Plans for Saturday
@JK said in Plans for Saturday:
@Snowy said in Plans for Saturday:
@mariner4life said in Plans for Saturday:
I've over stocked.
No such thing. You could have a typhoon come through, some other natural disaster, anything could happen. I was relieved to hear that @gt12 had adequately prepared and made it through Hagibis with a surplus.
As for Saturday -imagine if we were to lose, and there was no alcohol?
Or even if we win actually.
Yep disaster.My old lady actually stocked up hard on wine ahead of Y2K. She likes her wine anyway so I think there would usually be at least 5 or 6 cases in the house on any given day but I recall in late 1999 that pretty much half the garage was taken up by her reserves.
My kinda girl. Nothing wrong with doomsday preppers, and if the Paddies were to win, things aren't going to be good around here. All forms of sedation should be readily available.
I maintain enough alcohol across beer, wine and spirits to get roughly 30 pax drunk on any occasion., just in case. You never know when the lads are going to drop over thirsty.
I may well get through half my supplies on my own if we lose on Saturday night.
I remember drinking an awful lot of JD's and coke in the NZ-Aus semi in 2011, and then barely touching a drop in the final!
@taniwharugby said in Plans for Saturday:
I remember drinking an awful lot of JD's and coke in the NZ-Aus semi in 2011, and then barely touching a drop in the final!
I was the same during the final, was too nervous to even pick up a bottle during the match. Warmed up well and made up for it afterwards though.
Iv'e been warned by Mrs JC that if I'm going to get all tense and shouty she won't stay up to watch the game with me. Sad face. Also, so I don't disrupt her beauty sleep I'm expected to sleep in the spare room. So just me and a bottle of red then. I'm thinking a bottle of Tom that I've been saving. Or I've got some 2015 Coleraine, which even sounds Irish.
Miss TA has her 12th Birthday party at the local Strike Bowling 6PM.
So my Saturday evening from there through to 9-9:30PM will be death stares at the male classmates she has invited along, while looking at my phone occasionally and saying "fuck it" or "fuck yes".
I should wander in just in time to see Ireland's response to the
racist marketing agendahaka, and see how long they can hang with thedirty cheating filthAll Blacks. -
Sleep in, as will be in hotel bed in another city..get up, have a couple of panadol as the head likely to be splitting. Find a local cafe to replace caffeine. Find a pub by lunch to take the edge off.
Make an excuse as to why I have to go to the TAB before being dragged to a friends wedding by my wife. Try watch a few races beforehand
No one at the wedding is even likely to have an interest unless I tell them, the typhoon means they need to get their 4wd's out to get there, or fishing has just got a whole lot more exciting.
Will have to drown my sorrows listening to Cold Chisel and only drinking option probably VB, or some sweet sparkling.. I feel like a bogan already... On the off chance I get back to civilisation in time, head to the comfort of the hotel room, crack a bottle of red and watch the feed on the laptop.
...I havent asked the wife, what she is doing yet lol
I was going to do a quiet one at home but I happened to be at a Irish bar midweek which was all decked out for the WC so I've now booked a table there. Risky move for sure if results don't go my way (or even if they do...), I'll be the only kiwi rest of the group being an international assortment of friends, not really rugby fans but coming along for a gander anyway.
My plans are head off at 1:30 to get to McLean Park by 2pm for the Tui's semi-final, before the 4:30 Magpies demolition of Otago.
While I am out, the parents in law and sister in law turn up from Auckland. I hit the local chippie on the way back to grab dinner, then settle down to watch the world cup games with some beers and snacks.
Did I mention that the inlaws are Irish, Hmmmm...
I have fridge and beer fridge, wine fridge, 2,000 bottle wine cellar, (sadly down to <500) and my own Williams Warne micro brewery with 4 kegs ready in case of "emergencies".
@dogmeat said in Plans for Saturday:
2,000 bottle wine cellar, (sadly down to
did you have a heart attack before finishing?
@dogmeat said in Plans for Saturday:
I have fridge and beer fridge, wine fridge, 2,000 bottle wine cellar, (sadly down to <500) and my own Williams Warne micro brewery with 4 kegs ready in case of "emergencies".
I have 2x fridges, but I have no wine fridge and my cellar only holds about 200 bottles - I feel so ashamed, must remedy this somehow!!!
@Stockcar86 A little bit worse than your own family (not yours of course) being Irish I suppose!!!!
I downsized because I realised I didn't have enough time left to drink all the wine I had accumulated and after pouring several cases of very expensive wine down the sink decided to sell a lot off before it became totally unpalatable.
I live alone so I don't crack open a bottle to drink on my own - the whole wine exercise has been a bit of a folly TBH