2015/2016 Premier League
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mariner4life" data-cid="579004" data-time="1463019378">
<p>You've had problems in the midfield, and central defense for what feels like a decade, and they are never fixed. You also really need a striker, Giraud is not good enough to be the main man for a team of Arsenal's stature. Sanchez will burn out and leave if you don't give him help. </p>
<p>Dirty is off post season so no worries there.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>For all our ropiness, it is more our constitution, we were cruising at one stage but then just lost the mettle late Jan</p> -
<p>From the Man Utd Twitter Feed:</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Due to the discovery of a suspect package in the NW Quadrant of the ground, the match has been abandoned today on police advice. <a class="" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/mufc?src=hash">#<b>mufc</b></a></p> -
Opps, the "Old Trafford" bomb was a training device left there after an exercise. Terrible way to treat your fans, especially the two guys who flew especially from Sierra Leone and Mumbai to see their team in action. Even worse way to treat the Bournemouth fans, who travelled hundreds of pounds for nothing.<br><br>
Manure should forfeit point from the match and face a hefty fine. -
I'm hoping that in the long run Spurs will learn more from that defeat, than Arsenal do from their victory. They've already learnt for example that they're not that hot without Dembele and Alli. Reinforcements are needed,<br><br>
As for Old Trafford. What a gigantic clusterfuck. A private security firm must be looking at paying out some hefty damages.<br><br>
United have refunded all tickets and will give those ticket holders free entry to Tuesday's rearranged fixture. It will cost them around £3m. -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Hooroo" data-cid="579999" data-time="1463347935">
<p>Happy St Totteringhams day everyone!</p>
<p>Spurs did a brilliant impression of being non-Spursy all season - and then it all came in a rush right at the end. With 4 games to go, many "pundits" (pundits = the same people who have been spectacularly wrong with all predictions this season) were proclaiming that Spurs would pick up 12 and so Leicester would need at least 8 to win the title. As it happened, Leicester did get 8 ... and Spurs got 2.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>August 2014 - April 1, 2015 Leicester had 4 wins and 18 defeats.</p>
<p>Since then Leicester have had 30 wins and 4 defeats.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>It is totally crazy.</p> -
Straw clutching of Arsenal proportions. <br><br>
Leicester pretty convincing in the end. Good season. Let's hope next year doesn't revert to type -
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mariner4life" data-cid="580183" data-time="1463389905">
<p>Straw clutching of Arsenal proportions.<br><br>
Leicester pretty convincing in the end. Good season. Let's hope next year doesn't revert to type</p>
<p>If you're referring to me I didn't say it wasn't disappointing!!</p>
<p>This is Leicester packing out Victoria Park!</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="https://scontent.fadl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13243740_10153705170811795_3287127080516472825_o.jpg" alt="13243740_10153705170811795_3287127080516"></p>