@shadowtrooper said in The Silverfern Updates:
You know us grumpy bastards hate change!
There is some competition for grumpiest bastard on the Bella Vista thread. It is being called curmudgeonly, but near enough.
I am starting to realise that I really am a grumpy bastard.One of my employees rang me this morning when I was doing accounts (hence me messing around on the Fern). There was a cock up from one of our suppliers and she told me that we need to call them, would I do it if I had time?
Yes sure.
A few minutes later she calls me back after speaking to another employee, her boss, and says that it might be better if she called them rather than me as we might need to use this supplier again! I get no respect, fear perhaps but not respect.Yes I am going to try to create another "test ignore", not quite as good as "guns and strippers" but legendary nonetheless.
"This is a comment" is pretty good for a title too. Oh and everything works fine with the update...
a couple of things (one maybe a browser issue at work??)
1 When I go into a thread, say the U20 one, it takes a very long time to load, my guess is due to all the embedded links to Youtube? Unsure if this is a browser issue or if other have same problem?
2 When in a thread, you used to just click on The Silverfern at the top and took you back to the forum, but now, it takes you back to the front page. Obviously the categories tab next along takes you to the main forum page showing all the different forums, but not straight back into the main one.
@taniwharugby said in The Silverfern Updates:
my guess is due to all the embedded links to Youtube?
1st issue - yes embeds slow things down
2nd issue - it always did. You had a custom setting you added. I just re-enabled it custom home, it had toggled off
Yeah, itβs still not working. Not much time at the moment.. will investigate in a couple of days
The Forgotten Password Link (via email) is incorrect. It has the IP address ( instead of the FQDN.
The token still works if you append it to http://thesilverfern.com/reset/token-goes-here
@regex said in The Silverfern Updates:
The Forgotten Password Link (via email) is incorrect. It has the IP address ( instead of the FQDN.
The token still works if you append it to http://thesilverfern.com/reset/token-goes-here
Thanks for pointing that out
The email sends the correct link now
@billy-tell said in The Silverfern Updates:
My browsers say the website is "unsecure"...should I worry...???
You can use a https link now
https://www.forum.thesilverfern.com/ -
@Duluth I don't seem to get notifications from the other Forum categories anymore - I.E. when someone is picking apart one of my posts in Politics. Couldn't see anything in the settings to turn it back on?
Test @No-Quarter
@Duluth I got that one, but it's the other categories I haven't been getting. Sports Talk seems OK.
It should be good from now on
I just set everyones default to on 5mins ago
Not sure when it was switched off.. probably in the last week or so
@Duluth OK awesome, thanks!
Does anybody else get the issue on mobile where when they reply to a thread they don't get the 'Submit' button? Then have to refresh a couple of times to get it to reappear.
NB: My phone is, in IT terms, EOL/EOS and doesn't get any OS updates anymore etc, so not sure this is worth looking into if others don't see it.
Yeah me too. Also the menu button on the top left often and randomly plays up. E.g.. I'll "thumb" the unread box but recents or categories or users page will show up instead. Some times it's menu items above my target ' thumb", sometimes below and sometimes it'll work fine.
Samsung s8.
TSF Updates 05/06/2018