Rough tips and other bets...
Had to create multiple accounts to put on more than $25 on Winx.
@hooroo said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
Winx. What a star.
Watching that makes up for my awful day on the punt.
I had the Opposite Day. Had best day on punt in a long time. True love was on fire with recommendations and 4/5 came in. Had to give her half though which stings.
Love Winx. Easiest Cox Plate win of past three.
So much for Benbatl being a big test, that race was over with 750 to go
What a horse, Imagine riding it, and just knowing that your only job is staying out of trouble?
Four wide? No worries, just truck on and show it to her three times and you're gone. I loved how easy she did it, with 500 out, you'd have to be a muppet to not see how easy she was going compared to everything else. I love it. It's what you watch the ponies for.
I can't think of any horse better in my life - I think you'd have to go back to the early 70s to find something so far ahead of everything else to compare her to.
Wow wee lads what a farken weekend!
Arrived Melb Friday, straight to the casino and after a hot tip on a pukekohe runner from one of the boys, the weekend kicked off to a flyer and just kept peaking.
Got home yesterday evening with a sore head and hardly able to speak but would do it all again in a heart beat. Plenty of winners to well and truely cover the cost of the trip.
The valley is a great spot. Very small and funny shaped but amazing atomosphere. Some quality fillies on display too.
It was obvious after just a couple of racers you needed to be leading or at least strongly on pace to have any real chance (unless you were a super horse). We all took good avantage of that plus a few whispers from a few of the lads who work for various stables.
Couple pics
Oh yeah Cox Plate run....farken perfection there. Knew had to be close and get out a bit earlier than usual. Did so and Benbatl thought had a chance I think but no way. The great mare just pulled away beautifully.
First 6 pages of the paper there yesterday was winx plus a 24 page insert all about her. Amazing
That's awesome. Mate and I thinking about next year. Manikato friday night Cox Plate saturday double.
Had two winners at Happy Valley yesterday while pissing up that covered Saturday's losses
@jk said in Rough tips and other bets...:
Derby Day tomorrow peeps so 4 group 1s! Should be a cracking arvo of racing
Yay! Biggest race day of the year. (Even though I prefer Boxing Day and New Years day races)
Tattyboglar off to Ellerlie for Melbourne Cup day.
Stoked that I will have to work!
god the spring carnival is just relentless isn't it? Every weekend there is something big. And then Tuesday as well!
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
god the spring carnival is just relentless isn't it? Every weekend there is something big. And then Tuesday as well!
Do you get to poke off for a half day as tradition?
@hooroo said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
god the spring carnival is just relentless isn't it? Every weekend there is something big. And then Tuesday as well!
Do you get to poke off for a half day as tradition?
yea, I'll go to the local track as per every year (member, may as well) punt here, punt there, punt everywhere, drink a few stubbies. Solid way to spend a Tuesday
Anything else would be un-strayan
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@hooroo said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
god the spring carnival is just relentless isn't it? Every weekend there is something big. And then Tuesday as well!
Do you get to poke off for a half day as tradition?
yea, I'll go to the local track as per every year (member, may as well) punt here, punt there, punt everywhere, drink a few stubbies. Solid way to spend a Tuesday
Anything else would be un-strayan
Well you are more Aussie than most I know, so fair cop mate!
Have a go on the boglar at Ellerslie.
@hooroo said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@hooroo said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
god the spring carnival is just relentless isn't it? Every weekend there is something big. And then Tuesday as well!
Do you get to poke off for a half day as tradition?
yea, I'll go to the local track as per every year (member, may as well) punt here, punt there, punt everywhere, drink a few stubbies. Solid way to spend a Tuesday
Anything else would be un-strayan
Well you are more Aussie than most I know, so fair cop mate!
Have a go on the boglar at Ellerslie.
struth! deadset! The ref is against us!
You might be right
@hooroo said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@hooroo said in Rough tips and other bets...:
@mariner4life said in Rough tips and other bets...:
god the spring carnival is just relentless isn't it? Every weekend there is something big. And then Tuesday as well!
Do you get to poke off for a half day as tradition?
yea, I'll go to the local track as per every year (member, may as well) punt here, punt there, punt everywhere, drink a few stubbies. Solid way to spend a Tuesday
Anything else would be un-strayan
Well you are more Aussie than most I know, so fair cop mate!
Have a go on the boglar at Ellerslie.
I will be at ellerslie mate so will def be on
Middle of the biggest carnival of the year and the thread is so quiet! Even dudes who only watch horse racing one day a year are normally on these threads around Melbourne Cup.
Had a pretty shit day punt-wide on Saturday. Did okay at Flemington, but should have stayed out of Sydney and Adelaide...
What are we looking at for tomorrow? My usual rule is, put a line through the favourite, and any horse that hasn't had a run in Australia. But that takes out all the biggest chances this year (per the media).
I've stuck early money on Rostropovich in the mid-20s. Outside of that, fuck knows
@Hooroo did the Boglar get scratched?
Any good tips for tomorrow?
tossing up between CliffsofMoher, Magic Circle, Cross Counter and Ventura Storm as a bit of a roughy. Normally tend to stay away from the favourites for this race but Magic Circle and Cross Counter would be 2 of 3 in favouritism tomorrow I think.
Only found out the field today but I'm going 9/10/24 for my annual useless trifecta. Might also put some coin on Prince of Arran too.
@mariner4life yep scratched!
For MC - its farken lottery. As said previously ive got a few futures at good odds including the fav but at $61 (not $67 as i incorrectly posted a few weeks back). The other futures are:
Avilius at $27
CIiffs of moher at $29
Magic circle at $24
Muntahaha at $33Had a couple of others but not running. I just throw expiring bonus bets at stuff like this when I've got nothing i'm liking at the time.
So what have I added recently? Best solution.
Ive boxed the 6 for the tri with a $50 bonus bet. Gets me 42% (of potentially nothing).
Lots of chat re cross counter and marmelo over recent few days. I dont like Marmelos last run, was all over the shop. Cross counter looks a decent type. Never run more than 2400m but that means bugger all given neither had almandin or rekindling, the last two winners. It's probably the one that worries me most out of the small amount of horses I've left out. I will probably end up on this horse at some point today.
Really interested to see how this race unfolds. I dont think there is a huge amount of pace so most horses should see out the distance. If it runs that way then Avilius will be in the finish along with Best Solution.