Americas Cup
@kiwiwomble said in Americas Cup:
@bovidae yeah, seems an obvious fit....we'll probably end up partnering with a super cars team at best
Yeah I can see it now....Dick Jones Racing Team NZ sponsored by Jennian Homes
@kiwiwomble said in Americas Cup:
@tim so strange that all those countries think the america's cup is big enough to bid to host...but none have teams of their own
from memory valencia was actually pretty good so hopefully they can recreate in Barcelona
Barcelona? Not a surprise I guess, seeing as one of TNZs sponsors is Estrella Damm. And they used to be sponsored by camper. Not sure now
@kiwiwomble said in Americas Cup:
@canefan yeah, not surprising to hold a sailing regatta...just shows much of a bigger step putting a team together is
When were they last in the AC? Have they ever been in it? Last time Valencia was host it was Bertarelli's team who were the defenders
@canefan yeah...thats what im saying, i cant remember spain ever having a team but they obviously still think enough of it to try and host it. you imagine that putting a team together is a lot more effort than hosting the event
If Auckland couldn't secure the funding necessary for the team to mount a successful defence, then out of the other options, Spain is a no-brainer.
We've had ridiculous mismatches in boat design, court cases, teams from landlocked nations...
i'll definitely still be backing the team too
I'm sort of torn. Dalton has a reputation as being fantastic to his sponsors but has certainly given the middle finger to govt - local and central.
Auckland didn't get the anticipated benefits of hosting because of Covid and always needed a second regatta to make the thing work, but it did provide infrastructure that will be round for decades and accelerated the redevelopment of Wynyard Quarter.
Maybe we should have stumped up more - Anything that brings visitors back to Auckland has to be a good thing, but is the impact of what is really a minority sport overstated
Should finally expose to everyone the myth that this team has a national identity - no more so anyway than something like F1. We are likely to be the Italians - support Ferrari with nationalistic fervor but all the other supporters are about the manufactures / drivers.
It certainly does sound like the Cup is getting more expensive. I thought the new class was supposed to avoid that. Would we rather host here and lose or in Spain and win? Dunno. We certainly have sold some of our competitive advantage. Just imagine if TNZ has sold its soul for pieces of gold and still deliver a debacle like the 2003 defence....