaths of migrant workers since being awarded the WC is appalling
And maybe - just maybe if the media made more of a shocked and appalled dance at this fact, rather than their inability to take a picture of a logo people like myself would give their craft and indeed - their competence at doing their craft more credit.
But that's just me being passionate about something I know nothing about
....theyve made a huge deal about it...thats how people know about it
@booboo Yep it's a brilliant strategy - if only someone whose job is was to select the hosts for the WC could have foreseen this.
But as someone else has suggested they're probably all in the Cayman islands doing questionable things with large denomination dollar bills.
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
And maybe - just maybe if the media made more of a shocked and appalled dance at this fact, rather than their inability to take a picture of a logo people like myself would give their craft and indeed - their competence at doing their craft more credit.
The media have been making a big thing about this since the day the tourney was awarded to Qatar.
Sure it died down for a few years, but the last 12 months have been constant criticism of Qatar's human rights record, the way the guest workers are treated etc.
I don't think it's the media that deserve to be called out - it's hypocrites like Beckham and Neville. Who the media are also laying into.
I'm sure a buzz will eventuate but at the moment most fans seem to think this is an unwelcome interruption to the real business of club football.
@dogmeat yeah, its a bit of a perfect storm of disinterest from what ive seen
lots of people dont want to watch/go because of where it is (human rights issues, corruption etc), then there are those that dont care about those things but the tent villages etc dont make the time between game look like much fun...and finally the time of year, "club over country" is a big deal in UK football, so there are those that would normally go for a big pis trip but because it clashes with the regular season wont go
Interest is minimal for the moment. Not only for myself but even for in Switzerland itself, despite having qualified and being a reasonable chance to make the knockout stages. All that is bad about FIFA in this tournament.
the only good thing i can think about this world cup, wimbledon had chris gunter from wales and we get paid 5k a day whiles hes away, apparently its 3 weeks minimum...100k for a league 2 club is HUGE
@mariner4life said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
@Windows97 said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
The media don't seem to understand that "they" were not invited, nor that they are important, nor does Qatar give a flying rats shit about their "rights" or "feelings".
The only thing that matter to Qatar is the glory, fame and enormous cash windfall the world cup brings...And for Qatar it may not even be about the $$ as they're probably loosing $$ like crazy, it's all about the glory and fame for them.
But don't worry world media - I'm sure you'll be made to feel much more important in 4 years time when it's hosted in Russia.
I can't find an emoji of someone feebly clutching to a doorframe whilst braying like a donkey so I guess I'll have to type it instead.
the last one was Russia
The next one is North America
Party pooper, you spoiled his ‘narrative’
@Kiwiwomble said in FIFA World Cup 2022 (men):
the only good thing i can think about this world cup, wimbledon had chris gunter from wales and we get paid 5k a day whiles hes away, apparently its 3 weeks minimum...100k for a league 2 club is HUGE
That is pretty neat. I assume if it's in the traditional window they wouldn't get that compensation?
I wonder how many other small clubs in lower leagues/outside Europe are getting a significant cash injection.