NZ Cricket
NZ Cricket
6 for 5 in 13 balls
Too early for bed
What time is it in Nuzild?
10 o'clock? And 20 overs to play?
Late finish.
Timmah on a hattrick
Where not to bowl a hattrick ball Timmah.
Reminds me of Putaruru club cricket ..
So. Given ourselves a chance. 24/3 off 3
Getting rid of Suryakumar would help.
Injuns just teasing our fielders at the moment. Just dropping where we can't quite reach to drop them ..
Hard Dick going along a bit too well
@KiwiMurph said in NZ Cricket 2022:
Feels like Pandya is gonna take the game away from NZ.
Going at 300 ... 21 off 7
@KiwiMurph said in NZ Cricket 2022:
Feels like Pandya is gonna take the game away from NZ.
We lost it batting
Edge on snicko not referred
103 off 84 reqd