Aussie Cricket
@NTA nasty blow for Voges, hope he is OK. Potentially career ending if he cannot play the next test.
Selectorial merry-go-round for aus. Guys in, then out. 6 changes for Adelaide, could have been more with Lyon's replacement injured
@No-Quarter said in Aussie Cricket:
@NTA nasty blow for Voges, hope he is OK. Potentially career ending if he cannot play the next test.
That selection may not matter - as @mariner4life has just implied: its a fucking dartboard selection-wise right now because no change is bad change, and we've essentially got nothing to lose.
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
Imagine what it would look like if the ABs lost 5 straight tests, it's basically that.
Oh, I don't know? I reckon we would be more mature about it....................................................
While Australian cricket has been imploding, Faf got nabbed for ball tampering.
If you've seen the video, it's pretty bloody obvious he's got a mint in his mouth and is using it to shine the ball. Like he's testing his fucking gag reflex, reaching back that far.
Did it make a difference? Fuck knows. Warner has said it didn't apparently.
Got ugly at Adelaide airport when a Channel nine reporter got in the way of the team, trying to get a comment, and was man handled by a staffer from the proteas.
The outcome of the hearing was 100% match fee as a fine, free to play this week. But he's going to appeal it.
@NTA said in Aussie Cricket:
While Australian cricket has been imploding, Faf got nabbed for ball tampering.
If you've seen the video, it's pretty bloody obvious he's got a mint in his mouth and is using it to shine the ball. Like he's testing his fucking gag reflex, reaching back that far.
Did it make a difference? Fuck knows. Warner has said it didn't apparently.
I guess it's like a lot of things - make it a blanket rule so they don't have to come up with a ridiculous test for how much is necessary.
Got ugly at Adelaide airport when a Channel nine reporter got in the way of the team, trying to get a comment, and was man handled by a staffer from the proteas.
I can understand the irritation when press get in your personal space pissing you off.
The outcome of the hearing was 100% match fee as a fine, free to play this week. But he's going to appeal it.
Faf knows the rules, he should pay the fine and be thankful he's not banned for the next game.
I am dead against that press prick from Nine getting in their way. As another media person put it: Channel Nine have the best access as host broadcaster but Faf can't say anything anyway, so why bother?
That said, I think Faf has acted the prick a couple of times now - the mint and the pat on the shoulder to Aleem Dar after his decision was overturned - so he can suck it up.
Expecting the appeal to be a wet bus ticket
@booboo said in Aussie Cricket:
Should get a ban.
That's going to be hard to police. Heck, it's hard enough with a fine:
- Is Saliva OK to shine the ball with? (yes)
- What about sweat? (yes, but only if natural)
- How long after eating a mint can you shine the ball? (no idea)
- Do you need to have designated ball shiners who don't eat mints? (how do you enforce it?)
- How about sun cream and hair gel - if you wipe sweat off your brow and onto the ball, should that be a ban too? (yes, to be consistent)
what Faf's been pinged for is being obvious. Lesson: don't get caught, and don't make it obvious.
ridiculous charge. Massive over-reaction from the ICC, and the Aus media looking to deflect. Footage comes out of Warner doing the same thing in the test got no charge (too late apparently), and the same for Kohli in India. Can of worms.
Fuck that Ch9 guy, it's about time that happened.
Nick i can't believe an Aussie fan is having a go at an opposition player for acting like a prick. You blokes practically invented that type of behaviour on the field, and took great pride in it.
@Tregaskis said in Aussie Cricket:
The Guardian is a great read if you stick to its sport. Don't make the mistake of reading its USA / Politics section or you'll be forced to believe that genocide in the US commences on Jan 20.
For a while there I thought the Guardian was a branch of the Labor party like Get Up!
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
Nick i can't believe an Aussie fan is having a go at an opposition player for acting like a prick. You blokes practically invented that type of behaviour on the field, and took great pride in it.
First of all: Nice whataboutery.
Since you've decided to go that way, I hasten to point out that every time we do something untoward, the shrieking and whining from many people (you know who you are*) is apparently justified under the Ancient Pact of "Dirty Fucking Aussie Fluffybunnies".
If Faf patted an AFL umpire on the shoulder like that, he'd have the book thrown at him. Dar was clearly not impressed at the time.
The fact that he was being a complete fucking arsehat about it cannot be excused, even in light of my citizenship.
*Yes, I mean @Virgil
@NTA said in Aussie Cricket:
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
Nick i can't believe an Aussie fan is having a go at an opposition player for acting like a prick. You blokes practically invented that type of behaviour on the field, and took great pride in it.
First of all: Nice whataboutery.
Since you've decided to go that way, I hasten to point out that every time we do something untoward, the shrieking and whining from many people (you know who you are*) is apparently justified under the Ancient Pact of "Dirty Fucking Aussie Fluffybunnies".
If Faf patted an AFL umpire on the shoulder like that, he'd have the book thrown at him. Dar was clearly not impressed at the time.
The fact that he was being a complete fucking arsehat about it cannot be excused, even in light of my citizenship.
*Yes, I mean @Virgil
leave the shrill people out of this, the adults are trying to talk.
It's not whataboutery at all, i just find it interesting an opposing captain acted like a piston wristed gibbon and you are up him for it.
The AFL comment is however spectacular whataboutery. There is a far greater tolerance for physical contact in cricket than in football codes.
Faf has not covered himself in glory, but then, i think he's probably a bit of a cock. I just find the "you can't come here and act like that" from certain Australians to be the height of hypocrisy.
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
i just find it interesting an opposing captain acted like a piston wristed gibbon and you are up him for it.
Anyone acting like a cock should be pulled up for it. I've done it for several of our players and captains in the past.
And if Faf did it here, there, or anywhere, it wouldn't matter. Being a dick is being a dick.
Maybe I'm more lenient with my team when they're winning, but right now, they're fucking NOT.
@mariner4life said in Aussie Cricket:
@NTA no, they really aren't.
The outcome of this next test will be very interesting. If Aus win, how will it be viewed? But even more interesting, what if they lose another one?
Either a vindication of giving youth a chance, or evidence that you need more first class experience...