Magpies v Northland
And as soon as I type that some more feeble ripper like defence (shudder to even describe it as tackling) sees Rene Ranger in for another Northland try. And even before I finish this Marino Tu'u scampers in for a HB try directly from the kick off for a more agreeable scoreline of Hawkes Bay 19 - 17 Northland 20 minutes now played.
Right, I've had enough of this shit. At least one player has the word GOD prominently written on some of the strapping on his left arm. Well sir, perhaps you could ask for some devine assistance in getting some help with your fellow players effing useless and unacceptable attempted tackles. Needless to say Northland in for yet another try.
Hawkes Bay 19 - 31 Northland after about 28 minutes. We await Nepia's insightful comments about this debacle if he is still with us come half time. -
A couple of very classy touches by McLutchie, setting up two tries now.
Canes4life said:
A couple of very classy touches by McLutchie, setting up two tries now.
Yep, he's taken to this level well. Hopefully Toala gets a run by the end of the season too.
I have taken the unprecedented defensive precaution of hiding all the sharp knives well away from getting easy access to them and placed a solid defensive screen in front of the television to prevent any heavy object striking the TV in the almost certain likelihood that something is going to be hiffed in that direction if the tackling continues to be as piss poor as what we have had to suffer so far.
Higgins said:
Number 10 said:
This morning's Dominion Post is quoting Hawke's Bay @ $1.62 and Northland @ $2.20 (obviously as at yesterday when the article was wtritten).
If HB is currently @ $1.95 then that would suggest someone has put a HUUUUUUUGGGGGGGEEEEEEE bet on Northland.
The Bay now paying $2.05 and Northland at $1.77. This has the hint of money coming in from Calcutta. At least we can now legitimately claim the underdog status.
My flag has mysteriously turned up, albeit it with the pole no longer with it, but my Sin Bin HB Rugby Supporters Club jersey has now gone walkabout. The beanie and scarf are still waiting to be discovered! No.1 suspect has booked themselves in for my Sunday Roast after the Argies game and before the Canterbury match. Might just find himself denied dessert until said items can be located. No wonder things are not going good on the field when one of the most one eyed fans cannot dress themselves in suitable attire.Come to think of it I can't find my 1980's knitted black and white scarf that I've worn to every Magpies game (in winter).
And I haven't unpacked my lucky undies since my move back to the Bay a couple of weeks ago (also from the 80's)
Stockcar86 said:
And I haven't unpacked my lucky undies since my move back to the Bay a couple of weeks ago (also from the 80's)
Hahaha, undies from the 80s?
I have a pair of those HB Draught undies from way beck when. Brand new with tags if I were to advertise them on TradeMe. Never been worn but I suspect there would be some sort of deposit made in them had I taken their virginity tonight and worn them given the crap we had had to suffer so far.
Yes, those HB Draught Magpies undies.
Why does no one want to tackle?
mariner4life said:
Why does no one want to tackle?
No fikkin idea.