Welcome to the grumpy old man thread.
I'm not sure 51 counts as old and to quote @dogmeat ...
@dogmeat said in Results of the RWC XV voting:
@Hooroo Laugh while you can piston wristed gibbon
A helluva lot of you pricks are now older (not wiser) than I was when I joined TSF.
You'll be off to the clinic for your first colonoscopy before you know it.
... but grumpy? Fuck yeah.
So it's not a colonoscopy but why the fuck do retirees feel the need to turn up so early for blood tests when those of us who are still having to work for a living have to queue behind these people who could sleep in a bit?
Posted from Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology clinic, sitting with 15 in the queue, two of us of working age.
Go back to bed Boomers. Us GenX have to get to work.
@booboo I feel your pain.
Similarly why the fuck do they have to do their shopping at the weekend? FFS you stupid old fluffybunnies you have all week to buy your incontinence pads - why wait until the supermarket is packed with us wage slaves at the weekend.
Also have your fucking card ready lady. I understand you probably have early dementia but surely it's not a shock that you are going to have to pay for said incontinence pads and / or that you will struggle to find your card in the small houselot of bric-a-bac and assorted shit you call your handbag. So please God don't wait until everything is swiped through the reader before you even contemplate looking for it.
Finally the checkout operator is not your friend. They do not need to hear about your hip operation while the rest of us wait. Thank fuck for self checkouts - although just last week I stood in line for one of those to clear while some old dear parked her trolley and waited for someone to appear and process her shopping for her.
I think they do it just because they can. Miserable old fucks taking delight in pissing the rest of us off
this thread is going to get delicious
I feel like we will hit a lot of tangents, but seeing as we have started in supermarkets.
Don't park your trolley on one side of the aisle, and then browse the other side, thus taking up the whole fucking aisle
Don't stop at the congested end of the aisle, and take your time to consider if you need to go down that aisle.
If you have a trolley full of shit, don't fucking go to the fucking self serve checkout and hold the fucking rest of us up. In and out fuckers.
Mothers in the supermarket on weekdays piss me off. Yes you're a Mum with a couple of brats ... doesn't mean you have extra permission to do everything @mariner4life just wrote below.
You could write a whole book about how people ignore supermarket etiquette.
One that fuckin' annoys me is people with a trolley stopping in the middle of an aisle to have a conversation, and blocking everyone else from being able to go past them.
12 items or less aisles! Don't you turn up with your 13th item!!!
I have once been asked to come into the 12 items or less by the checkout operator and I told them I had 15 items and couldn't! It's a principle thing.
Self Serve Checkouts should have a time limit on them. IMO they exist for people in a hurry so don't fuck around.
Special hate reserved for those that make the self serve a 'learning experience' for their children and let them scan things!When they first came out in NZ my niece begged me to let her do it - that lasted about 30 seconds as it took her that much time to scan one bloody product.
Although she's turning 20 this year and she's still f-king slow at scanning stuff.
I'm definitely cynical beyond my years posting in here for the last decade with you grumpy old men.
Self Serve Checkouts should have a time limit on them. IMO they exist for people in a hurry so don't fuck around.
Special hate reserved for those that make the self serve a 'learning experience' for their children and let them scan things!100%. The assholes that bring their trolleys down the self-service checkouts do my head in.
Supermarket pain seems to be amplified when in the UK. At least in NZ the staff usually at least try to be helpful.
I very quickly learned that most of the pain could be removed using an online supermarket. Lucky for us the distribution centre was not far so if you booked an early morning delivery slot 99% of the time you were first delivery and didn't have to wonder when they were turning up.
Found I spent less as well as you don't trawl the aisles or make impulse purchases as easy. Just check and adjust your usual items and hit go. -
You could write a whole book about how people ignore supermarket etiquette.
One that fuckin' annoys me is people with a trolley stopping in the middle of an aisle to have a conversation, and blocking everyone else from being able to go past them.
12 items or less aisles! Don't you turn up with your 13th item!!!
I have once been asked to come into the 12 items or less by the checkout operator and I told them I had 15 items and couldn't! It's a principle thing.
That one is on you. If I have 15 items and that aisle is empty I'm in it.