Aussie Pro Rugby
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby in general:
@mariner4life said in Aussie Rugby in general:
Look, it's kinda stating the blatantly obvious, but if the only reason you are keeping the coach of the national rugby team in Australia is that you can't afford to replace him, then that is possibly the worst piece of governance of mainstream political sport that i have ever seen.
Which would be ignoring all the other issues they've created through shit governance and stewardship of the game.
I point you back to my previous comments regarding one DO for all of Western Sydney.
Yes, it is de rigueur to bag the tripe out of Michael Cheika and ignore all that other peripheral stuff, such as packed out Club grand finals one couldn't get a ticket to, followed by a quarter century of appalling management at State and National level, exacerbated by internecine warfare between the unions, interrupted briefly by a successful World Cup followed by a mad scramble by the ARU to spend the $42 million profit as quickly as it could. That has included new head office premises of course. Twice.
So little attention was paid to player development that we have not fielded a genuine first five since the current assistant coach for the Wallabies left the field in 2007, we couldn't field a front row for a decade without giggling with embarrassment and we had to turn to League to find some clapped out backs - one of who spent 50% of his period in the sick bay. Another spent a good deal of his time admiring Bryan Habana galloping by, turned in frustration to bonking on tour, then departed suddenly mid contract after targeting a young lady from the family of a senior rugby figure.
Not to be deterred the ARU went full blown corporate - Mosman cattle man as personality CEO 'n all, forgot the lessons of the fleeting Rodney Blake phase and plucked three wunderkind straight out of pre-school to rescue the game. They couldn't tackle, reliably pass a ball, kick it in a forward direction every time or recognise that the other blokes dressed like them were part of their team. Skipping two or three years in Club rugby possibly probably had everything to do with that. After spending a couple of million each season on their fabulous off field lifestyles their on field mediocrity per dollar shone through and that all fizzled out, praise be to Allen the Profit.
Back to coaching - when Michael Cheika was invited in the ARU needed him way more than he needed them and he did the deal a good businessman would do, including unilateral decision making. He arrived with the political protection of the most powerful NSW faction and the clear understanding that, after the board meeting to appoint him, to clap him on the back and to assure him that he had their full support and their individual vote, several of them would hurry off down the hall in whispered conversation:
"We've got to get rid of this bloke quick smart - he's from Queensland for Pete's sake / he's from New Zealand for Pete's sake / he's from bloody Randwick for Pete's sake / he's the Matraville Mafia's man. Call The Group together, we need a one year plan."
The ARU now has a new woman as chief boofhead, with no background in the game, new stationery and a very strong position on religion. Her performance has been - well - unremarkable.
It is so easy to forget the poisoned chalice handed to, and accepted by, Michael Cheika on conditions set by him. I still back him as the best available (no, no, no - Jake's best days were some years ago now) he has tried many new players and many combinations without success and the elephant in the room, to me, is the deeply embedded low quality of player stocks feeding through the system which I have briefly outlined above, and the alarming self evaluation/RUPA opinion of their worth. To repair this devastated sport is a five year task, or more, and the only innovation this Board and this new CEO has come up with to improve the quality of rugby upstream is nothing.
Brett Robinson ran a high performance program for some years but I don't recall hearing about any high performance graduates. Pat Howard just lost a similar job at Australian Cricket for Cheats - don't laugh, they may yet slot him in quietly.
The ARU has mimicked all the politically correct corporate behaviours - a management review by a former Federal Minister in 2012, former champion players who govern as ably as former champion players, new board members who have come and gone, a banker as CEO on a fabulous salary, a recent CEO who fell on his sword and an empty bank balance, new vote distribution, a new name, wymminses and a strident position on Amazon delta old growth forest fires.
Scott Johnson. Scott succeeded the reliable Roy Saunders at the Mighty Woods as first five and introduced profligate kicking of hard won ball, all day long! Eastwood had a long history of fine wingers - Ian Williams, for example - and he had Marty Roebuck up the back but, no, kicking was the way to go and we just had to get used to it. He departed with our good wishes and did alright in coaching overseas for a bit, going back in time.
With this one appointment the ARU has broadcast that they are bereft of ideas. Scott's best years in coaching are in the past but, in any event, where is the demonstrated need for a fourth coach? I haven't bothered to read about it but I assume he has some selector veto, which means division and anger and walk outs, to facilitate some cunning plan by the ARU managers-upon-managers. Enter Pat Howard, for he has famous rugby breeding?
