Aussie Community Rugby
@Kiwiwomble said in Aussie Rugby:
you have wet weather rounds?....we play in the rain
Not the Field Of Dreams, but other clubs don't have the surface (or drainage) we have
and they have to deal with Councils who refuse to invest in good drainage, therefore close grounds if a dog pisses on it.
So, For anyone interested in my little club drama last week
We got an email on wednesday saying one of our guys had been cited from the match a month ago and he had to rock up to barristers chambers last night, no other information provided.
We get there and have to wait as theyre going through a couple of citing, finally get our turn and we go in...and the proceed to read like sevel statements all from opposition players making our guys out to be some sort of thug who single handly made the whole team feel unsafe and thats why they forfeited
Before my guy gave his side of things i jumped in and just pointed out thats a little one sided, none of our players had been consulted and it didn;t seem 100% balanced to make a judgement just on statements from guys that had a vested interest in the outcome
also pointed out theyd had 3 weeks (supposed to be within 72 hours) to craft these statement and we only found out about it the night before
crock of shit, got them to give us a week to collect some additional statements
@Kiwiwomble Does the referee's report not corroborate your side of things?
@Kiwiwomble If they are a pack of unsavoury folk that do not play within the spirit of the rules (I know that is a cricket term but should also apply to the supposed gentlemen's game of rugby where one of the tennents of the sport is that the referee is the sole judge of fact and any decision they make should be accepted as sacrosanct and treated with respect, even if through gritted teeth on occasions!) then other opposing teams/clubs will also have had to put up with their unsavoury behaviour. If they succeed with their citing then those other clubs could well side with you guys and cite every possible misdemeanor they observe that said team might do and they could well come to regret their howlybagging.
thats actually similar to a thought one of our coaches had, theyre claiming that they'd had 4 games in a row where similar stuff had happened and the ref hadn't protected their players...we saw it as are they going into these games looking to start shit and quickly turning to the victim, so we wanted to go back and see if theyre had cards in the games prior
@NTA fuck that then
we actually just had to put the pressure on one of former 1's from last year, played in the final but had said he was doing family stuff this year...then we heard another club was tapping him up and he was about to "sign" as they pay rego and provide full kit etc....boys had to give him the old "you dont jump clubs" speech...turn up last night but it was close
these other clubs must have someone bank rolling things to pay rego and kit etc
@Kiwiwomble said in Aussie Rugby:
boys had to give him the old "you dont jump clubs" speech
Don't Dog The Boys
I even cut these guys a deal because they're driving a long way - and our standard rego is only $150 to start with!
Have over 80 guys registered for two grades. About 15 of those you can chuck away as vaguely interested, but not really committee. That is still more than enough for 3 Grades but if blokes are named on the 2nd Grade bench they start dropping off.
But if you're not going to turn up on the day, knowing that guys drop out and your opportunity is there, how does that help anyone?
Sorry for putting on free beer and pizza after home games, BTW....
we dropped ours to $200. It use to be $325 or something but that included a training top, shorts and socks...then we had everyone saying they didn't need new stuff as they have "last years" we split them...and now everyone is "what? i need to buy kit?"
legit have people turning up on a sat in track pants asking for shorts...obviously id want the uniform but surely if your going to a game you take some training short just in case!
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby:
It is possible to set up a Third Grade game but it's a lot of effort and other clubs want to play at fuckall o'clock at their home ground. Fuck that.
see, we have to field 3 grade, if you dont you dont qualify for finals
@Kiwiwomble said in Aussie Rugby:
we dropped ours to $200. I use to be $325 or something but that included a training top, shorts and socks...then we had everyone saying they didn't need new stuff as they have "last years" we split them...and now everyone is "what? i need to buy kit?"
legit have people turning up on a sat in track pants asking for shorts...obviously id want the uniform but surely if your going to a game you take some training short just in case!
And people wonder why you get burnt out running clubs? It's so f***ing frustrating!
@Kiwiwomble said in Aussie Rugby:
legit have people turning up on a sat in track pants asking for shorts
Got a new manager in the club - great guy but knows nothing about rugby. He's got all these great ideas but is yet to truly appreciate that most of our player base are guys under 30 with the attention span of gnats.
Mate I love your enthusiasm, but most of these guys literally just want to turn up, play footy, have a beer and go back to their lives.