Hawkes Bay Schoolboy Rugby
is there a stream for the current game? MAGS vs Whanganui Collegiate on the stream you posted.
@delicatessen This game is on a different field!
top man
Cheers for the updates @Stargazer
Not a whole lot of point making the final going by Hamilton BHS result against Scots - 49-0 and Scots played relatively well.
I can't figure out whether we're lazy or just unflustered on defence. Seems like we hang back on tackles a lot in broken play.
@delicatessen They're way too casual. On attack that still works reasonably well, but they need more urgency on defence.
That's the third game I've seen today where the losing team scored a try to get themselves within 7 points close to the final whistle, but didn't even try and hustle back in time to kick the conversion and restart. Incredibly frustrating to watch, even against our own.