@kev I honestly dont think you can hold leaving when he did against him.
I expect being offered a role paying about several times what you are currently earning would be very tough to turn down.
But I dont think he should be splitting his role between here and there, so doubt he is gonna leave that role for this role
His first year with us was a hangover from Bozo, where our team had been full of imports, the 2nd year I thought we were making good progress making the semi finals and was looking good for the next season, alas, the Yen came knocking.
So then it comes down to McLeod and Whitcombe, I wonder if Whitcombe would work under McLeod if he is then allowed to split his time?
Regardless what the players say, I expect McLeod will be tarnished by these past 2 seasons, plus he is not a local (not that that bothers me) and I know plenty from aorund Club footy have issues still with this. I even hear whispers that some dont even like the fact the likes of Nock and Goodhue come back after being away.
Cant bloody win really...pick all out of towners, moan...pick only players playing locally, moan, pick all Northlanders (although what exactly is this??) and lose by more, moan.
@taniwharugby So those that are criticising players for being away on super contracts don't actually want Northland players to progress in rugby. So they wouldn't get a bit excited about the Pryor boys making MAB's? That seems like a pretty petty attitude. Nock was away at world u/20's for a good part of the season. Or do you mean going away for High school, then coming back to Northland? If that is for real, that's total bull. What about those that go away to uni? These guys are loyal to Northland, it's not something that has been seen for a dam long time.
@taniwharugby gee, whoever has a problem with Northland youngsters who were (in most cases) lured away for better education and rugby IMO can't want the best for Northland.
I'm not saying you're wrong for one minute, but I really struggle to believe anyone could have an issue with it.
Northland doesn't have much a of a 1st xv scene to speak of, so you cant blame them for going. Then we've gotta welcome them back with open arms.
Anyone who disagrees is a bloody moron.
End of.
@Northlandallday It isn't me, I love that these guys come back and expect this is the thinking of the vast majority was just what I hear from the odd person I have talked too. I certainly tell them it is daft reasoning, but there is no telling some people.
Like you say it is great these guys come back from schooling elsewhere, the fact they still want to play for Northland despite the fact it would probably be better for their careers if they took up contracts elsewhere is awesome.
Northland fans, while being very dedicated also seem to have odd thinking sometimes.
I am happy with people playing club footy here and being selected, we need these guys to improve the level of people here, and super players show people the path available to them.
@taniwharugby I know what you are saying but I still hold it against him. I want the next coach to be someone who wants to build a legacy rather than use us as a coaching stepping stone. Is that too much to ask of our ITM coaches nowadays? Maybe.
Also It would be good if had someone at least with a real Northland heart in the coaching camp out of the two coaches.
I completely agree with comments above. Players moving about because of education and opportunity etc. anyone that comes back should be welcome if they commit to 2 and 3 year contracts.
@kev I guess the issue is, Mitre 10 Cup is only a stepping stone now, to either Super rugby or overseas, or if keen to stay in NZ, maybe U21 or NZ Maori, in theory I like the thought they are going to create a legacy of sorts, but I don't think you'd get too many that will stay at the helm beyond 4 or maybe 5 years (are any current Mitre 10 coaches ones that have been about for a significant amount of time in a single stretch)
Auckland - 1st year?
NH - 2 years?
Waikato - 2 yrs?
Taranaki - if still Cooper, he's been there a few years hasn't he?
BOP - 2 years?
HB - 3 years?
Manawatu - 2 years?
Wellington - 2 years?
Ta$man - 2 years (although continuity with McDonald being there for a while with Keane)
Canterbury - Robertson had been there about 3 or 4?
Otago - 1/2 years?
Southland - no idea TBH. -
@taniwharugby the question to be asked is why the coaches are not coming from our own ranks. Do we not have a development pathway? Or do we think that outside coaches are somehow better....
Surprised the union have'nt announced the new coach yet,the name i am hearing is Derrin Whitcombe as the Head coach,seems like its the worst kept secret in Northland at the minute,as for his running mate,that seems up in the air at this stage,hence the hold up,from what i have gleemed,hes not back in NZ until April 2017,which probaly thinks i am leaning towards Dale Macleod,simply because we will require someone to oversee the job until Whitcombs return,and as least will have insight into the current contracted players..
One player who wont be returning is Jack Ram,Ram has signed with Doncaster Knights,not 100% sure,but i think they are in the English RFU Championship division,would like to wish Jack all the very best,has been a great servant to Northland rugby..! -
@Steven-Harris yeah is a shame to see Ram go, always have to think his eligibility has held him back, feel he was under rated by many who didn't get to watch him week in week out, that said, I am surprised we had managed to hold him as long as we have.
Excellent ITM/M10 Cup player, looks very capable for Tonga as well, and a top guy to boot - TR Jnr has met him a few times at some of the Northland open days and he is excellent with the kids and always has a smile, good luck with your new team!
This is the official media release of Doncaster Knights about the Jack Ram signing. It doesn't say anything about the duration of the contract, but I assume it's only for the rest of the season as he comes in as injury cover (for Beau Robinson). The Knights currently sit at 6th (of 12 teams) on the 2nd tier Greene King IPA Championship table.
Yeah I've heard the DW rumour too. But then considering NR announced the CEO a month after he had a NR email address its not surprising no announcement. Guess they're wanting it to be an U dramatic announcement. Like Harris' departure.
I struggle to understand the smaller unions though and why they're suspicious of puta town coaches. Should we be wanting the BEST coach available with the best plan ? Not just looking at local cos it makes us feel good ....until they do no good. Good luck DW though. Maybe 2nd time round will be better -
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