Aussie Pro Rugby
The Australian has obtained the email chain where McLean writes to Wiggs saying his “closeness” to Matt Carroll, the current Australian Olympic Committee CEO who has been suggested as the next Rugby Australia boss, “would be a concern for most Boards. So how do we apply separation”. McLean suggests that Magellan executive and incoming board member Hamish McLennan would be a more suitable chairman. McLean proposes that Carroll and McLennan meet “immediately”. The email from McLean reads: “What if we get Hamish and Matt together immediately, and if Hamish is comfortable (with Matt) and to come to the Board early, and as designate Chair, we could appoint Matt (Phil (Waugh), Dan (Herbert), Brett (Godfrey), and me would support). You remain a lead director, without the Chair title which was never your desire, anyway, Matt gets the role he would like, and we get a good CEO immediately. “I can only presume you hate the politics as much as me, so I’m keen to get this resolved. I put Rob on hold, but that won’t last long. Maybe a chat in the morning.......... Rgds PM” Wiggs then replied to McLean saying he would resign today. “Hi Paul, This is a very disappointing email, what little regard I had for RA Board is now extinguished. I tried calling to discuss. I will resign tomorrow. Regards Peter.”
I'm glad to see that I'm not only right (along with many others), but the petulance and fucking ass-hattery clique bullshit is out in the public domain.
Let the fucking joint burn. Maybe after, people who actually give a fuck can build something out of the ashes.
The most pathetic part is the way journos like Jamie Pandaram has jumped into this with purpose.
Reds Rugby have released a statement.
Basically every state other than NSW supports current board.
The Chairs of the following Australian Rugby provincial representative bodies (ACT & Southern New South Wales Rugby Union, Queensland Rugby Union, Rugby Victoria, RugbyWA, Rugby Union SA, Tas Rugby) release the following statement in support of Rugby Australia’s ongoing process of reform and renewal:
“As the Chairs of Australian Rugby’s provincial representative bodies and as constitutional members of Rugby Australia (RA), we are fully supportive of the RA Board’s ongoing work around reform and renewal, which has been underway for a number of months.
“While the COVID-19 pandemic has created its own set of extra challenges during this process, RA Chairman Paul McLean has our complete support to continue this process of transition.
Aussie Rugby in deep financial doodoo.
Perhaps they could sell off some silverware? ............. ... Oh!
Concerns over Rugby Australia’s solvency have been raised by its accountants KPMG due to an additional $7 million owed to former sponsor HSBC, as a result of a currency hedging strategy.
The Australian understands RA has liabilities in excess of $20m and KPMG have yet to sign off on the 2019 annual report.
There are questions about whether any funding available from World Rugby will be enough to meet all the organisation's’s known liabilities plus the hedge.
New South Wales chair Roger Davis has major concerns about rugby’s future and the game currently facing a $120m revenue black hole because of COVID-19.
“I am seriously worried about the financial viability of the game,” Davis said.
“It is running at a big loss. Our financial position is dire because we have no revenue. There’s cash pressure, no broadcast money; the solvency of the game is at risk. It’s why there are rumours that we are close to Voluntary Administration and trading insolvent …
“We don’t have six months to fix this, Rome is burning, until the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, whatever comes along, we are running fast out of cash. This is a cash game. The game is under threat.”
The currency hedge was first set up under the leadership of then chief executive Bill Pulver and chair Michael Hawker. The board had hoped the currency hedge was going to go up and claw back some of the losses but it had not eventuated before COVID-19 hit.
The annual report remains unaudited and is yet to be submitted to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
World Rugby’s rescue package is understood to be in the region of $17m and sources say it is expected to drop next week.
The Australian understand RA is trying to renegotiate its hedging strategy with its bank HSBC, as one observer said Rugby Australia is currently “kicking the can” down the road.
Before RA director Peter Wiggs’ sudden resignation after Monday night’s heated board meeting – after his request to install Matt Carroll as CEO was shot down by his fellow RA directors – the Archer Capital boss had been looking at the books.
Wiggs had paid for two of his own staff to go through the RA financials.
The Australian understands after looking at some of the financial details Wiggs said at a rugby meeting: “This the worst-run business I have ever seen”.
Nick Farr Jones, one of the 11 Wallabies captains who signed a letter two weeks ago calling for transformational change at RA, said he was impressed by Wiggs’ financial nous early on and was disappointed he had left.
“He alerted the board to the flashing red lights and he was the one who understood his duties as a director, and he was the one who raised; ‘hey guys are you sure we are a going concern’?” Farr-Jones said.
“I think the board is partly hiding behind the new softening of the ASIC ‘going concern’ rules during the COVID-19 period. They are relying on this expectation of income coming from World Rugby.”
Farr-Jones was disappointed by Wiggs’ resignation.
Over two weeks ago Wiggs met former Wallabies captains Farr-Jones and Phil Kearns, as well as RUPA boss Justin Harrison, to listen to their concerns and help push the game forward.
Wiggs told them that over four days he would do a “deep dive” with “due diligence” into Rugby Australia to learn more about what the issues were and then he would set up “three pods” of experts to review the game over a month.
“I was extremely comfortable with what we agreed going forward,” Farr-Jones said. “That was for Peter to effectively do a deep dive, with one of his work out guys, into the operations of Rugby Australia including, as I understand meeting with a lot of the former chief executive’s direct reports. The process that we agreed after that, was there would be three pods put in place. Which would effectively deal with the whole of the national game, from a sustainable business up to the community game. All aspects of the game.”
Farr-Jones said representatives from the member unions would be involved in the ‘pods’, as well as RUPA, and Rugby Australia. Each group would do a one-month review.
“Then they would come back with recommendations for approval by Rugby Australia,” he said. “Having met Peter I knew he would work hard, unlike a lot of other rugby non-executives he was prepared to roll up his sleeves and use some of his expertise from his private equity group.”
Farr-Jones said there had been a good response from Wiggs but soon communication dried up.
“And then, I don’t know because I haven’t spoken to Peter Wiggs since, we have exchanged one or two texts where I’ve tried to understand where he is coming from,” he said. “This is not a criticism of Peter, but he went off-piste, and that was disappointing. I thought we had a process.
“What I gather is the board just didn’t like or accept that all of a sudden Peter came in with various demands as to who would become CEO etc … I understand that. I get that. You want to do things by consensus.”
@antipodean really? Deep Dive? Pods?
those sort of corporate bingo bullshit words piss me off no end. NFJ gone down in my estimation.
Up in my estimation - Dingo Deans holding it together over there for (checks google) 6 years
NFJ hasn't endeared himself to me as chairman of the NSWRU.
NFJ is fucking typical of his ilk: talented rugby player, but an utter hypocrite.
EDIT: All these fucking "legends" think that she'll be right if we just turn back the clock 20 years and let the talent just emerge through a combination of good, old-fashioned private school buggery, nods, and winks.
This is the Good Christian that decided to forward a bit of cash to pay an ex-Wallaby's home loan in the guise of grant money. Fuck what a fluffybunny. Every time these people open their simpering yap they make me want to retch.
Or it could be the Friday arvo zoom drinks at work. Whatevs.
@Nepia said in Aussie Rugby:
@NTA said in Aussie Rugby:
NFJ is fucking typical of his ilk: talented rugby player, but an utter hypocrite.
What's Genia's role in all this? Is he still an Oz halfback I can like?