Rugby Podcasts / Panel
Rugby Podcasts / Panel
@Tim They just broadcasted the first episode of the 2023 season. There are several replays scheduled, this week, but I assume they'll post them on YouTube or the Rugbypass website again, too.
If you can't wait, here's the audio of the first episode:
This one must be good because I am on it 😁
Haven'lt listened to it, yet, but this should be good:
The Aussies have started their version of the Good, Bad and the Rugby podcast featuring an Aussie comedian (I can’t remember his name), Drew Mitchell, AAC and Matt Giteau.
Would be awesome if there was a Kiwi version to replace the dated Breakdown.
This was an enjoyable watch. Casual yarns and talking shit between rivals. So much better than the bullshit served up by Sky these days.