I agree with observations up the page by:
- mariner4life:
He witnessed Cheika as an after dinner speaker: "Cheika was super impressive." ... "and i have to say, my opinion has changed".
I found Robbie Deans to be as good in person too - remember, the demonstrably successful coach who our precious tulips believed was not worthy of their attention? The anti Cheika crew here have many more worthy suspects to target than him.
- jegga on Nov 2:
Commenting on Dowager Auntie Raelene's stiff pursing of her lips and hands on hips at Michael Cheika, and her demand that he perform: "Poor bastard was mauled by a dead sheep".
She is fair dinkum of no worth to the ARU, useless ballast.
For rotated on Jul 9: "He (Cheika) has told us many times he is filthy rich and doesn't need the job." Has he? Really? Tell me when he has said this.
@rotated said in Aussie Rugby in general:
@antipodean said in Aussie Rugby in general:
At best those videos show he has friends/ acquaintances who make poor decisions. I'm not sure what the media wants the ARU to do about it.
It's some point it almost becomes impressive that he is around it so much and isn't caught on camera having a sniff.
With nostrils the size of Beales would you share your stash with him ?
@Mick-Gold-Coast-QLD you rant at an aspirational level . That was superb.
I feel - I feel (sniff) personally moved. That is the nicest thing anyone has said to me since those mongrels Balmain feigned injury to halt the Mighty Rabbitohs' momentum in the '69 Grand Final! Mongrels!
Ooops - now I have a repressed memory episode coming on, I must find my medication.
Beta Mick -
He’s been having hair follicle drug tests for the past year:
@KiwiMurph said in Aussie Rugby in general:
@Duluth smart move by the Tahs.
k'n oath - he's a talented player.
@antipodean said in Aussie Rugby in general:
k'n oath - he's a talented player.
Where do you think the Tahs will play him?
@Duluth said in Aussie Rugby in general:
@antipodean said in Aussie Rugby in general:
k'n oath - he's a talented player.
Where do you think the Tahs will play him?
Outside Beale - we're light on outside backs with most of them being better wings (Cam Clark, Curtis Rona), Folau the Younger is a winger only and Alex Newsome on the bench because he's "versatile". That leaves Hunt to beat Foketi who is a bit young but has promise. On sheer talent Hunt should be able to make the position his.
On Suburban rugby for a second - Renegades Rugby are looking like having a decent start to the season for the first time in a few years, as we've already organised our coaches, and our playing roster might even have enough to field TWO Grades entirely this year. There will still be a mix of old heads for reserve grade, and the kids we picked up last year are likely to return and play there instead of being forced to go up against grown men.
Most importantly, we've been able to get a few of the 20somethings back in the tent after a season or two out in the wilderness, or at other clubs. Our average age for First Grade forward pack might even drop below 35!
I'm no longer President, thank fuck, though I've picked up Club Secretary for my troubles - I was basically doing both roles last year anyway.
Looking down the barrel of a 14-round season + finals, and only a single wet weather reserved week which could be iffy. We didn't lose a single week to rain last year, but you can bet fate will fuck us and provide the wettest winter since forever.
The big news is we no longer have to share with soccer, and that means the guy running the mower for Council can cut the grass at a height somewhere above root level. Fuckers.
Hopefully it'll be a good season, and a few other clubs can step up into fielding 2 Grades for regular competition.
All those in favour of @barbarian pulling the boots on for Kings Old Boys again, say aye.
@NTA aye
@Machpants said in Aussie Rugby in general:
FFS re-arrange this common saying ' in brewery a piss-up organise Couldn't a"
It is understood Rugby Australia has begun discussions with coaches of the four franchises about resting their Wallabies players for multiple games this season. The move, designed to keep the Wallabies fresh for September's showpiece in Japan, mirrors a policy that has worked effectively for many years for two-time defending world champions New Zealand.
My point was the super season has almost started and 'talks have begun', and star Wallabies have no idea when, or even if, they'll be rested. NZ SR teams know exactly what is happening, and have been able to plan for that since last year.
""Hopefully, there is a plan and we're not just playing it by ear," Foley said. "There needs to be a balance around the amount of football we play and getting the right amount of rest."
Hopefully? Fucking awful
Really? I like this bit more:
Newly appointed Director of Rugby Scott Johnson has been added to the set-up alongside coach Michael Cheika after the Wallabies slipped to sixth in the world following a disastrous 2018 Test season.
But Foley said there was no talk of the new structure, or whether under-pressure assistant coaches Stephen Larkham, Nathan Grey, Simon Raiwalui and Michael Byrne would remain in their posts for the main event.