Sports Memorabilia
Cool display
Right - so, me grandfather passed away last year, and we're currently clearing out his house.
He played a couple of seasons for Taranaki, back in the day.
Along with some team photos - one thing we came across - was a menu card for a "Complimentary Dinner - South Africa v Taranaki, 1956"
...with quite a few signatures on it
On the inside - 9 signatures, including my grandfathers - presumably Taranaki players.
On the back, however - 20 signatures, with some very South-African sounding names.So... anybody know whether this would be of interest to anybody? Should we be looking to sell it? Donate it?
(the game was a draw by the way - 3-3... and my grandfather's biggest regret was that he was in the reserves, in the days when they were truly reserves, and never made it onto the field to tackle a Springbok)
@Kruse If you are going to donate it maybe the TRFU might be interested. The same would apply to the NZ Rugby Museum. But if it isn't something they would display a private rugby memorabilia collector would be the best option to get some money.
Fund Raising for the family of a Counties Ref that has passed away.