v Manawatu
We were our own worst enemies tonight...concentration lapses with so many unforced errors in scoring positions.
Finally Poo bombs a try
Ffs...we didn't deserve to win this, but should have still managed to
Standing soooooooo deep and static
Ranger took that about 15m behind the gain line there and still got monstered
Ref miss that knock on off ranger passing off the deck
As an unbiased watcher your problems looked to be more a case of little individual moments of decision making killing you. That just got worse and worse as 'panic' slowly set in.
I can't believe how many forward passes I saw. Not so much from poor timing but from the passer trying a pass when it wasn't on.
I haven't seen other Taniwha games but I assume that in the ones you won it was the same good basic play without the headless chook moments? -
@crucial yes except the first half v BOP and the last 10 last week....
Yea was just too many errors at crucial times, and many were not hugely under pressure, was just a case of eyes getting wide for the space or opportunity that was presented.
Very disappointing match, that should have been out of reach by 60mins or so if we had converted our opportunities, but we didnt and Manawatu took almost all of thiers.
@taniwharugby error wise bloody close to it. We were our own worst enemies in this one. One bullshit TMO call, but other than that no one to blame but ourselves!
The Manawatu hoodoo continues. Sick of losing to those twats
So gutting that we should still be in touch with Wellington all but gatanteed home semi, instead we will be fighting for a finals spot away
@taniwharugby we can still do this. We are playing some tough rugby but we should do this at their end of the ground. In many ways we played really well. I think we just need to play the % a bit more. I love the team we have this year andwith a win on Wednesday we will be good.
@kev don't get me wrong, I love this team and think if they click could go to Wellington and win, but we need to be converting our chances.
That is the disappointing thing, creating so much.
That said I don't like our set up, so many times they had guys in out back line, yes a few times off side but also not, something not quite right there.