Ok fellas, I need help. I have been a very occasional golfer at times, just hack around a few holes at times with mates. Never got close to 100 for 18 holes (probably only tried a couple of times, and nowhere near 50 on 9 holes. I have a set of Cleveland HB3 irons, about 15 years old.
So now I retired and getting older and slower I decided I might try a bit of golf, joined a local club (Eltham) just a small country club. They have a 9 hole haggle on mid week which suits me at this stage etc. Thing is I tempted to get some new clubs, the ones I got now don't quite feel right, ( they almost look like hybrids) and while in gold warehouse salesman reckoned a set of GWX Platinum men series would do me nicely. thay seem pretty flexible graphite shafts, but becuase they had a few trying clubs I didn't get a chance to try them. Anyon got any advice etc, I don't want to spend a fortune and at 67 , I not going to play forever, and swing speed certainly not going to increase. -
@dan54 well you certainly need to try them, ideally on a course rather than just the range.
I just googled those clubs, and yeah they arent 'standard' irons by the look (personally never been a fan of most Cleveland stuff which tended to be a bit different)
But at your age, there are certainly plenty of clubs that can assist you, so ideally try a few different ones, there are alot of variables to golf clubs, but ultimately, you will know if it feels right.
I know this dude is pretty divisive, on tour with players and fans, but I like watching him hit the ball (hate his putting set up)
Saw a post earlier showing him playbthe 18th, the amount of people ripping him for only making par and shooting 60 was ridiculous.
@taniwharugby said in Golf:
I know this dude is pretty divisive, on tour with players and fans, but I like watching him hit the ball (hate his putting set up)
Saw a post earlier showing him playbthe 18th, the amount of people ripping him for only making par and shooting 60 was ridiculous.
Hatiest!! Was glad he didn't join the club.
Just a massive bellend.
Anyone watching the Ryder Cup?
Some vocal crowds...even some booing, singing, chanting while players hitting shots
@taniwharugby said in Golf:
Some vocal crowds...even some booing, singing, chanting while players hitting shots
That's really shitty.
@taniwharugby that's insane
Yesterday the comms were like 'it's late in the day, been a few beers drunk' or something to that effect